What the fuck is this shit?

What the fuck is this shit?

Black people, what you never seen em before?

The subtitles match up perfectly.

Well, no. I'm not American.

I watched this movie with a couple Asian friends and they wouldn't shut up about the black people after the movie ended.

That's because nobody but Americans thinks it's normal to shove blacks in everything even when they're out of place.

Dude, it's like you've never been to Asgard.

Those are called niggers. They used to be slaves back when America was great.

What are they doing in Asgard?

>What the fuck is this shit?
The made up inhabitants of a made up nation in space.


we wuz asgardians n shit

How inclusive, they even have a jew.


shut up sweetie don't you know that Asgard is a fictional place? And don't try to say "well why aren't white people in Wakanda then?" Wakanda is pure BLACK AFRICAN HISTORY.




Literally blackwashing norwegian culture

>Put Asgaard, the mythological city of the Nords in film
>Fill it with niggers because MUH DIVERSITY
>Put Wakanda, the fictional city of niggers in film
>Not a single 2m tall viking in the city because MUH DIVERSITY
Marvel must burn

Those guys are fine, but Heimdall and Valkyrie are absolutely unforgivable casting.

>That's because nobody but Jews thinks it's normal to shove blacks in everything even when they're out of place.

No, they're not fine. I can stomach one or two, but it looks like Asgard is le 56% land.

What a (((coincidence)))

>when you think you're clever for overlooking blatant blackwashing so you can subtly virus signal on an anonymous Burmese rock quarry forum

That doesn't make sense. Stop embarrassing yourself, kekistani.

believes only white people are in heaven

More like shitsmear.

I can concede the tokens if you cast the main characters right. Heimdall and Valkyrie are canonically whitest than white.

Let me ask you this OP; how many white kids do you have?
I you answered zero (0), then you're part of the problem

Of course it makes sense.

I've never been to prison.

Seems like it's easier fo black people to get to a magical upper dimension where god-like beings live than for white people to get to a hidden city in Africa

its cheaper to just use the extras from all the black panther scenes and we all no the kikes pay niggers less

>Every night, I see Asgard fall into ruins.
I guess we can see it too.

>Movie theme
>Literally Immigrant song

>Wash something with black
Back to plebbit, faggot.

At least technically she's not actually Valkyrie.

Wakanda > Asgard confirmed.

What am I supposed to see here ?

This. Blackstaining or blacksmearing is a lot more appropriate.


Mudsmearing, so much nobler.

>getting Norse Mythology and all white characters in a comic heavily based in Norse Mythology THIS wrong because you are afraid of people calling you a racist

tell us user, do you enjoy BBC's "documentaries" where Achilles is black, Zeus is black, black Roman legionnaires, even Robin Hood was black. nothing wrong with Nordic mythology including blacks, yes?

>user thinks having white children in 2018 correlates to ancient history and mythology being re-written by Hollywood for diversity quotas

oh the jewlarity of it all, good stuff

I'm so glad im not a paranoid Sup Forumsack


>I you answered zero (0), then you're part of the problem
Yeah, I'm going to compete with millions of shitskins pouring into my country every year by my own government. Great logic there, Rabbi.

Do you honestly think you look anything like this

there were no black asgardians, even in the comics, which is pretty racist. they even had a realm of all asians, but no blacks

It was a different time.

>I may glibly ignore reality and allow double standards in racial portrayals in media, but at least I'm not paranoid

Nah, you're just a cuck, who's watching happily as his culture is being destroyed.

>I'm going to let niggers fill my asshole with semen and not even make the simple effort of trying to give my race some kind of perpetuity

this defeatist bullshit is the same reason why you people are overrun in the first place.

That's some smooth smoking action


why hasn't anyone sued them for doing that?
how the hell did they dare exclude blacks from a comic?

the madmen!

Fuck you! Don't you know that Disney is cucks for not being racist like me?

spoiler: if heaven is real, there aren't actually seperate heavens for people of different skin colors. Sure, every culture imagines the gods to look like they themselves look, but it doesn't really matter. Spoiler 2: It doesn't matter because gods don't really have a material body

Good thing they inserted tons of white people into Black Panther, we wouldn't want to be hypocritical in our treatment of races in comics re: their original portrayal

it's a metalinguistic bad shot to be compared with the previous political propaganda that Loki wrote

>fucking Marvel movies looser than a roastie's beef flaps adaptation of mythology that has no bearing whatsoever on your lie
Holy shit, user. Thank you for this, I needed a hard picture of Sup Forums's current reddit-infestation, and you've given it to me.


people of different colors ?

Why not just limit immigration and encourage it mostly from white countries instead? Voilà, the problem is fixed in a couple of decades. Ever think of that, Rabbi Goldenstein?

>he thinks Asgard in Thor is Heaven

Oh God it's retarded

>badly composed shot bringing attention to excess blacks
>"i see Asgard fall into ruins"
>Loki's play just before that, the movie is essentially saying "all this scene is a lie, there's something wrong here"


The future you could have had.

>user confuses Valhalla or Hades with heaven
>user has not done his homework and does not know that Odin and Thor, Zeus and Athena and many other mythological gods interacted and even had sex with humans
>user implies that his answer about immaterial bodies makes re-writing mythology to include blacks is an ok thing to do

why even bother typing that shit son? that is just sad. pic related ofc.

nothing goym

>I refuse to have children, REFUSE, and instead construct policies in my head that I wish were followed, instead of direct fucking action to populate my community with children of my own race

You still haven't provided a single reason as to why you will not further your lineage you actual cuckold.

read this.

Modern depiction of Norway

The future you chose.

When you're masturbating to two dimensional beings created by some fat chink, think of how your life could be different if you didn't hate your country

>his culture
Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby are all jewish

it was NEVER your culture goy, never.

What does that have to do with the blackwashing in Thor Ragnarok?

What are your religious beliefs

>You still haven't provided a single reason as to why you will not further your lineage you actual cuckold.
Who told you I wasn't? I will have children when the time is right i nrder to further my lineage and leave a legacy, but that isn't a solution to the problem at all. Not to mention that shitskins usually have 10 children each for the government gibsmedats

How about a future where I don't read fucking comics, Jesus Christ user. Do you watch anime as well? How many bullets did your father manage to fire into your mother before she actually died.

>arguing like a kike
Pathetic. Get out, jew.

>user doesn't know it's perfectly fine to call the realm of the gods an upper layer of the heavens
>user doesn't understand that the god could just chose any appearence, no matter if human of any skin colour or even animal
>it does son, because imagining gods to have a certain skin color is silly

Who's talking about reading? The capeshit future of cinema is inevitable. I'm just showing you where it's going.

>asking about religious beliefs
>not reading that the post was about Norse and Greek mythology
>correlating religious beliefs with the re-writing of mythology by Hollywood

Which drugs are you on?

>jewish slaver sets his person of color slave vs aryan

Jesus, you are pathetic. You will not have children, not with that defeatist attitude. You make excuses to justify your unwillingness to progenate and I sincerely hope someone in your family--if anyone is left and hasn't killed themselves in shame of what you are--manages to impregnate someone and extend the bloodline, because you won't. You're nothing.

>defeatism is bad
>uses defeatist rhetoric
Yikes, this really is a kike.

When you say, do you honestly expect people to follow? Why do you roleplay as if you have a semblance of power over anyone?

>Kikes, uhh, find the way

>lemme greentext a non-argument and call him a kike, that'll give me validation
How do you look your father in the eye anymore?

Shut up kike, I no longer have a desire to entertain your subversive shilling.

No (You)s for the jews


lol. Have fun letting your country fall to ruin while you expend your seed on pictures of chink women you fucking race traitor.

Who even said anything about asian women?

He posts, not doing a single thing to combat the jew or at the very least, save his own people.

>implying that any god would choose a black persona for "diversity reasons"
>implying Zeus in ancient Greece or Odin in ancient Scandinavia chose to be come down to Earth from the upper layer of the heavens and used a black form/persona during ancient times amidst the Vikings and Spartans
>Vikings and Spartans chilling with the black god

wew there lad

you mention Zeus, but forget that Zeus mated with women in the form of different animals. So the gods can be animals but surely no human of a different skin color than MINE, right people?
