Is there anyone this slut won't have inside her great halls?

>Has a prisoner
>prisoner asks to marry her
>"how dare you??"
>rides his dick right then and there to prove a point that she doesn't need no man.

Fucking hell when are the Saxons going to kill these pagans?

imagine if she made you lick (between you know what)

I want to be inside her great halls

Only interesting character left on the show Coming through

that scene was pretty pointless, what did it matter for the story or the characters?
did they plan to show that she had power over the king by raping him? but a hot woman cant rape anyone as they are always desired sexually, at least for 99% of men.

i liked him on the crippled side and his interactions with him, now him being converted to a Lagatha worshiper ruined the character

Especially since he just expressed that he was interested in the same fucking scene.

>I will agree to peace. I already feel bad killing siggurd killing any more of my brothers will destroy me.

[2 minutes later]

>pours beer in his brothers face

>"I can never forgive her I will kill you all!"

Seriously do they have two writers writing a page each and stapling the script together?

>Invites his enemy into his home and saves his life when the cripple tries to have him killed
>"It is not our way!"
What a fucking bro.

>vikings that look like hollywood burger models
why do you watch this shit?

This show has gone so to shit that they transformed pure lagertha into a slut

Norwegian vikings best vikings





Why is Sup Forums so fucking normiecore?

exactly this

>that pit
gross desu

The pacing really has gone to shit for some reason
>guy gets stung by a bee
>immediately cut to him dying in bed

>fag mentions his uncle's army
>have the army arrive not 5 minutes later

>cripple gives a teary eyed speech
>cut to him pouring beer on his brother's face 5 minutes later instead of having him slap his brother the moment he finishes his speech

>pit roast beef
what the fuck

>that armpit fold
this is a SFW board!

>this woman is 40 years old

wtf i love slavic genes now

nordic women are and have always been filthy whores

t. Skwisgaar

I keep telling anyone still watching the absolute trainwreck that is Vikings to just leave it, let it die in Last Kingdom instead.

>that woman has a ton of chemicals plastered over her face

wtf i love cosmetics industry now

Greatest viking feet of all time


shh keep your voice down



>3 seasons of fucked up brotherly violence.
>turns on brother because Bjorn apparently saved his life at some point.

Yeah when did that happen again? Was it after he fucked the tranny and those sand niggers decided to kill them? I missed a bit. I only saw the “yeah I fucked it” and then next I see they’re on their knees about to be executed

So what the Fuck was the point of that scene where Floki imagines he fucks Aslaug?

It's literally never brought up again what was the fucking point??

Floki just trips balls all the time cause he eats mushrooms. Hence the visions of god’s and shit

As an actual "viking" this show is the worst of them all.
It's literally trash and 99% inaccurate shit.

bjorn probably fucked him in the arse

Seriously thought I was the only who had no idea what the fuck was going on.

Also why would he owe Bjorn his allegiance? Bjorn was saving himself and they all jumped at the opportunity to run into a sand storm

Unironically this
I had a Norwegian gf that loved to be creampied

>wtf i love cosmetics industry now

You really should

At least we dont get nigger danes or sandniggers brits

>cumming inside someone is a fetish for Americans

That's just normal sex

Y-yeah ?

>As an actual "viking"

imagine if she pinned you down on the bed and you were alarmed to discover that she was so strong that you actually couldn't break free

bitch needs to die already

wow what after?

>as an actual viking
>posts a mongolian woman
What the actual fuck man, I've seen slavs who look more viking than that


warm, seductive smiling and asmr whispers and lip smacks

Wasn't londen called lundenwic during those times?

I have no clue what the fuck were they thinking, it's he is 99% different character.
At least if they showed him having a "vision" or giving up on God, it would be shitty, but not this shitty.

Literally out of nowhere, I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU AND DIE FOR YOU M'LADY.
While he needed months to convince himself to fight for Ivar for 1 battle.

Also reminder that Lagertha is supposed to be 60.

Only good thing so far is that Aethelflaed's son will become King and probably take a huge steaming pile of shit onto the vikangs chest.

>B-b-but the germanic and Slavic ladies they tell me on my TV-shows is exactly what vikings look like!

I'm hoping it's all a ruse somehow to get back to England. It's going to be fucking retarded if he starts joining them on raids on England.

Not as much of a turn around as this cunt.

>entire show a devout follower of the Nordic gods.
>literally has no respect for any other religion
>sees mosque for the first time instantly sucks Allah's dick and joins Islam.


>instantly sucks Allah's dick and joins Islam.
That literally didn't happen though, you retarded Sup Forumscuck
He's currently running around Iceland screaming his devotion for the old gods

both of them yeh

That's funny because my swedish history teacher has seen it. He said it's fairly accurate, only some things are made up.

poor mans Natalie Dormer

He literally has terrorist music playing in his head you fucking limp wristed cuck.

rich man*

Lol no

>Also reminder that Lagertha is supposed to be 60
mm grammy pusy

Vikings died the moment Ragnar became King

Vikings died when they stopped raping petite underage slaves


Do we go to the same class? Same deal here with him even showing an episode of Vikings on the first day on top of that.


Gotta be a double cross right? I can't believe someone so unbending and dedicated to God, flip flopping and changing allegiances on a whim.

Hope he's still on Team Ivar and when the time is right, he kills Queen Feminism.

I don't watch this show, but do they also accurately portray the mental and emotional degradation that occurs in women when they sleep with more than a handful of guys?

muh dick

yeah I'm sure they looked like a slanted-eyed mix of mexicans and tatars instead my good goy


He obviously just wants to kill as many pagans as possible and doesn't give a shit about the cripple.