How will it do Sup Forums?
How will it do Sup Forums?
SJW will hate it because some minor detail and the "alt-right" will love it because it wasn't as bad as they thought.
Great. It'll probably be good (capeshit level of good) too.
Having fun living in your fantasy world?
Best Picture Winner
It's gonna do really good because it's gonna be really good.
It's the biggest "black" movie ever to be released, so there is no way they are releasing a turd
400+ dead on opening night for sure. You don't put that many niggers in a room together.
like every other forgettable marvel shit, normies gonna eat it up and after 2 years noone gonna even remember it (thor dark world, ironman 3 etc etc)
It's MCU, don't see them running into financial trouble for a while.
a little better then ant man
Did you realize that technically were all Africans. Africa it the origin of all modern civilizations. KEK my ass off!!
Yeah wait and see.
it will do okay. some people will preach that it's the second coming and a huge success, others will say it was a huge failure
If it does well we lose, if it does bad we lose. Damned if you do, damned if ye don't
I'm sure it will be da bomb in China. Ha hAA
I'm excited for it and I'm really excited to see if the Soul Gem is how T'Chala can communicate with past Black Panthers in the spirit realm or if it's just explained by the vibranium's mystical powers.
Got 2 tickets for opening night in 3D.
Also, I'm very racist and voted for Trump
>(capeshit level of good)
there's no such thing
Last 2 digits is the RT score.
It will probably do ok. I know the central meme on Sup Forums is "LOL CHINA WILL DESTROY IT" but china is fucking WEIRD. Movies that seem like shit go crazy and OK movies flop over there i.e. star wars. Also chinese people may go out and see it just for the culture.
It will do mediocre
Yeah and your own as well.
It's already tracking to do huge numbers. It will have little competition. I can't wait.
Well in the box office by a pretty considerable margin but not Thor Ragnarok $, very well for reviews about strength and unity for black power, very poorly for anyone who understand the source material and how BP built a wall and was a nationalist, coupled with the random normies who end up seeing it and thinking it was a shitty story. Which it probably will be. So basically every pop movie of the last decade, especially with the SJW vibe integration but primarily because people are stupid and digest awful content at alarming rates. I'm not seeing it because I don't want to, not because of racism or anything else but it just doesn't interest me. He was ok at best in Civil War, I don't need to watch 2 hours of the guy and a highly non white message every couple scenes to boot as a supplement to the experience.
I’m not white-trash like you kek!! How’s your sister Betty-Lyn doing?
Blacks are not human
>kids animation did OK because it’s a kids animation
These people are pure evil
> white-trash
Lol at these nigger memes. As if they aren't inbred as fuck. The nicer houses in Africa have anti-rape gates.
At least 2 billion or we riot
It will hit over a billion. Every black american will go see it multiple times, and since they are the trendsetters, the rest of the Americans will see it.
Idk about Europe and other markets but because it's a marvel movie it will do strongly in East Asia.
Cap this.
Agreed,it’ll be just as successful as the 2012 classic movie Red Tails
You’re right Black People are Gods!
Can post the Chinese poster?
It’s the one where there’s no black people
where be da white people? they racis n shit
>tfw T'Challa is one of my favorite heroes and i've read his comics
>tfw i just want a great adaptation but gotta deal with all this race bullshit
>they could have just adapted the core of Priest's run with just trimming the fat and would have gotten the perfect MCU movie complete with quips and race discussions but just from the casting and trailers alone i can already tell they're fucking it up
Not the same thing at all. Black people in 2018 are desperate for a real hero like Black Panther.
Except T'Challa might as well be a different race. He's from a completely different culture. It's like an Italian idolizing a Russian because their skin color is the same.
Jet a fucking job NEET...
Boring but ultimately overwhelmingly positive critical reception (because god forbid they rag on a film with a majority black cast and get shit on by angry twitter girls)
Middling fan reception (it'll probably be an okay 6 or 7 /10)
Media will fabricate/cherry pick tweets and pictures of "alt-right trolls" shitting on it and try and make some bigger point about white supremacy or donald trump for clicks.
Not as well as critics are predicting. Even Marvel Studios are expecting a commercial flop. But that doesn't say much, because even Marvel's worst performing movies are still in the top 20 highest grossing of all time.
They're banking harder on Avengers: Infinity War to be the bigger hit, especially being it's going to kick off the summer season. Marketing fucked this one up by catering to niggers, and not comics/marvel fans. The agenda took control of what should've been just more capeshit.
>tfw they kept the Wakandan nationalist side of the character and have scene of him keeping other Africans out of Wakanda.
>tfw the sheer craziness afterwards.
Movie full with whites
Movie full with blacks
>wow this is so good, its 2018, very good very nice
you liberals are doublethinking like the little cucks you are, Orwell would bitchslap the soy out of you.
It’s literally the same thing
The theaters were filled with black people and they campaigned hard for that shit movie but it turns out black people are only like 10% of the US population so it’s retarded to aim an entire movie solely to such a small group.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure black panther will earn a billion bucks because it’s marvel capeshit and I’m sure it will get 90% on Rottentomatoes because of all the ideologues that hijacked that reviewing system.
Whats the fucking plot?
Modern society is a recent thing dumbass, civilization was started by Mesopotamians. The african we came from is not a black and also doesnt exist anymore so shut up.
Is his whole suit vibranium or just the silver bits?
You white people had about 100 years of all white movies. Now it’s our turn to show Black Excellence.
RUMOR HAS IT: disney is spending 10 million for the chinese release were they digitally lighten the skin tone of all the actors. FACT
Niggers destroyed the heroic Black man. We had Blade, Storm, Bishop, Luke Cage, and Black Panther already. Now they just want to see the same dumb fucking chimps that they are on screen, doing the same dumb chimp shit. Look at how the marketing team pushed this movie with all the fucking rap music in the trailers instead of just pushing it as a black SUPERHERO movie.
While I imagine you are right that it's the biggest black movie of all time, you are kidding yourself if you think it won't just be another formulaic movie with a gimmicky cast
Is Ken Park supposed to be a black humour film?
That kid's "acting" is disgusting
This is me but with Lando, hope they naver make that but I know its like a year away
Black Americans are evil savages that hate heroes and love criminals.
>tfw no doom war adaptation one time...
Niggers dont pay full price for movies, it will bomb.
may have been, possibly, African royalty.
...that is all.
We will use reverse psychology and love it so the SJWs will assume they hate it.
>T'Challa straight up saying: ''The color of our skin does not negate the fact that we are different nations, cultures and creeds, now get the fuck out of our hard earned, super-advanced country.''
One can dream.
Good in America, bad in the rest of the world. Just like any other negrocinema the past 30 years.
>White man (even though he's a gypsy) single handedly demolishes the nigh-impregnable, super advanced black country and makes fools out of them
It would never fly.
white people didn’t pay a dime for 350 years during slavery...your point?
What about the Russians, Arabs, Africans, etc that still have slavery currently and do not pay?
Slavery has been going on for millennia and is literally going on right now yet only one specific group cries about it even though their's wasn't even close to the harshest, your point?
Just relax, and let Disney get balls deep in your asshole. No comic fans go unviolated.
>Polynesians will never get a big blockbuster cape shit movie
>T.dindu is getting one
Go watch Nollywood oh wait your an american nigger a piece of shit that doesnt even care about his own people until he can use their "plight" to get gibs from whitey. I swear to god if every nigger in Africa was painted with a different skin color those Americoons would 180 on their opinions on them.
It is going to be great, movie is going to be like a party, henny and blunts for everyone