>Still no stand alone Darth Vader kino

Who would you choose to direct?
[spoilers]Disney gives it the greenlight to be rated R [/spoiler]

Fuck off. The entire saga is about him

Either Stanley Kubrick (who’s death right now) or Martin Scorsese.
Geore Lucas is welcome too, either them or a Netflix serie.

Nolan will direct.


Would be pretty interesting. That whole gap between episode 3 and 4 where vader helps build the empire and takes over the majority of the galaxy. Imagine a younger, faster more agile vader.

David Lynch

I don't think a film about a bitter cripple would sell many toys.

>Imagine a younger, faster more agile vader.

Isn't he mostly a robot/cyborg? Shouldn't he always be agile?

Only one man could do it justice


I agree with Plinkett on this, his story isn't necessary because its told through the OT. I don't need an entire epic about how he learned X or starting wearing Y. And anything that showed he was conflicted BEFORE would sort of cheapen Luke's accomplishments in RotJ.

Honestly, I think Disney would be best in making a expanded universe model for Starwars. Call me a drone if you want, but I'd like to have a WHOLE movie that could focus on a single battle on a planet or one small battalion. Then you can have that group be referenced or meet up with the main cast in the trilogy.

Disney has such an easy chance of telling self contained tangentially related stories that can flesh out the events of each movie, explain details like "Why are the rebels so puny?" and fill in time skips. You can design small backstories for what are otherwise extras in the X-Wings in each movie. You could effectively have a smaller budget movie where Wedge would be a lead or co-star and then he'd actually have weight to his death.

But instead they're 100% on the re-make, nostalgia bait, and LE YOUNG VERSION train. They have yet to make a stand-alone movie that's relevant to their trilogy.

Who is gonna voice Vader?

>Jones is 90, and sounds nothing like him
>Can't use a anyone else while Jones is alive
Yeah, not gonna happen

True, but what I mean is that in 4-6 he wasnt as fast and flashy as in episode 3. So maybe since he was still young in his suit he could still do badass things, but as he got older towards 4-6 he was still skilled just not like before. (no more lightsaber fencing, dashing around etc.)

>Darth Vader

no. nigga he has how he became Vader (I, II, III) and IV, V and VI are all about him too.

make a movie about Plagueis and Sideous.

There were already 6 movies about Darth Vader. I would rather literally anyone else gets one.

>The entire saga is about him
It's crazy to me that people don't know what a saga is. It's a story that follows a specific line through generations. The word has started to lose it's meaning a little since the explosion of fantasy in the late 20th century, but it comes from the Norse sagas which were always about the heroic deeds of specific genealogies.

>what are the prequels

For the most famous villain ever he has fuck all character development.

The trilogies are pretty clearly defined by
>During Vader

Are the new darth vader comics any good? I've only seen a few pages and it seems pretty awesome

I'd like to see a movie of vader just hunting and killIng jedi and the movie exploring how broken he is inside post episode 3.

Only person I can see directing such a movie is an "anti-malick". Scenes of Mustafar and other alien planets with a voice over of Vader asking why is he still alive, and cursing his existence and his new iron coffin

I really wish terrace malick did more dark and depressing subject matters. I think he's too pure of them tho. Which is why I want an anti-malick

They have pretty clear highs and lows, but yes, for the most part they are phenominal.

>Darth Vader movie rated R without forced diversity

I would watch that.

>one of the best Vader moments ever
>wow fuck
just why

Holy shit that would be absolute fucking next level kino.
I'm hype.

I mean I'd love the job of being the executive producer for star wars and I've got a fucking 30+ year backlog of interesting stories you could tell in the universe.
Like I've had this dream of a stat wars bounty hunter movie where all the scum of the galaxy are hired to hit some guy under imperial protection on coruscant. Some work together, some stab eachother in the back, some fight among themselves, and some are just going it alone. The climax of the movie would be a running gun fight between Boba Fett and IG-88 that levels a city block of coruscant with pew-pew and thermal detonators.

Or take the umbara arc from the clone wars and throw a quarter billion dollar production budget at it to remake it into a feature film.

I think a story told from a jedi during the jedi purge could be pretty good too. Make vader more of a looming threat than a personal antagonist.

dennis villasboas would make some vapid shit that star wars nerds would love

>Are the new darth vader comics any good?
They're written by Kieron Gillen so they're solid. Worth checking out if you're a SW fan.

desu the most interesting thing I could see coming out of star wars at this point would be some kind of anthology series - either as bunch of animated shorts like Animatrix, Neo Tokyo or Gotham Knight OR a HBO level series of standalone stories.

o haibiwan

you know that's a shop, right?

fucking this. we have yet to see a star wars movie that isn't muh nostalgia and muh member bothans. i know it's possible to tell reasonable interesting stories in this universe; they just can't seem to manage it on the big screen.

this but unironically

I would prefer if they made a movie about Palpatine pre Episode 1, how he became a political figure and his relationship with Plagueis

>stand alone Darth Vader

please no

>tfw no Sheev/Vader movie that's just out and out Imperial and doesn't ever deal with the rebel side of the equation

>Jedi Purge movie
>Vader hunting down Jedi Knights and early rebels
>uses his extensive network of underworld contacts to keep running tabs
>leads directly into an underworld movie featuring IG-BB, Fett and a number of other bounty hunters doing space gangster shit
>all the bounty hunters in that scene in ESB have been Vaders hit squad for 20+ years
>war movie following a squad of Imperial shock troopers in the Outer Rim
>Tales of the Jedi trilogy

sign me up

>Vader and Sheev imposing their will on the galaxy
>2 hours and 45 minutes of Imperial Military porn
>Star Destroyers, TIE fighters and Stormtroopers destroying shit
>Vader out at the forefront wrecking guerrillas and pre-Rebel terrorists
>Sheev looming in the darkness pulling scores of strings across the galaxy
>Vader slaughtering the Jedi he comes across

>Darth Vader toys wouldn't sell

might want to bone up on reading comprehension user





i don't think his issue is with the trilogy

that's good comic book art

Darth Reddit

Kotor trilogy would be better, the prequels are pretty much Vaders personal origin story

Rian Johnson