Alicia's Story: Alicia, all smiles and laughter on the outside, secretly fears that her food addiction will kill her before she can marry her long-time love or watch her nieces grow up.
What kind of asshole watches a show like this. What do you get out of watching human whales stumbled around and roll in their own shit? Why not just watch the pigs at your local petting zoo or something ?
Samuel Cook
>watch show >start overeating despite being slimfat
Mason Campbell
>Missing out of absolute 100% Kino in its purest form
William Robinson
The shot of him in the van is brilliant. Scripted reality or not.
Owen Turner
It's like watching The Elephant Man or a Cronenberg film. Pure body horror kino
>put them in a coma on a 1000 cal per day diet for 6 months >wake them up all fixed
Why don't they just do that?
Mason Thomas
Because their heart would stop. Why do you think they can't do surgery on 600 lb patients?
Henry Ross
they can't keep them under for more than 50 minutes to do the surgery or they'll die putting them in a coma is off the table
Jace Stewart
John Sanchez
Ow, my kidneys!
Jason Kelly
Former 300lbs fat here. Seeing this actually made me start working out and do the paleo diet.
At 242lbs now.
Oliver Bell
A coma isn't the same as an aesthetic.
Colton Powell
Is this the same episode as last time or is this a recap?
Carson Smith
anasthetic i mean
Christian Jenkins
>>wake them up all fixed
you and i both know they wouldn't be "fixed".
in these episodes people often GAIN weight when they get put on these diets. even if you sucked all their fat out they'd gain it back in a year, max.
Jackson James
>A coma isn't the same as an aesthetic. Food Water Aesthetocs
Ryan Young
Not if you make their stomach half the size of a normal person.
Justin Hughes
They'll just very little for 20 hours per day instead of a lot for 5.
Dylan Phillips
good for you fat bastard. continue on your self rehabilitation journey and people won't call you that behind your fat back anymore. cheers.
Angel Lewis
>Doctor Now, I'm Steven in upper left corner
Steven was such a piece of shit and I legit hope he posts and screencaps here one day.
Logan Lewis
My local petting zoo is 30 mins away and isn't open at 8:00 pm on a Wednesday in the middle of January.
Gabriel Long
lul stomachs grow back as well user. gastric bypass surgeries rarely keep people in shape for more than 5 years.
Jack Ward
They should show these side by side with starving 3rd world children documentaries. Bit of this, bit of that. That way in a while the public will finally realize that we should just feed the former to the latter.
Carter Flores
Fuck you Sup Forumstards this show is shit, nobody with their mind in the right place considers this exploitation of the different bodied funny nor its entertaining, people can be healthy and happy at any size, why don't you virgins go lose your virginity huh? how about that? oooo too close to home right? you will never be loved yet fat people marry all the time, think about that fuckos, think about that when you go to bed, you wasted your life not eating tasty things and for what? to get rejected in shape? now thats a stretch, i bet some of you alt/tards/ never even attempted asking a girl out lmao you are failure, maybe TLC should start doing hitpieces on you so actual smart people can laugh at your stupidity.
Daniel Barnes
Holy shit, Live action Akira looks great
Luis Butler
Daniel Nguyen
t. fat as fatass
Henry Richardson
1/10, takes about 10 words to recognize the shitty bait
Parker Taylor
Wow, what absolutely leftist SJW post I'm infuriated and going to derail this thread right now with multiple (you)s to this sincere authentic and believable reply.
Easton Collins
>more fat kino >female "OW MUH LAYGS" based af
Camden Bell
>Fuck you Sup Forumstards
This shit has got to stop. Not everything you assblasted tourists don't like is Sup Forums.
Logan Carter
good bait user, just a bit too obvious
Charles Robinson
Grayson Williams
Easton Allen
I've lost 150 lbs over the past 2 years. I didn't get surgery, it was all diet and exercise.
Honestly, the only reason people stay fat like this is because they don't know how easy proper diet and exercise is to maintain.
Charles Price
>election cycle embryo can't recognize babby's first bait and calls others "tourists"
John Russell
Will there ever be a moment as poetic as being too fat to fly? Is Roger Alan Wayde dead?
Brandon Thomas
did that woman pay 4 tickets? she should
Colton Rivera
I don't find my 600lb life funny in concept. It's obviously not a happy life. But little details like MUH LEGS and Steven being a fucking shameless drug addict make it kino
Liam Gonzalez
Good job bud, keep it up
Sebastian Miller
The show is probably triggering some instinct in you.
Isaiah Cooper
>BUT ITS FRIED literally what did he mean by this?
Benjamin Barnes
Deters people from being pigs.
Jason Morales
Any body got links? I wanna rewatch.
Bentley Williams
just throw her with the baggage
Zachary Harris
what episode you what familio
Dylan Russell
She's got too much baggage.
Caleb Reyes
i didnt get a chance to see last week's show? was she seriously not allowed on the plane?
Colton Phillips
The Assanti ones, James, any classics you'd recommend.
Nicholas Nelson
She was allowed but her fat body couldn't take the strain of sitting in a plane seat.
Christian Roberts
Easton Taylor
She was allowed, but she was too immobile to board it. She couldn't get over the little gap between the ramp corridor and plane door. She literally can't move without the fatty scooter.
Jack Rogers
these people can't feed for themselves just don't feed them 4000+kcal/day how hard is that
Samuel Brooks
Gabriel Allen
Ian Brooks
That poor scooter
Adrian Gonzalez
Grayson Clark
Steve was a legend. It's his brother who was the turd
Joshua Lopez
jesus christ wow
Dominic Wilson
Anyone have that picture of Steven's brother standing in the driveway with his back to his dad? That was kino as fuck
Benjamin Bell
Camden Walker
Ethan Taylor
Josiah King
>tfw lost 33 pounds in 4 months
i'll be hitting my goal weight in a couple of months
Nathaniel Ross
Would Sup Forums be interested if I made a black and white film grain edit with a custom La Mia Vita title card of the Assanti Saga and streamed it? I might do it sometime over the next few days if there is enough interest.
Isaac Walker
>used to be fat >not anymore I love talking shit about fat people now.
Bentley Davis
For the last time yes
Mason Lee
DOH fucking commercials again. Murica y u do this?
that won't fix their fatbrains. their neurons have been overexcited to want high calorie foods all day long. you need to fix their brains and the only way you can do that is with gastric bypass.
Oliver Fisher
Does his skull look like an eggplant?
Eli Gutierrez
Owen Kelly
What streaming site would you reccomend? I can edit the video just fine, but I have no idea where to start in terms of streaming.
Joshua Williams
Justin just wants to sell waifu figures and Steven just wanted drugs and pizza. The niece from Janine's episode was qt but she was starting to get a little pudge but I'd fug those pounds off her.
>tfw I have no mfw and a brother named Steven
Carter Ortiz
>used to be fat fuck at 280 lbs >start watching this show like 3 years ago >down to 199 lbs this show unironically saved my life, fuck being fat
Jaxon Wilson
No idea desu but it is something I'd want to see.
Kayden Edwards
Owen Torres
Fuck the haters
Jaxon Anderson
go to the site tvmuse search my 600 lbs life find episode you want look in comments click to reveal comments marked as spam they contain links to streaming sites with the episodes
I found a bunch of links but couldn't get around the spam filter, sorry m8
Brody Baker
All those shots of James's wife where they blur out her crotch because she decided that the day the tv cameras turned up was a good day to go commando.
This show is unreal.
Camden King
Genuinely my theory on this is that he knows "raw" food is bad for you. Like raw meat gives you food poisoning. So in his head if it's cooked/fried it is good for you.
Carson Barnes
>Scream constantly for hours >Call the police and say you're abusing them >Order delivery right to the door and pay in advance using your card
Jace Green
They get paid extra by TLC if they're especially disgusting during filming.
William Allen
Cheers mate.
Zachary Evans
Proud of you bud
Christian Bell
Those tiny hands.
Asher Hill
Jacob Rogers
can somebody stream on YouTube or twitch so we don't have to use these websites that give us AIDS?
Luke Reyes
Use an ad blocker.
Nathan Green
Brody Adams
Has there ever been someone on this show who got legit /fit/?