Heh, see you around, kiddo

>Heh, see you around, kiddo

Other urls found in this thread:



>it was supposed to be the way I want it to be!

>When Rian Johnson "Projects"


Luke, did I every tell you the story of Jake Skywalker? He was so powerful in the force he could project himself across the galaxy. This hologram, as he called it, would allow him to survive any attack. Unfortunately using that technique killed him. Ironic really. He was a good friend.

It was supposed to be good, but Rian subverted our expectations yet again!


This is an article from a Disney shill who had the nerve to post "Star Wars failed in China, but that's okay"

I think the biggest issue with that whole sequence was a tonal clash. There was despair at the Resistance being cornered, whatever the hell Finn’s interrupted sacrifice was supposed to convey, then hope as our hero arrives. This gives way to amazement as he tanks every shot and then humor after he fights we realize it was all a ruse, complete with quip. Then we seem him floating in the lotus position and we understand the sheer power he must be able to wield, amazement yet again. Then...he dies. Well shot, well acted, great music, but there was no build up to that. No tension. The best we have is an aside quote by Kylo an hour earlier, which is now used to justify this sudden swerve

Oh yes, this article is the one where he said it had the biggest second week drop off in history (but that's also okay and no reason to be alarmed, investors)

I will destroy you

I can't wrap my head around what this image is trying to say. Rey didn't project herself like Luke did it would have killed her. This was a mental link.

>what is a force ghost

It's a bit worse considering he's on a Nexus...

Did they destroy his inhibitor or some shit?

But now he's a force ghost and can call down lightning bolts to destroy sacred text. How you gonna use your new death star 4.0 without the instruction manual. Checkmate Kylo Ren.

I fucking hate disney. For some weeks now i have been so angry about Disneys Star Wars(TM) that i cant let go and i cant stop watching a certain youtube video that makes me hurt myself. I now find the Empire the best thing ever in Star Wars, they should have won and killed every single Rebel scum there is or would be

I think it's pretty simple, Rian invented two new Force skills that are extremely similar. For some reason, on turns out deadly to nobody else but Luke. Kathleen Kennedy wanted Mark out no matter what. And Rian is a pathetic yes-boy who will go down in history as the guy who offed Luke Skywalker .

>winks at c3po
Best part


So he died from exhaustion? Is that still the consensus?

Yes in every possible way

I meant Luke ( he's on a force nexus ) like Coruscant / Dagobah / Korriban / Mortis

Neither force projection nor mind link are new.

So was it bad writing in general, or did they rewrite Luke to die after they filmed it and that's why the discrepancy?

He died from being killed in post production. They gave him that line just to mindfuck him at the premiere.

His interactions with the droids were great

Could be fixed if they claim he teleported ( visuals of quantization look better though )

>not realizing that it was Snoke that bridged the gap between them

It's like someone didn't watch the movie or something.

>Uh actually It was a hologram
>Uh actually he teleported
Star Wars is just high budget anime now I guess


>Dude you have to watch it three times to like it lmao

anyone else unsubscribed due to this video

Of all people you guys somehow didn't realize that this was an homage to mot leaving Sup Forums. Unbelievable. A movie specifically made for you and you hated it.

Oh, I thought he was in the MOBA game League of Legends where the champions do battle in the Summoner's Rift where the goal is to destroy the enemy's Nexus. My bad.

I never subscribed because I am a patrician and know that the movie failed on all levels except the visual.


Why do I get the urge to fuck with old Luke? I want to pull pranks on him, like making a bucket fall on his head or putting his hand in water while he sleeps. Nothing major, just stupid shit to rile him up and embarrass him. Must be something about his constantly frustrated expression. Anyone else feel this way?

Thematically unearned death. I didn't expect him to have a massive role in the next movie but his arc should not have ended in a single film.

>false flagging this hard
get a life

>but his arc should not have ended in a single film.
>thinking his arc is over because he's dead

>i didn't watch the movie.jpg
TLJ was a shit movie but ffs, there's so much incorrect information flying around about it

I don't get it.

Disney put a gun to his head after he tweeted out his discontent

>not realizing Rey and Kylo are going to be bro and sis in IX

Luke is pathetic weak cuck. What did he ever accomplished in OT? Beat some old disabled person without most of his limbs that couldn't breath without his stupid mask, that's it.
Luke has nothing on Rey.

You know, you're obviously baiting but you're in no way wrong about the first part.

>Michio Kaku explains how Luke's force projection could work scientifically

>What did he ever accomplished in OT?
Defeated the Empire and redeemed Vader. Nothing in the ST changes that, or will ever change that.

I believe Disney had him killed off in post-credits for him badmouthing everything.

Well, did it kill Snoke?

>defeated the Empire
With Rey levels of mary sue dumb luck.
>redeemed Vader
Precisely because he was so innocent and helpless.

nice b8 but think about what you just said

If all Luke did was to beat some old disabled person (meaning he is weak), then what is Rey? she beat Luke, who is useless and the only thing he did was what you said.

so Rey is even more useless because beating a useless Luke does not make you great.

Considering he didn't project anyone anywhere for everyone to see, no. He just made two peoples minds connect.

exactly this.
if you wanted to make Rey strong and important, you shouldn't belittle the only achievement she has.

Why is it that only Star Wars """"fans""" from Sup Forums seem to think that the OT is now meaningless, when nobody else agrees?

She beat Kylo Ren without any training. Kylo Ren is a man who beat Luke without any effort when he was like what 14?
Luke is total pushover.

you are confused user. Sup Forums (if there was a hive mind) is against the new SW and all for the OT.

if you are referring to those who dismiss the OT and preach about the new Disney SW, those are what we call shills.their only job is to derail conversations.

>muh training
The series isn't, and will never be, about powerlevels.

No you brainlet, Sup Forums seems to think that the OT is now rendered "meaningless" because the heroes of the OT didn't make peace forever and ever and ever in the galaxy. This is a complaint I've only seen or heard on Sup Forums. Nobody else thinks this.


Is getting angry at kid movies the ultimate cuckoldry?
If you watch these products you're no better than all the other numales that watch them and discuss them on the internet.
Jesus christ you cucks.

The whole scene's drama was continually undercut by a barrage of slapstick and jokes.

>significantly outgunned and outnumbered rebels man the trenches, Giga-ATATs, battering ram cannon and Supreme Leader Ren's bat shuttle looming at the horizon.
"Salt." followed by his comrade in arms staring at him weirdly for several seconds.
>Ski Speeders are deployed, Finn is struggling, Poe is giving orders
Poe accidentally kicks out part of the bottom of his cockpit
>Rebels in speeders are being decimated by incoming TIE squadron, the Falcon enters the battle, downing 3 TIEs with a single shot.
Finn shouts BOOYAAAH. Chewie and the porg scream. Kylo spergs out and orders every TIE to shoot the Falcon, Hux repeats his order, earning a quizzical look from Kylo. Finn shouts YEAAAH THEY HATE THAT SHIP
>The Falcon has to maneuver through the narrow passages of an underground ruby cave system
The porg is flung into the windshield and later cries worryingly when the Falcon reemerges
>The attack is called off by Poe, Finn decides to an hero for his friends, as his speeder starts to melt in the heat from the cannon powering up, he is rammed out of its path by Rose. Both crash.
>the cannon finishes charging and fires in the background while Rose gives Finn an awkward peck on the nose.
>The Resistance's stronghold is breached. No help is coming. Suddenly, Luke enters the command center, walks over to bis sister and is about to speak.
I know what you want to say. I've changed my hair.
>Luke hands her the dice as a memento to Han. He walks off to his last stand. He is greeted by a barrage of plasma from the ATATs.Hux eventually orders to cease firing.
You think you got him?
>Luke appears unharmed in the crater.
Flippant dust-off Gesture
>Kylo freaks out. Hux tries to appeal to reason.
Hux shrieks like a kicked hamster as he is flung into the shuttle hull. Yes Sir Immediately Sir.
>Luke and Kylo have their standoff. Luke reveals he was never really there.
See ya 'round, kid.

Fuck off 00S2 is fucking shit.

>yet snoke shows no signs of exertion
Think before you post

Died from a broken heart like his mother.
Its hereditary.

>She beat Kylo Ren
You mean when Kylo was fucking bleeding to death and limping right?

This. I fucking hate capeshit.

>what are force ghosts?
>who is Snoke?
>what's the difference between astral projection and a telepathic link?
>what is story comprehension

Fucking hell, lads, like the movie or hate it but don't be fucking dense.

No Star Wars film sequence is complete drama though except for the endings of ROTJ and ROTS, which has been mercilessly mocked forever.

You say that likes it was somehow established lore beforehand

They could have fixed a lot of shit if they hired this guy or other Star Wars needs with physics degrees

>but don't be fucking dense
people here would kill their own mothers if it meant a jab at TLJ

>t. G-Rectumfag

>star wars is built on established lore
this isn't the fucking MCU

log it up there with all the ridiculous attempts the DIDF is making to justify the new SW.

i.e. trolls trolling trolls, how can you be so certain that the view you read corresponds to what people think in general? you read 1 post, the madness stuck with you and now you think it is a popular theory or it has any merit?

THAT is the reason you need to go back pleb. assumption is the mother of all fuckups and you are a fuckup.
get out of this board.

G-Reco is fucking shit too. The last good Gundam was AGE Part 2 and before that it was 00 S1.

Sad really.

YeAh WeRe So FuCkIn CrAzY NoNe Of Us MeAn WhAt We Say !!!~!!!!XDDDD
eat a bullet

>Gen Z tard refuses to take any responsibility for his actions

I hate Rey, she's nothing but a Mary Sue, and whenever she's on screen all I can think about is how much I'd like to fuck her in the mouth, it's distracting.

how can we harvest the raw autism of the new generation?

when they can't tell who is trolling, who is shilling, when they don't have an opinion of their own and all they do is commit logical fallacies.

how do you even educate such minds? so sad.

this is so sad.

>reddit spacing
post discarded

If there are jokes in the OT, they are spaced out more and less silly. I think the silliest bit about the battle of Hoth, for example, might be the ATAT whose cockpit just blew up angling one of its legs at a funny angle before falling on its side. The most on the nose slapstick I remember in RotJ is Chewie doing an appropriation of the Tarzan yell. This felt like Obi-Wan slipped on a banana peel while fighting Vader on the Death Star. It was too much and too tonally off.

The movie's crap.

the truth doesn't have to arrive in green text.
it can hurt with and without it.
>plebian has no arguments
>dismisses the world

>wastes time replying to someone who will not be changed or influenced
so sad........

TLJ actually turned a massive portion of the fanbase to the dark side. Was it Sheev's master plan all along?

anyone accusing people of reddit spacing is either a newfag, from the_donald, or incapable of anything but groupthink.

wise men, understood.

i meant me lmao you wasted time talking to me moron nobody on this site will ever be convinced of anything, the only way a boards opinion changes is if spam causes people to leave while the people that agree with the spam either come to the board or stay behind to spam, leaving the illusion that the board has changed people

well ok if it was you, but the circlejerk of spamming each other (without convincing each other) is the whole point of shitposting.

people are argumentative in here for the sake of it. we could meet up in real life and have tons in common but in here, we are all assholes to each other, everyone else - ((( You ))) is wrong and we are correct.

so yeah, telling me that I wasted time is pointless because this is the whole idea behind this. and right back at you.
>tells user that he wasted time and he can't be convinced
>wastes time telling user that

do you see what you just did? you wasted time.
aren't we a happy group?


>Sup Forums seems to think that the OT is now rendered "meaningless" because the heroes of the OT didn't make peace forever and ever and ever in the galaxy.
I think the complaint is not "Why didn't they make peace forever and everywhere" but rather "why is the exact same force that they spent the OT defeating suddenly now back and even stronger than before". The EU didn't exactly have this problem: in old canon there was still an Imperial remnant that caused trouble, but there was also a New Republic that was built on the accomplishments shown in the OT. And there were new and different enemies as well, like the Yuuzhan Vong. Basically it respected the developments of the OT. In contrast the ST puts the state of the galaxy right back at the start of ANH (but worse). The New Republic basically never existed on screen, the Imperials rule the galaxy with an iron fist and they have a quintuple death star, and our protagonists are a ragtag group of rebels. Obviously it didn't need to be like that.

It's lazy, but there is obviously marketing research/producer influence that makes them scared of or disinterested showing giant civilizations in ST movies

Shitty roles with shitty actors with zero charisma.
Zero world building, and lazy and ugly designs.
Everything is small. Like a new hope but with ten times the budget. Look at PT coruscant and despair.
Plotholes, the trilogy. TFA is clearly aimed at complete retards, TLJ managed to be worse.
Epicness, the lacking of it. Why should i care about a bunch of retards attacked by villains outta of space balls ? Wait and they just kill themselves.
I can continue on the overall, then wright a book, or several, on details. If you like TFA or TLJ, plz take an iq test and despair at the results.
OT was simple but efficient. PT was bloated but grand and full of new stuff. ST is for 6yo with down syndrome and americans.

It's also that they basically fought to burn down the entire galactic government, leaving thousands of star system as fractured city states. The 'New' Republic, by the time TFA can be totally destroyed by taking out one system and fleet, which attests to how small it had to be. The destruction of the Empire didn't make the galaxy a better place. It made it worse.

Compared to what we saw accomplished before Disney Wars, especially with the fates of the OT cast, it really does feel like a dark and shitty alternative timeline/a bad end.

>Read your comment and despair

You sound like a bitch.

>then wright a book

No, the problem is this: the OT Luke is all about friendship. Fighting with your friends and dying for them. He taught that lesson even Han in Star Wars.
And in TLJ? Luke doesn't rush to their side, only when it' much too late to reconsider, he phones one final performance in before he dies. This is not an inspiring legend. An inspiring legend would have been coming out of retirement in time to go there in person and die there in person.

Instead of saving the world from his mom's basement.

She looka like a man

>Compared to what we saw accomplished before Disney Wars, especially with the fates of the OT cast, it really does feel like a dark and shitty alternative timeline/a bad end.
I think that sums it up very well, and it's a good explanation of why TLJ in particular is getting so much backlash. The portrayal of Luke in particular is just so depressing it feels like a grimdark fanfiction.