Fuck the all black grammys or whatever shit that the media is pushing, the best and most based black movie is finally getting a sequel in 2018!
9 years and a sub-par cartoon and we finally get the real deal from White's brainchild.
Fuck the all black grammys or whatever shit that the media is pushing, the best and most based black movie is finally getting a sequel in 2018!
9 years and a sub-par cartoon and we finally get the real deal from White's brainchild.
I'm genuinely excited
When the fuck did they record this with Michael Jai White filming fifty movies nonstop?
>sub-par cartoon
You fucking take that back. Sure there were a few misses in season 1 but most of the show was great.
My favorite joke is one that is the least quoted.
>"HA! I threw that shit before I walked into the room!"
>the trailer is 22 seconds long
>the youtube video is 47 seconds long because its filled with bullshit
Somebody needs to be fucking crucified for this.
I can dig it.
oh shit nigger I love that movie
>"Sarcastically. I'm in charge!"
Gets me every time.
This movie is phenomenal.
dead on arrival desu
it don't make me no nevermind
>It's time for Bullhorn to get up in that asssssss
Reddit Dynamite
yer a fucking faggot
You have to go back
Honestly I think the first one is better on paper than execution but I'm pretty happy to see there's a sequel, I thought after the animated series was cancelled that this was dead
I'm running thaangs
I'm running thaaaAAYAangs
U can bet dat sweet ass.. and half a titty!
This and tropic thunder were literally the best comedy movies of the last 20 years
The Militants turn, startled! This is private. How'd you get in here?
he said the same line in the cartoon but instead of room he say moon in that episode with o.j
>Sup Forums is the most overtly racist board after Sup Forums and /k/
>this thread appears
You guys still confuse me