Why did Nolan feel the need to put a piss filter over his WWII movie?
Why did Nolan feel the need to put a piss filter over his WWII movie?
I like planes
>Van Hoytema says Nolan wanted to do as much as possible in-camera, both for the sake of realism and also to maintain the look of the film. He explains that digital effects (created at Double Negative) were “scanned into the computer and then filmed out to film. But with that process, you will not sustain the quality of the original Imax negative.” They also chose to skip the digital color grading (digital intermediate) process and instead do only lab color timing for the film version. For the digital deliverables, van Hoytema says they graded to emulate as close as possible the film version.
>"For the digital deliverables, van Hoytema says they graded to emulate as close as possible the film version."
Literally made to be experienced in a cinema my man
>only three spits and two messerschmitts may be on camera at any one time
this is why you use cgi people
because the whole movie is him taking a piss
My version has slightly less piss on it
>inb4 autists bitch about the lack of color correction before starting a HURR DURR DVD COLOR CORRECTION IS SHIT
It's safe to say that during an hour time which the air narrative takes place in that only 3 or 4 Spitfires were in air during that entire week, there was never a point in the entire Dunkirk battle where there were 50 Spitfires vs 50 Messerschmitts or anything like that.
based Nolan keeping cinema alive
it's all the mustard gas
you do know dogfights are not space battles with 100 planes right?
the whole theatre feels very cramped and small. The boys on the ground see only hardys plane.
nolanfags i swear
And that's bad why? It's historically accurate. There's a book by one of the spitfire aces who flew during ww2 with an entire chapter dedicated to 'Where was the RAF at Dunkirk?'. tl;dr they were busy elsewhere and you're a ignorant wikifag,
He's colorblind, blue and orange is all that he sees. It's seriously why his movies all look like that.
Why did Bane crash his plane on the enemy territory instead of landing on water to be picked up by the boats?
Landing a Spitfire even under perfect conditions is pretty dangerous (as seen before in the film), let alone a gliding one with the engine off in shallow wavy water
Pretty tense I liked it.
More dangerous than getting caught by nazis? Dunno I would've risked it
historically accurate or not, it looks like garbage
>"waaaaaah there isn't like a thousand epic planes and splosions in the air so it looks garbaaaage"
Kill yourself
I presume as a British RAF pilot he would have been treated well enough.
Yes, dying on the spot is more dangerous than a Spitfire pilot getting caught by the germans.
Why He-111 have some heavy (20mm?) slow firing cannon on top? Must be 1000+rpm MG 15 or something.
A pilot did ditch in the water, as can see in this video though he didn't have much choice.
>getting caught by nazies
Oh no and having to sit the war out, terrible!
Unless your a jew or something chances are you will be fine.
He ditched with his engine on, in deep extremely calm water, basically perfect conditions to ditch, and even he almost got himself drowned in the process. Hardy was hardly in anything close to a "perfect condition"
He had plenty of room to land behind friendly lines. Instead he glides until sunset and he's pretty much in Belgium.
As you have seen, his landing gear was stuck and he had to manually lower it down.
Getting caught was part of his plan, dumbo.
nolan (or whoever the fuck is responsible for the nolan blurays) recently addes the piss filter to tdkr
it's what directors do, it's what these cunts always do. these cocksuckers. these MOTHERFUCKERS.
here's the original. looks fine, right? big guy and all that.
That's not a piss filter, that's how the film looks.
and here's the new release.
literally took a piss on a film. nolan must fucking HANG.
Why do autistic retards on Sup Forums screech at any sort of filter, in any medium? Do they not understand that all movies are color corrected somehow? I'm assuming it's just a meme at this point, that pathetic teenagers latch onto to fit in
Because it looks infinitely better than this:
So plebs like you can be filtered
I'm glad I don't have taste this bad. Stick to capeshit pal
holy shit this fag
you know how i know you're american?
Holy fuck, what is that even supposed to look like? What's the appeal?
Yeah, that looks more like what would happen in reality. It was France not a fucking Chinese Power Plant.
The Dunkirk pocket had 400,000 men trapped in it. Tens of thousands of trucks and vehicles too. Huge battles were fought on the perimeter where 18,000 men died. Nolan shows us 200 guys lining up on a vast empty beach. Yeah, total realism. But at least he avoided the dreaded CGI.
The Dunkirk beach is more than 10 miles long, it's not like all 400 thousand men were standing in a single spot like sardines for the 9 days.
It's not like all the 850 cilivian boats came at the same exact second on the exactly the same spot of the 10 mile long beach, same with the 40 Destroyers, only a strategic moron would do that. I mean what the fuck would they even do just sit and wait to get torpedoed while a single Destroyer is being boarded?
Same with the Spitfires, like I said it's safe to say that during an hour time which the air narrative takes place in that only 3 or 4 Spitfires were in air during that entire week, there was never a point in the entire Dunkirk battle where there were 50 Spitfires vs 50 Stukas or anything like that.
Unless you wanted a historically inaccurate fairy tale americanised flick where a whole armada of thousands of boats coming at the same exact same second just so the viewer goes "woah epic so many"
holy shit that looks unironically gorgeous