What are your five favorite movies of all time Sup Forums?

What are your five favorite movies of all time Sup Forums?
1. Evil dead 2
2. Ghostbusters
3 Taxi driver/Falling down
5.Terminator 1

Other urls found in this thread:



kill yourself


1. Mousehunt

1. 2001
2. Trainspotting
3. All The President's Men
4. Annie Hall
5. Apocalypse Now
6. Fight Club

isnt that still from Army of Darkness?

1. Cherish
2. Dead Silence
3. Frances Ha
4. Christine
5. Little Miss Sunshine

>starts thread what are your 5 favorite movies
>lists 6
why is op always a faggot?

ghost busters, taxi driver and terminator 1 would all be in my top 5 as well. good taste.

Mary and Max
The Straight Story
Taxi Driver
My Life as a Courgette/Zucchini
Night of the Living Dead

>Fight Club

1. For a Few Dollars More
2. Goodfellas
3. Zulu
4. Starship Troopers
5. Breakfast Club
waiting for the inevitable autist who replies to every post giving them a rating

(In no particular order)
1. Das Kabinett des Dr. Caligari
2. L'Année dernière à Marienbad
3. Das Leben der Anderen
4. La Vie en rose
5. Crash

>Falling down

Is this a joke?
Don't get me wrong it's nice little Sup Forumskino, but common...

Lawrence of Arabia
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Ed Wood

Fuck you, I like 'em

What a pretentious piece of shit you are.

No retard, Evil Dead 2.

You are the epitome of a faggot.

1. Dead Man
2. Rope
3. Cemetery Man
4. Witness for the Prosecution 1950
5. The Ninth Gate

1. Inside Man
2. Avatar
3. Alien
4. Casino
5. Man bites dog

The Thing
Back to the Future
Die Hard

How pleb am I

I bet you let niggers pack rape your wife

In The Mood for Love
La Haine
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
Blade Runner 2049

1. Punch-Drunk Love
2. Buffalo '66
3. Fallen Angels
4. Julien Donkey-Boy
5. Ratcatcher

do you mean Cronenberg's Crash?

0/5 KYS
3/5 whatever
Watch moar, loser
You are 19 years old. Be less of a young faggot
Try harder
You live in a basement and live on (You)s. I regret giving this to you
Had me until Apocalypto. EADC
Rope is only good movie on that list
Go away, femanon
garbage bag-tier pleb
meme on your own time

Pretty damn good choices, user.

If Michael Jackson watched 2001, maybe he wouldn't have needed Anesthesia to go to sleep every night, he could just watch that instead

I bet you haven't seen not even one of the movies I posted

No, the impressive 2004 social critique

8 e mezzo
Indagine su di un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto
Il sorpasso
La notte
Dillinger è morto

1. My Date With the President's Daughter
2. Brink
3. Johnny Tsunami
4. Cheetah Girls
5. Luck of the Irish

>EADC for liking Apocalypto
What because I enjoy a visually interesting romp through the jungle while imagining based Mel getting ever so slightly erect from being legally able to order tribal savages around as the big boss white man?
Fuck you you fat bogan bore.


show your list pleb

I was liking your list until then


Burn After Reading
Being John Malkovich
Starship Troopers
Mighty Ducks 2

1. Point Break
2. Face/Off
3. The Rock
4. True Lies
5. Con-Air

What now, pleblord?

>1. Evil dead 2
>2. Ghostbusters
Come on user, i know this is your childhood, but those are just good horror- and action comedy from the eighties.

hey I got a whatever

That's a good list. Except ghostbusters. Never liked it. Replace it with TWBB and you're golden.

Until you posted that. Now you get KYS/10 retard.


1. Back to the Future
2. Kill Bill
3. Re-Animator
4. Jaws
5. Face/Off

Explain how anyone of those films is femanon tier. Roasties especially hate Casino and Man Bites Dog


1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Blade Runner
3. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
4. Alien
5. The Thing
I know no sleepers or faggy foreign films

this has to be the most pleb-tier film discussion board on the internet...
find me a worse fucking board



>Blade Runner
>not a sleeper

These threads show with what kind of plebs you are posting every day. First few posts are all hollywood garbage and when the first person that seems to actually watch many movies posts their list it gets called "pretentious". Holy shit please watch more movies. These threads arent interesting at all with everyone posting their childhood favourites.

By sleeper i mean cult shit or something no one has heard of.

The only people worse than Hollywood fags are pretentious snobby fags who jerk it over shitty foreign films

Gen x faggot

Damn. All forgotten classics that I am now planning to marathon one Saturday. But...
>forgetting Zenon;:Girl of the 21st Century

>If its well known
>Its the best


I agree. Theres none of those here though. They are some foreign ones but they are all fairly well known movies. Thats the difference, people calling these "pretentious" just have never seen a non-american movie.

1. groundhog day
2. starship troopers
3. die hard
4. contact
5. conan the barbarian

How has nobody has mentioned There Will Be Blood?

#1 for me.

Very good list, user.

1. Batman V Superman
2. Man of Steel
3. Watchmen
5. Sucker Punch

>Escape from New York
>The Road
>LOTR Fellowship of the Ring
>Conan the Barbarian
>The Dark Knight

It's a good indicator for quality but not quality in itself
I love a ton of classic 80s action and sci fi movies that everyone knows.

not bad OP

1. Moonlight (2016)
2. Birth of a Nation (1915)
3. American History X (1998)
4. Song of the South (1914)
5. The Thing With Two Heads (1972)

Yeah, dude. I am so pumped for Ready Player One!

Fuck it, off the top of my head:
LotR (cheating, I know)
City of God
Godfather Part 2

Ben-Hur (1959)
Planet of the Apes (1968)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
King Kong (2005)
Blade Runner : The Final Cut (2007)

I like Peter Jackson's Kong better because I like long, slow-burn movies and people who can't sit through movies over two hours are brainlets, frankly.

After seeing 2049 I believe the story of Blade Runner is best thinking that Deckard is a replicant so I choose the Final Cut.

Fuck off to Sup Forums


1. Ravenous

I unironically am just because im a Columbus user
Hope all the fags and roving bands of smelly somalis get represented in the film

>american history x
Only if u watch it in reverse

(In no order)
Blade Runner
Blade Runner 2049

>top 5
>lists 6
Why didn't you just make it top 6, you stupid ponce?

Good picks sci fi fag
Except for Interstellar and it's awful twist

Shining, Amadeus, Adaptation, The Longest Day, Goodfellas

No particular order, but let me try to condense my favorites down to the first 5 that come to mind.
>The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Apocalypse Now
>Big Trouble in Little China

1. Man with a Movie Camera
2. The Seventh Seal
3. Citizen Kane
4. In the Mood for Love
5. Idk, maybe Branded to Kill or Woman in the Dunes

This board is just Reddit with more autism

stopped reading right there.

wow you picked the worst films of both the indiana jones and the dollars trilogies

Watch out, superior taste coming through.
no real order, just whatever came to mind first.

1.) Lawrence of Arabia
2.) Once upon a time in America
3.) Brighter summer day
4.)The Good, The bad, and the Ugly
5.) Inside llewyn Davis
7.) The Human Condition
8.) High and Low
9.) Ran
10.) Das Boot
11.) Paton

Replace interstellar with moon, and we could be friends.

The Tree Of Life
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...And Spring
For A Few Dollars More
A River Runs Through It
The Night Of The Hunter

1. The Silence of the Lambs
2. Goodfellas
3. Drinking Buddies
4. Inception
5. Return of the Jedi

hold up nigger. The good, The Bad, and The Ugly is definitely the best one. Is it overrated compared to the other films in the trilogy? definitely. That doesn't make it somehow worse than the other two, especially Fistful of Dollars.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Fantasia (1940)
Journey to the Edge of the Universe with Alec Baldwin
Jon Ronson's The Secret Rulers of the World

>Eyes Wide Shut
>The Deer Hunter
>The Searchers
>Being There

Harold and Maude
The Tree of Life
Hedwig and the Angry Inch

A lot of these are tied so I can't only pick five

Onhan noita esim
1. Rita Hayworth - avain pakoon (1994)
2. Kummisetä (1972)
3. Kummisetä osa II (1974)
4. Yön ritari (2008)
5. Pulp Fiction: Tarinoita väkivallasta (1994)

I don't watch movies.

1.) Fargo
2.) The Big Lebowski
3.) The Thing
4.) Total Recall
5.) Ex Machina

>8 1/2
>the deer hunter
>little miss sunshine
>the birds

my boy

wings of desire
the conversation
amores perros
taxi driver
the treasure of the sierra madre

Back to the Future
The Thing
The Shawshank Redemption
The Fellowship of the Ring

Rate my list fags

Army of Darkness
Three Amigos
Two Towers
Terminator 2
Return of the Living Dead

Those are nice but you should watch more films made outside the US