Is there anything salvagable about nu-simpsons?

I just rewatched the first 12 seasons and am tempted to get back into it.

No, this show NEEDS to be cancelled.



Why not just not watch?

No, this show SNEED to be canceled.

It SNEEDS to be cancelled?

This show fuckin' sucks. The writers don't listen to any feedback. The seeds of destruction were planted back in The Principal and The Pauper and the show has never returned to its former glory.

This show feedin' seeds.The writers don't listen to any fuckback. The sucks of destruction were planted back in The Principal and The Pauper and the show has never returned to its former glory.

Welp, credit where credit is due.
It is and always was a shit tier meme though.

while I believe everything past season 11 or 12 suck ass

you wouldn't thin the principle and the pauper was THE episode that ruined the Simpsons you fucking faggot. you just read that somewhere or watched too many YouTube videos. have an original thought for once you fucking meme

>Cancel Nu-Simpsons
>Bring back the show as "The New Simpsons"
>Bring back original warm looking animation
>Hire voice actors who sound like Marcia Wallace and Phil Hartman
>Bring back their characters
>Write scripts based on Simpsons comics from the good old days

Could easily get like 10 good seasons out of it.

Formerly Chucked

Well, pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.

>Springfield is only half a mile wide
I never imagined Springfield to be a one-stoplight town.

Based sneedposters

>o-other people said the principle and the pauper sucks so it doesnt!

No. It's absolute fucking garbage. Seasons 1-8 are kino. 9-11 are the noticeable decline but a few good ones are sprinkled in with the mediocrity, and "Behind the Laughter" functions as the closest thing to a series finale that we're ever going to get. Everything after that is complete dogshit.

>and "Behind the Laughter" functions as the closest thing to a series finale that we're ever going to get
I thought the movie accomplished that role, was I mistaken?

>Is there anything salvagable about nu-simpsons
I'm not really sure. The main characters have become such awful caricatures, the side cast as well, and the writers obviously have run out of ideas and rely on whatever guest start of the week they can get.

Maybe accumulate good ideas for every 5 to 10 years and make a movie.

Aside from that, just let it die. The first few seasons are timeless classics, the rest should be buried in a landfill somewhere in the desert.

The movie came well after the series had already turned shitty, between seasons 18 and 19 I believe, and honestly while it kind of reeked of nu-Simpsons to me at times I couldn't help but enjoy it a bit just because it was fun seeing The Simpsons on the big screen. There's really not too much finality to the movie, but if you want to watch it after binging the good seasons it's a fair stopping point as well. It made me desperately wish we had gotten a film during the golden age though.



Currently on season 23 of my watchthrough. Yes the show has certainly declined quite a bit since the golden years, but its still "watchable". Every once in a while you'll get a gem. Otherwise its just an average cartoon.

>Lisa used to be a likeable and even relatable human being



Which are some absolute kino episodes post season 15?


eternal moonshine of the simpson mind

I believe that seasons 13-17 were the renaissance of the series and had so many great middle year episodes. Then after that it just went completely downhill

>had so many great middle year episodes
Which ones did you enjoy?

I miss Troy and Lionel Hutz aka Dr. Nguyen Van Phuoc

The Simpsons seasons 3 through 7 is the greatest television show of all time. Period. Every single episode is perfect.

They really should have ended the show when the movie came out.

The three part anthology of homer being king Henry the VIII, the Christmas episode where homer buys the unnecessary Astrolabe, and the one where homer bands together to smuggle medication across the order from Canada are just a few great ones

Well, anons, I chuckled, despite your shitposts


The middle year’s were when the show had the perfect balance of originality and self-referentialness

Please recommend more great Simpsons episodes past the 15th season.

>this is Martin's actual line in that scene
What did he mean by this?

>Show’s renewed for Season 31
>Al Jean and the others, adamant that it’d be cancelled at 30, quit
>They’re replaced by 24 year old newbies who graduated CalArts and seek inspiration from the PPG reboot
>Season 31 begins airing in December 2019 and is shunned by critics and audiences
>new characters, PC morals and references to decade-old memes plague the show
>it’s so bad people tune in just to see how bad it is
>FOX gets their highest ratings for the show since the mid-90s
>the show has a prosporous future ahead of it



>They'll Never Stop The Simpsons!
>Have no fears, we've got stories for years, like
>Marge becomes a muslim,
>Maybe Linsa gets a sex change, has Bart ever loved a man?

I thought the butterfly effect episode was pretty good except for the ending


I have the DVD of that christmas special, it was a nice nod to the Grinch and a nice christmas special overall.

I found those avarage, with 20-onward swinging from decent to bad.

good with dashes of great

>10-13 great
You got that backwards


Very good
Still solid
Exponentially worse with each season sprinkled with a couple (though steadily less) high notes.

eh maybe. didn't put too much thought into those rankings anyway

This user is correct. Seasons 1 and 2 are a little rough around the edges (honestly just 1 really, 2 is pretty much pure kino) whereas 10-13 are showing noticeable signs of decay and have hardly any of the original writers remaining at that point.

It's fascinating how zombie Simpsons still manage to continually get worse and make people push the start of them further back by making shit tier Simpsons look decent in comparison.