Alien Covenant vs Justice League vs The Last Jedi

Which one was the worst?

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They all sucked but Covenant sucked more

alien covenant was the worse on its own.
TLJ was the worst when considered as a member of a series
i liked justice league

covenant was deeply flawed yet had redeeming qualities
justice league met subterranean expectations
last jedi was excruciatingly bad both as a standalone movie and direct sequel

star wars is dead, they killed it

>star wars is dead, they killed it
Welcome to 1999

Alien Covenant worked as a B-tier horror, if you ignored all previous Alien movies.

Star Wars is the quintessential example of what happens when you prioritize Social Justice quotas over coherent writing, and it just barely scrapes by as a movie, if you once again completely ignore previous installments.

Justice League was a 100% trainwreck, with no redeeming qualities outside a few decent CGI scenes.



Covenant was bad, but it doesn't take anything away from the original movie.
JUSTice league was a mess but it was an improvement over BVS. So it might actually be an encouraging sign. Maybe?
Last Jedi completely undo's the happy ending from the original trilogy and ruin's the main characters in order to build up a mary sue and a bunch of thinly-written nobodies.

Justice League full stop

Alien Covenant was passable, Alien parts were shit, cause they felt shoved in, Prometheus parts were underwhelming though Fassbender saved it. Should have gone for either Prometheus sequel or Alien prequel. Doing a hybrid was really stupid.

Justice League was painful to watch. A Frankenstein of a movie through and through. There was nothing much to redeem the boring plot, the subpar team dynamic or the cg shitfest the complete first half was, not even mentioning the obnoxious 'jokes'.

Last Jedi definitely fucked me up the most. There was so little enjoyable about this movie, not even the effects were up to standard. Whereas the other two had a boring, predictable plot, TLJ was completely incoherent and fucked not only with itself but also with all that came before and will come after. Kys, Rian

>covenant was deeply flawed yet had redeeming qualities
Agreed. I think it's safe to say it's the prettiest film in the franchise.

Much better than the other two easily.

Covenant > Justice League > The Last Jedi
I bought Covenant on blu-ray. David and the Grass Attack sequence are pretty good. Better than Prometheus, but not by a whole lot.

Covenant was the last chance to salvage the Alien nurse, so that’s a bigger lost.

I played some of my favourite Star Wars games after 1999

As a DChad, Justice League was the worst of those. It's a movie that doesn't work not even on technical levels while the others despite being absolute trash, were competently made.

Ash/David > Engineers/Xenomorphs

I would argue the Last Jedi simply because it should have been a lot better than it was, making it more disappointing. We knew JL was a mess for the last year and Alien Covenant was never even on the radar.

So TLJ simply because it's the only one that should have been good.

TLJ without a moment's hesitation. Covenant actually falls into the so bad it's good category. Justice League is just heart-breakingly mediocre. TLJ is like watching someone take a beautiful, magical creature, like say a unicorn, and then bludgeon it to death with a mallet.

>that pic
They didn't even meet the black kid. It was the white kid who helped them free the space horses

The other two make Covenant look like the greatest film of the 21st century. Come on now, op.

Out of entertainment wise... TLJ was the most entertaining.

JL had no redeeming scenes apart from Superman fighting the crew. I hated AC for not following Prometheus.

The mental gymnastic to say TLJ is worst
top kek

Alien was worse than Prometheus but not by much.

Justice League had some good parts from Snyder and some horrible parts from Whedon, but much worse than BvS.

TLJ was absolute dogshit that ruined any hope for Star Wars.

Covenant was actually a good movie, despite its shortcomings. Justice League and The Last Jedi are abominations.

>Last Jedi completely undo's the happy ending from the original trilogy
>it’s okay when the EU does it

you can ignore the books. Canon is whats on screen.

biggest pile of dump flics eva

>Last Jedi completely undo's the happy ending from the original trilogy and ruin's the main characters in order to build up a mary sue and a bunch of thinly-written nobodies.
The Force Awakens did that, you fucking moron.

The entire goal of the rebels in the OT was the establish the New Republic which existed for a long time in the EU. In Nu-Canon it gets destroyed in 3 seconds and we are back to Empire vs Rebels

everyone had low expectations for Justice League and Alien Covenant after BvS and Prometheus

people were cautiously optimistic for TLJ so in that sense i reckon TLJ was the worst

Covenant was the biggest dissapointment. I didn't expect anything from Last Jedi or Jl after Force Awakens and BvS.

But i expected Ridley fucking Scott not to fuck up TWICE in a fucking row. Was i wrong on that one.

Ridley Scott makes two kinds of movies: (a) Instant eternal classic, or (b) unwatchable piece of shit. There is no gray area.

And lest we forget, his B's outnumber his A's.

starwars and Also, are Blade runner fans equivalent to rick & morty fans? Always saying people are too dumb and too low IQ to understand

>I can't actually argue against the point you're making so I'll just put words in your mouth instead.

Alien Covenant was just painfully mediocre, characters you don't give a shit about, doesn't flesh out the world and mysteries of Prometheus and overall feels like pointless filler to bait people into the "true" alien prequel/prometheus sequel. Fassbender was GOAT though.

Justice League and TLJ are almost tied for being worse but I have to give it to TLJ

JL is an unwatchable mess on a production level but people were already expecting that more or less, and Warner Bros can always quietly end the DCEU and reboot down the road like most comic book properties.

TLJ was just an incoherent mess where literally nothing makes sense and there isn't even one redeemable part in the whole movie.Even fans of TFA who have low standards to begin with didn't like it. TLJ also shits all over on the OT, its characters, how things in the universe works, everything. And You can't just reboot that, what's done is done.

Covenant is so monumentally bad, it makes Prometheus look like a masterpiece.
Like they literally took all the retarded shit from Prometheus, put it in Covenant, but discarded all the good shit about Prometheus, it's hilarious.

>disney shills triggered about TLJ being the worst one and randomly bringing up BR2049, movie of the year according to Sup Forums and nomitated to 5 oscars
Is there a creature more pathetic than the mouseshill?

Covenant was probably the worst solely because it showed that Ridley Scott is incapable of learning from his mistakes. Literally everybody that saw Prometheus had the same complaints, shit writing, retarded characters, and ruining the mystique of the Alien universe, and Scott just doubled the fuck down. Characters are even dumber, Greek allegory is even more hamfisted, even more cool shit form Alien is ruined and now it feels like the studio thought that what Prometheus needed was more xenos so they awkwardly mashed Scott's actual idea with a shitty, by the numbers Alien sequel. TLJ is worse in terms of ruining a legacy though.

>doesn't flesh out the world and mysteries of Prometheus

It showed the Engineer planet, what happened to the engineers, what happens to Shaw and David, how the Xenomorphs and face huggers came to be, explained the black goo, and then how the Xenomorphs spread.

How does this not flesh out the world or explain some of the mysteries of Prometheus?

Justice League easily. Clearly artistically compromised by the studio, shit effects, trite story, and choppy as all hell. Also its MORE capeshit.

Covenant next because its basically Ridley Scott giving the middle finger to everyone who didn't like Prometheus. Beautiful movie, but stupid as fuck and almost insulting.

Last Jedi on par with that.

You are a fucking hack if you think TLJ is worse than Justice League. No matter how much it "raped" your childhood, Starwars is objectively well crafted in terms of effects, production, music, cinematography etc. Its made from one director not a bunch of fucked up reshoots.

this, nobody expected anything from Justice League because it is the culmination of the utter abortion that is the DCEU. I think that pretty much everyone (at least me) saw TFA and thought "ok, that was boring but it was ok now that it's all set up the next one should be better" and then TLJ turned out to be tied with AOTC for shittiest Star Wars movie ever.

Because the first film hypes up the engineers as this mysterious godlike race and then they are all fucking killed instantly by ONE stolen ship. Am I seriously supposed to believe that they didn't have some sort of protocol for ONE missing ship carrying the bioweapon? It didn't explain shit and it killed Shaw offscreen, we didn't learn anything about the engineers other than the fact that they are apparently a bunch of jobbing bitches. David creating xenomorphs is fucking dumb too. Scott basically took all the cool shit he set up in Prometheus for a sequel and dumped it into the trash.

A redditor like you would know

It's baffling.

>a few decent CGI scenes

I'm curious to know wich ones, I only saw the movie once and remember it being pretty shitty looking. Legit question, not even trolling here

>they are all fucking killed instantly by ONE stolen ship
Probably not all judging by Alien.


JL wasn't bad just generic as hell.

The other two were actually bad movies. especially TLJ

Justice League was the worst, then Last Jedi, then Covenant.
Anyone who says otherwise is shitposting or being contrarian. They were all shit but they are nowhere near comparable.
JL is just shit from start to finish, irredeemable.
TLJ is a bad film in most regards, but it does look pretty, the CGI is great, the costumes etc are all good.
Covenant is just a really mediocre film in most regards, nothing great or terrible about it.

Alien Covenant was Ki....

>people were cautiously optimistic for TLJ
This is what I will never understand. What exactly in New Hope 2.0 The Reashening Mary Sue Edition made people excited for a new one? Not only was the movie a cheap and cynical nostalgia bait, with one of the worse characters ever put to a big budget movie, but the only decent scenes were ripped straight from a the original movie and thus already seen by everyone that counts and supported this mess of a franchise since its inception

I almost fell asleep watching Covenant. I was at least conscious watching the other two.

obviously TLJ. it was a shit film with literally no likable qualities. I hated TFA but that was mostly due to subjective shit like the storyline and Rey. TLJ was not only a bad SW movie but a horrible movie overall

The way i see it covenant has less implications to the franchise as it is easier to ignore if they ever decide to make another Alien film.

It depends on which franchise you care most about. I still can't understand how Ridley completely failed to understand what made his own creation excellent.

A large share of one billion dollars was spent on these movies, but they still came out as hamfisted cash-ins. Perhaps rich successful people aren't as talented as they would have you believe.

anyone who doesnt say JL should fuck himself to be honest. JL has CGI straight out of 1980 movies. So terrible looking,writed,acted shit.

So i was thinking about Prometheus and Covenant the other day:
>Signs of Xenomorph like creatures in the goo chamber
>Goo itself turns people in zombie like... things?
>Infected zombie-cum impregnates you with mutated creatures
>Shaw gives birth to hentai tentacles which rapes Engineer
>Engineer by the end gives birth to a creature similar to Xenomorphs
Ok, so it seems that xeno-like creatures were already a known thing, that's established, Engineers knew something about it and thought it was important enough to write it on the walls of goo's chamber, it's pretty much the equivalent of drawing an atom on a nuclear plant (you know, if we lived in the Simpsons world), we also know that shit can kill them and that, depending on the environment it mutates, and they are probably aware too.

>David kills everyone with that goo shit
>proceeds to experiment with it
>although we didn't saw spores in Prometheus these actually seem to function much like zombie-cum, impregnating people with Xeno-like mutated creatures
>David experimented enough with the goo and it's evolutionary states to come close to a Facehugger of sorts which, as expected, rapes and impregnates people
>Resulting creature is pretty much a Xenomorph or at least a very close sibling
>Still seems to be much more aggressive than the Xenomorphs we know, much like mutated Resurrection Xenons
>Still seems to be less smart, just as any other creature born from the goo

Alien (1979) (or "the future")
>Nostrome crew finds an Engineer vessel
>it contains hundreds of the eggs we already know
>They are in some sort of stasis
>There is no sign of the goo anywhere

My best guess? LV426 shit is much older, Engineers knew about Xenomorphs, made experiments from which the goo was created (a weapon easier to control), which explain so many Xeno stuff coming from it, David didn't created the perfect organism, it just got close to reproducing it by accidently reverse "engineering" (wink) it.

ridley scott has a giant filmography, there are several movies that aren't amazing but not terrible

At least Covenant brought up several speculation threads which where somewhat interesting.

Haven't seen TLJ or JL but judging from the webm's I've seen it feels like I'm not missing out on much.

Every movie after Alien has shat on bannon's vision and made the xenomorphs dumber, so covenant was as bad as expected.

Dc has been rushing and fumbling over movies for a while now, so a disjointed experience was expected.

Tfa already ruined the galaxy and characters of the originals but TLJ managed to screw up so bad it broke both the universe and the most iconic movie hero of all time. They managed to screw up so bad that even ormalfags are angry after slurping up tfas shit sandwich. That is impressive and why it deserves the worst of the worst.

Except there are no games or books to save the series this time. Star wars is dead.

[I liked it too]

Alien Covenant was meaningless, useless and had absolutely no excitement

Justice League was the only passable DCEU movie so far

Last Jedi was good

>hire more diverse leads and more women
>they whine about diversity and equality 3x as much as before

Covenant was meh, a lot of funny moments that weren't on purpose and stupid characters
Justice league was a snorefest, dumb visuals, weird uninteresting story
Last jedi gave up quality to pander sjw culture. Dumb moments that make you go huh. Meme movie
As i'm writing this, last jedi seems the worst

Covenant was 10 times better than Prometheus and I don’t know why this board shits on it. The David flashback scene where he wipes out the Engineers was kino

>The David flashback scene where he wipes out the Engineers was kino
...and short, and poorly paced

Justice League was painfully average and forgettable, Alien Covenant was awful but had some really cool scenes. I however can't think of a single scene in TLJ that I liked or laughed at.
Best way to say it is that I'd watch an Alien sequel if it happened, TLJ successfully killed all my motivation for Star Wars entirely. Even people who liked it when I asked them couldn't tell me what they were looking forward to in IX.