Is this the last great movie that won the Oscar for Best Picture?
Is this the last great movie that won the Oscar for Best Picture?
I might be in the minority, but I really liked The Hurt Locker
Obviously not as good as No Country, but I also like Hurt Locker.
Moonlight, Birdman and Slumdog were unironically great
Slumdog Millionaire was great. The others, they were good, not great. No Country for Old Men is already a classic
oh no they beat up the gay black kid so sad :(
So I watched Slumdog before I really got into movies and loved it when I was younger. Only found out later that it got laughed at as a "terrible" best picture winner. The only criticisms I've read are that it's "unrealistic" which seems like a fucking joke of a take given the fact that it's supposed to be an absurd, astronomical turn of events
They are all great films you cunt
Not only was it made with great style, but it had great performances and gave great insight into a population of people who face considerable hardships nearly every minute of their lives
2007 was litty
>gave great insight into a population of people who face considerable hardships nearly every minute of their lives
That's not Moonlight
>tfw no Latika gf
Have we really been on a almost 10 YEAR slump? Damn. I for one am in favor of overthrowing our Mexican't overlords.
Moonlight is the film equivalent of a Kendrick Lamar album. Derivative and totally lacking in subtlety but praised regardless because "muh black ppl"
lol that made me laugh but it is completely true
sociopath detected
good kid and damn are overrated af, but about half of tpab is some of the best hip hop created in years
>The King's Speech
>The Artist
all forgettable mediocrity and Crash is fucking shit.
>good kid m.A.A.d city
>To Pimp a Butterfly
>untitled unmastered.
all legitimately great
>The King's Speech
mmm sweetie
Crash - Haven't watched it
The DEparted - 8/10
No Country for Old Men - 10/10
Slumdog Millionaire - 8.5/10
The Hurt Locker - Haven't watched it
The Artist - 7/10
Argo - 6/10
12 Years a Slav - 9/10
Birdman - 7/10
Spotlight - 5/10
Moonlight - 6/10
Its the last movie that won best picture that'll be talked about for decades. Moonlight and the Hurt Locker were both very good movies, but already Hurt Locker is a fading name and spotlight is simply not a true cinematic experience (ie it's really good at telling its story, but it's not like it pushed the bar or wouldnt be as effective as a book). The Departed, LotR, Gladiator, Titanic, American Beauty, etc will all be watched in the future.
>12 years a slav
Kendricks first two albums were amazing just like asap rocky
Remember Spotlight guys?
Spotlight* not moonlight
>great style
You crave entertainment.
how do I become alpha like Chigurh?
Stop comparing yourself to other people
Terrible advice desu.
You need to get his haircut
>insight into a population of people who face considerable hardships nearly every minute of their lives
the movie isnt a about a white kid in a school full of black people so i dont know what the fuck you are talking about?
I didn't think this movie was that great
It didn't deserve to win though.
Jesse James did.
Whats the circled A?
>12 years a slav
Come on son thats oscar bait, the movie, also birdman its really good and actually deserves the oscar
>The only criticisms I've read are that it's "unrealistic"
Well here you've got another one: it's fucking stupid
And another: it's shit
There Will Be Blood should have won.
Niggers are not humans though.
2006: Crash - 4/0
2007: The Departed - 8/10
2008: No Country for Old Men - 9/10
2009: Slumdog Millionaire - 5/10
2010: The Hurt Locker - 8/10
2011: The Artist - 7/10
2012: Argo - 4/10
2013: 12 Years a Slave - 5/10
2014: Birdman - 4/10
2015: Spotlight - 7/10
2016: Moonlight - 5/10
grow up in a third world orphanage where you are routinely physically/ sexually abused. run away at a young age and become a vagrant/ petty criminal. realize the years of hardening abuse has made you more vicious and uncaring than the other street kids which helps you succeed in making a living out of crime (robbery's and drug sales). have your unflinching nature and reputation for cruelty be noticed by the local drug lord who takes you under his wing as a young enforcer and hit-man. get word that the drug lord that you have learned to trust and think of as a father figure is planning to kidnap and torture you to death for secretly dating a girl from an enemy faction. you strike first, killing the drug lord but failing to rescue your sweetheart, your first love, who has already been viciously murdered. flee the city to the countryside, where you enlist immediately in the army. your above average intelligence and cunning helps you climb the ranks quickly. start working in secret operations where the atrocities you witness and participate in further swallows your soul and mind. kill women and children and become so consumed by your own madness that you develop a philosophy that absolves you of any guilt by suggesting that everything you have ever witnessed/ been party to was an irreversible motion of fate, and you are merely an agent of it. be kicked out of the army by righteous captain for colluding with cartels. become a freelancer mercenary/ enforcer working for highest bidder (cartels, intelligence agencies, big business)
I couldn't even make it through that circle jerk$ap is unironically one of the best albums/mixtape rap music has produced.
he didn't strike me as someone who's behaviour/mentality/personality was developped as a result of several events but more of "he was born with it/for it"
>whips slav
>cheeki breeki
Ok, pretty specific.
There Will Be Blood didn’t deserve to win shit.
Took some friends to see this in the theater and one guy said 10,000 B.C was better
Argo was good and actually like an enjoyable story instead of some weird critic b8 or social commentary
nobody is born like anything. babies are clean slates and only the world they were born into can teach them how to live in it. Obviously No Country is just a movie and it's cool to think that he's a supernatural force of nature but real world Anton Chigurhs were beaten and abused all their lives
Yeah, most movies are realistic