If the lander is capable of reaching escape velocity in stronger-than-earth gravity, why do a carrier launch in the first place?
Why not send robot probes to the planets?
Why don’t they do any sort of recon on the water planet before going in?
How does more than 20 years alone in space not affect Romilly in any way?
Why does Cooper not care about his son after coming back?
How does mastering gravity solve soil-degradation and blythe?
If the old solar panels on the drone are efficient enough to power up the whole farm, shouldn’t they have a solar-powered spaceship as well?
Cooper Martin
>le plot holes meme
Jaxon Sullivan
>If the lander is capable of reaching escape velocity in stronger-than-earth gravity, why do a carrier launch in the first place?
This was so fucking retarded, Nolan really pays zero fucking mind to plot or dialogue.
Eli Robinson
Why don’t you go watch a fucking documentary you retard. Not every movie has to be scientifically accurate.
Nathan James
>Why do a carrier launch in the first place? So the lander have full tank after launch
Kevin Watson
>Why not send robot probes to the planets? Stop this i have been having nightmares of losing jobs to AI and robots
Carter Watson
If general consensus for a movie is positive you're always gonna have that one guy who tries to pick it apart to get a reaction from it's audience.
Ryan Ross
> tfw the incredible scifi co-written by a physicist is just stupid hollywood shit after all
Joshua Green
>If the lander is capable of reaching escape velocity in stronger-than-earth gravity, why do a carrier launch in the first place? Love, user. Love.
>Why not send robot probes to the planets? Love, user. Love.
>Why don’t they do any sort of recon on the water planet before going in? Love, user. Love.
>How does more than 20 years alone in space not affect Romilly in any way? Love, user. Love.
>Why does Cooper not care about his son after coming back? Love, user. Love.
>How does mastering gravity solve soil-degradation and blythe? Love, user. Love.
>If the old solar panels on the drone are efficient enough to power up the whole farm, shouldn’t they have a solar-powered spaceship as well? Love, user. Love.
Brandon Price
Charles Walker
Jonathan Nolan is not a physicist
Alexander Carter
Kek what?
Jonathan Cooper
>Why does Cooper not care about his son after coming back?
He was a complete retard.
Robert Clark
But he was the only one who cared about the FLAT TIRE
Bentley Price
The son or the father?
William Thomas
>this kid has an Oscar nomination
Dylan Nelson
His son was dead, presumably? His daughter is basically on her deathbed and she was younger.
Cameron Carter
Copper took pride in being a scientist and despised his farmer father in law. His daughter shared his pride and his son identified with his father in law.
Why farmers took so much shit from Hollywood is beyond me.
Ian Hughes
>If the lander is capable of reaching escape velocity in stronger-than-earth gravity, why do a carrier launch in the first place?
space mission standard takeoff procedures of the time, and fuel.
>Why not send robot probes to the planets?
they explain this in the film, pay more attention to Mann's dialogues.
>Why don’t they do any sort of recon on the water planet before going in?
they're getting the signal of the explorer to go the planet, the recon was "suposedly" made and they're being called to enter it.
>How does more than 20 years alone in space not affect Romilly in any way?
it does, he was the most uneasy one before and now he's the more centered and calmer one
>Why does Cooper not care about his son after coming back?
where does it imply that? the important relationship for the plot is wih the daughter anyway... notice how when we enters her room the movie doesn't show him interact with any family member? who says he didn't? doesn't he care for any of them?
>How does mastering gravity solve soil-degradation and blythe?
it will solve the problem of leaving the planet. The earth is doomed.
>If the old solar panels on the drone are efficient enough to power up the whole farm, shouldn’t they have a solar-powered spaceship as well?
it's figurative speach, he's not gonna connect that shit to some gadget and let the farm work on it's own. Solar cell technology is probably used for specific tasks that don't include powering up space exploration vehicles at the moment.
Eli Lopez
Kip Thorne was advising on this film. Heavily involved by most reports.
Evan White
Yeah, it makes sense for an astrophysicist to come up with something as stupid as a worldwide blight
Chase Lee
What is this fuel meme people keep mentioning?
If you think doing a carrier launch instead of just flying to space in order to ”save fuel” is plausible, you clearly have no idea what a carrier launch takes.
Angel Mitchell
I'd like to point out the fact that our brave hero is named Cooper Cooper.
Owen Wood
Reminds me of the people saying Monsanto is turning the US in a dust bowl, and conveniently ignore how crop yields exploded after the 1930s.
Chase Nguyen
Being a scientific advisor doesn't mean he co-wrote the film, dumbo.
When I saw the movie all I could think of was Baseketball.
Carson Nelson
>Being a scientific advisor doesn't mean he co-wrote the film, dumbo. No, but that was obviously who this user meant by physicist
Nice try at shuffling that goalpost though
Benjamin Rogers
>shuffling that goalpost >while backtracking away from the claim that Thorne co-wrote the movie Cute
Kayden Mitchell
This. I can't believe retards are still asking this question and acting smug.
Adrian Nguyen
>Being a scientific advisor doesn't mean he co-wrote the film, dumbo.
He practically did though. Read his book 'The Science of Interstellar", he divided actual science and science fiction pretty well, and in the actual science sections he was heavily involved with Nolan.
Or you know, keep on hating it's more fun.
Ryan Price
they're saving fuel for the exploration vehicles use, not "saving fuel" in general.
Jaxson Adams
>>shuffling that goalpost >>while backtracking away from the claim that Thorne co-wrote the movie
>Kip Thorne was advising on this film. Heavily involved by most reports. >Thorne was advising >advising
Jonathan Anderson
you fucking idiot. fuel needs to be carried to be used. they are saving the fuel by using a 2 system liftoff. maximizing the fuel in the Endurance. or you still dont fucking get it? are you a living meme?
you clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
James Sullivan
So was it his idea that a gravity equation would make humanity float to space in giant O'Neill cylinders? Did he come up with the highly plausible idea of a worldwide dust bowl too? Or was it his poetic stroke of genius to come up with "Love is the only thing that transcends time and space"? For a smart guy he sure is retarded.
>the incredible scifi co-written by a physicist >co-written
Josiah Campbell
>"Love is the only thing that transcends time and space"?
yeah, that's some 4 year old bait.
Christian Murphy
It would literally be easier to fly the parts of a gas station with the lander, assemble it in space and refuel 100 over than to do a carrier launch, you fucking brainlet.
Jeremiah Morgan
>If the lander is capable of reaching escape velocity in stronger-than-earth gravity, why do a carrier launch in the first place? the lander was too small to support the crew, they still need food and water, oxygen resupply, fuel to travel through space, etc., just because the lander can escape earth gravity doesn't mean it is capable of space travel >Why not send robot probes to the planets? they had limited supplies, remember space travel and research into was practically outlawed on earth >How does more than 20 years alone in space not affect Romilly in any way? does it have to? >Why does Cooper not care about his son after coming back? not a plot-hole >How does mastering gravity solve soil-degradation and blythe? it didn't, it just meant humanity could escape it >If the old solar panels on the drone are efficient enough to power up the whole farm, shouldn’t they have a solar-powered spaceship as well? we're not shown how the space-ship's power is generated
Cameron Cooper
At least the visuals made the cringe inducing love transcends all shit more tolerable
Owen Miller
>have a practical elevator to space >can use elevator to stock up fuel at larger space ship >use limited resources to build just about the most demanding thing possible instead to save fuel for elevator’s future use
whatever you say user
Jose Mitchell
>Character says something stupid in a movie "Lol what a retard"
Is it autism?
Isaac Walker
its funny how the book details everything about this movie but the filmmaker actually thought the audience was smart enough not to be spoonfeed (the same audience that then hates when he monologues the shit out of dialogues so they understand shit) but they didnt understand shit.
you fuckers. you failed at the most basic thing you could accomplish in life. being a fucking audience.
Chase Lewis
>Go get her CASE >Go go go go R.I.P. in Piece, Sciene Beard Man You are now aware that Topher Grace and Casey Affleck were in this movie
Aiden Watson
Hold on to your hats, because I'm about to blow your mind.
The "aliens" were able to interact with the past, but their abilities were quite limited. They couldn't just send the answers to the universe back in time. In fact, their only influence on the past was the manipulation of gravity. They were able to create a wormhole, which is merely a distortion of gravity. And when they brought Coop into the 5th dimension, he could only communicate with his daughter (who was in another time and another galaxy) with gravitational fields. What is gravity? It is an attractive force between bodies. And do you know what else is an attractive force between bodies?
William Bell
instellar was the point I realised nolan is a fucking hack
Landon Sanders
>Why don’t you go watch a fucking documentary you retard. Not every movie has to be scientifically accurate.
yes it does
Angel Baker
>And do you know what else is an attractive force between bodies? trolling, being Sup Forums and useless faggots the bodies
Luis Stewart
He's not a hack, he's just a conceptual director. He doesn't give a shit about characters or the script, he just likes neat concepts. The only thing he explicitly sucks at is directing action or high tension sequences, which is ironic because almost all of his movies have action or what are supposed to be "thrilling" sequences. He's like Ridley Scott, if Ridley was unoriginal and had a bad haircut. Either way neither of 'em can pick a script, or care to I imagine. I guess Scott can direct actors, and apparently actors love to work with him. The only notable performance I can think of from a Nolan films is unironically Heath Ledger, and he practically let him just fuck off and do whatever he wanted.
tl;dr Your computers ain't impressive, Nolan. Dunkirk was alright tho, the (purposefully) limited dialogue that was spoken was awful though.
Jose Rogers
>co-written by a physicist >actually believing this
Jackson Powell
>watch a movie about space, blackholes, physics and extra dimensions
>its actually just a sappy romantic film instead of hard sci fi
Robert Green
I was going to tell you why, but it seems you are just retarded and not worth the time
Oliver Ortiz
>If the lander is capable of reaching escape velocity in stronger-than-earth gravity, why do a carrier launch in the first place? Only sensible question. The rest is either you being retarded, or not paying attention.
Jaxon Russell
Jacob Myers
Fuck off, fuel. If it was fuel they wouldn't have needed a massive multi stage lifter to get the lander into space if it's own tanks were capable of doing that.
John Sanchez
the multi-stage lifter wasn't to get the lander into space it was to get the Lander AND the fuel into space, which is much harder Next time you go picking apart a scifi movie at least have the decency to acquaintance yourself with the rocket equation first
Connor Adams
>hurr why dont dey use dey own fuel so de tank is nearly empty when dey start
Mason Allen
play some ksp you mong
Jordan Nguyen
to be fair, ksp isn't all that great it's more efficient to just land your entire craft on the moon than use an Apollo style lander
Wyatt Jenkins
i mean of course it's not realistic but it does a good job explaining simple rocketry, maneuvers etc etc
Thomas Anderson
true enough, just be sure to disregard anything regarding it's aerodynamics
Gavin Reyes
I can't believe there are people so fucking dumb that don't grasp the concept of using resources for specific tasks in specific situations, and in this case is was necessary to spend a lot of that certain resource in one environment, just so that in the other environment there is more of it to give it a use. Another example: use a laptop at home connected to the power socket so you can take your fully charged battery when on the road, where charging it, is gonna be not very practical and in many cases impossible... jesus fucking christ.
Jayden Ramirez
>its actually just a sappy romantic film imagine being this functionally illiterate
Levi Reed
Having a science adviser doesn't give your movie all rounded bulletproof science.
Caleb Lopez
of course not, that's why in his book he separates science, science fiction.
Eli Phillips
>If the lander is capable of reaching escape velocity in stronger-than-earth gravity, why do a carrier launch in the first place? Saves them a bit of fuel. >Why not send robot probes to the planets? Robots can't give a human impression of how livable a planet is. >How does mastering gravity solve soil-degradation and blythe? It didn't, they left because earth was done for. >If the old solar panels on the drone are efficient enough to power up the whole farm, shouldn’t they have a solar-powered spaceship as well? They were only used as replacement parts for the combine harvesters.