It was alright

It was alright.


I guess it was. It was as good as you can expect. The animated movies weren't amazing either. The series were great, but they had time on their side.

It could have been better.
Better actress for one.

She has an annoying face, an annoying voice, and looks like shit.

GitS 1995 and Innocence are Anime masterpieces, SAC was absolute shit in comparison as was Rise, this movie is somewhere inbetween

>It was alright.
It was subpar borderline dogshit. Fuck them for shitting on the source material.

i didn't mind it but if i'd seen the anime i'd probably hate it.

What's it like being wrong?

What's it like being a brainlet faggot distracted by some haggard jew's tits?

Batou was actually done pretty well. I'll give them that.

I liked Batou and his actor.
Way more likable that Scarjo's major.

Why did she walk so weird? She had this incredibly awkward, hunched gait.


It was a solid, average and forgettable movie.

Sub par

did I imagine this or was one of the twists near the end that Major was originally a japanese girl? Like a runaway or something, but somehow switched into Scarlett's body? I know it was something stupid.

GitS is one of those movies that I know I've seen but I don't remember SHIT about it.

>"Could you feed my dogs?"


Should I watch it?

It was bad and formatted for a dumb American audience addicted to capeshit.

>Dat mombod

It gives you a better appreciation of the anime so sure. Its kind of boring, theres some good unintentional laughs to be had though.

I'll watch it just because Scarlett Johansson's ass is in it

I mean no reason not to, I didn't regret seeing it in theatres. Had some cool scenes even though most taken frame by frame from the movie.

I have never watched the anime so I went in not knowing much and enjoyed it. I really liked Batou and the guy who played him and I found the scenes between Batou and Matoko to be some of the best parts. It wasn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

I never understand this mindset. Just watch porn, this movie is the opposite of sexually exciting.

>Making yourself cum by touching your own penis

Why are Anons all such faggots?

Nanomachines, probably

Movies like these just make me feel bad for all that wasted talent in terms of CGI. Imagine the visuals in a non shit movie.


just watched it for Takeshi Kitano

Innocence is unequivocally the worst production in the entire IP.

To me it was stylish much in the same way as the original anime. I feel it's a re-cut away from being great (lots of explaining dialog for the unfamiliar audience).

It was exactly ok, which is probably the best you can hope for from a studio managed affair from some literally who director for a property that had all of it's best bits ripped off by The Matrix 20 years ago
Johanson was fine but not especially interesting, the sci-fi urban sprawl wasn't noteworthy or distinct, the villain lacked any compelling screen presence, and in general the plot lacked intrigue, although Batou was surprisingly well cast
Blade Runner proved that you can make cyberpunk work in a new context if you care about characterization and posing new, interesting dilemmas with the setting, and not just retreading the same handful of surface level themes that every low rent sci-fi story for the past 50 years has been doing

>It was alright.
For me to poop on

If you really have a hankering for PG-13 sci-fi action, then I guess
It's not the kind of movie I'd deliberately seek out but if it was on TV for whatever reason I'd probably stick around

were there any nice shots of her bum in that outfit?

Instead of trying to adapt both, the anime and book, they should of gone with one instead of causing this trainwreck.

it definitely didn't deserve anywhere near the amount of hate it got.

it had great aesthetics, a fine story, and fine performances.


No, not really, in fact she looked quite dumpy and fat in that suit in the film. They should have gone for a skinny half asian actress and it would have hit the nail on the head

It was as good as it could've been. Honestly the only reason it gets a 'bad rap' is because of the whole 'white-washing' nonsense.

ending was full retard

>woo lad, giant robot fight

The atmosphere was pretty good, as was the villain's performance, I liked Batou too.

>It was alright

No, no it wasnt.
An mediocre badly written low budget sf movie that somehow managed to get a big budget without the idea how to spend it.
It looks cheap, its actors look like they dont give a shit and the script isnt even trying.

mediocre 6/10 movie that got a thrashing from weeb faggots who thought the anime was any better


I liked it. All the bullshit it got was undeserving. And I am saying this as a fan of the animation.

Jupiter ascending beats this crap by a long shot and I'm not even a proffesional film critic

It was crap. A shitty live action movie with a bad actress.

Because you never watched the anime or read the manga. Otherwise, you would know it was crap.

>It was alright
It really wasn't but I appreciate it more after seeing blade runner 2049, now that was a turd
Ghost in the Shell was much better, still bad, boring and too pretentious

oh boy here we go