won't win best picture sweetie
>the white man is scared and is forced to project this hard
It will win, it will also win best actor and best director. Deal with it sweetie, the times are changing and white people no longer have all the power.
m8 do you even know how shit the oscars are at judging?
yeah I apologise, the black comedian Jordan Peele is undoubtledly the best director of our generation and is rightfully ranked among PTA, Del Toro and Nolan
Not sure if you're being sarcastic but he is clearly since he has been nominated along side them.
It's going to be Hidden Niggers take two.
It will at LEAST win best director if it doesn't win best picture. They're not nominating it this hard without giving it anything. Do you know how fucking RACIST that would be!?
>he thinks that's how this works
>white people no longer have all the power
literally the only reason it's nominated is because of white people desperately wanting to be "woke"
uuhhmm nooo Greta Gerwig will win best director cause the Oscars need to make headlines with the first female director oscar meme
It'll win original screenplay but thats it
>the first female director oscar meme
Already happened. Pic related.
First female cinematographer now that's spicy hotness right there.
Are you implying that these award shows are simply awards based on artistic merit, instead of based on a blend of artistic merit, propping up a (((protected))) class, and recognizing good boy points earned by those who support enough leftist causes?
Do you think in the future once the pendulum swings back people will look back on these few years of PC madness we are enduring right now and will just be utterly baffled and unable to understand what possibly could have gone so retardly wrong, or is it just the beginning of a beast far more absurdly ugly than -we- can possibly imagine?
It will win best original script sweetie
yes i mentioned this here
I genuinely want a Get Out clean sweep. I want to see the Final Cucking of Hollywood.
No, because in the future the U.S. be Brazil, Australia will be China and Europe will be Muslim, and absolutely no one will give a shit about an industry awards show run by the former populace of Greater Israel.
not even best actor in his own movie
not even best black guy in that movie
>9 best picture nominations
>it's a "the academy sneaks in mainstream successes and progressive pictures to get more viewers for their coke party" episode
No, it's gonna to be Lady Bird. It's year of the stronk womyn member.
Okay everyone, start coming to terms with THREE BILLBOARDS winning Best Picture.
Was a good movie.
Not best movie of the year but the Oscars are meaningless anyway so who cares if it wins?