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sodomites should all die

DM truly is trash.

From storm chasing to bug chasing

fine here

F for Feed? S for Seed? I don't get it.

dance dance till you're dead

Didn't know people take GHB as a party drug...

>Joel had consumed enough GHB on the dance floor Tuesday that he was rendered unconscious and taken off the dance floor by 2 people and back to his room.

night night, keep your butthole tight

yah if you want to get gay buttfucked

Just like the gay nightclub shootings, I don't give a fuck.

what about straight buttfucked?

More like "bug chaser"

damn didn't know they existed lmao i wonder how many come back with aids each trip

can you explain why and how


I always thought Reed was the fag on that show

From storm chasing to bug chasing, such is life outside God's light.

Low dose GHB is a party drug, but it's old school to do that. Most people just rock coke or mdma. If you dose too much, you just get sleepy for while, which is why it fell out of flavor when Ketamine arrived.

Say what you will about TMZ but they have more integrity than DM. No need to have a title like that.


Lol yeah

In other news Niggers steal others belongings, and kikes love money.

So saying it was just a cruise wouldn’t be ambiguous? Get over yourself.

This was actually kind of a good show.

Reed Timmer was GOAT storm chaser

It's a shame this guy died from an overdose...

...instead of being dragged for miles behind a pickup truck.

>t. never tried butt play with his girlfriend

>. If you dose too much, you just get sleepy for while,
yeah or die

literally me

Imagine being a crew member on a gay cruise ship. Cleaning up after all that.

>all-gay cruise
imagine the smell

He just died. I don't expect anyone here showing compassion for a dead person's family. But a major newspaper should.


if you take anything in the butt, you're a faggot


>he's never had his ass eaten out by a girl


what about a pooP?

lol i remember me and a couple of my friends GHBd this one chick back in the late 90s when that shit came out and gangbanged the shit out of her. she was found the next day with her apt door wide open and all her shit stolen but luckly alive but no recollection of what happened


that comes out of your butt and it's a natural process

Eating ass is fucking disgusting

what if you swallowed a dildo and you pooped it out whole would that be gay?

If you don't like having men bust a nut deep in you're asshole then you're a fucking faggot.

no straight man should be anywhere near a dildo

Fuck came here to post this, good job Anons.

Not if you're both decent human beings that practice hygiene

This but unironically


>not dildo-ing a girl
u gay, son

give me an unironic reason why straight men shouldn't get prostate orgasms

>all these deep in the closet homophobes ITT

Who, What, Where, When, Why, How

Dumb fag. Please lie to average people so sacred gays will remain protected. Fuck you

I am pretty sure this is how HIV spreads



>not using your dick
you some kind of cuck?

>those blurry pixels
kek, nice try

use both, bonehead. I feel bad for you if you've never fucked a girl while dildo-ing her other hole! You must be a virgin

They suck. I've tried fingers and toys and it just makes my dick numb. I can still come from just stimulating it but man they're lame compared to just reg jacking for me.

Yeah it's called jpeg compression, twerp. Stop replying to me.

I have enough money that I don't really need to work a serious job anymore. Not enough that I'm rich though. I've been thinking about getting a job on a cruise ship and just banging my exotic coworkers and traveling to nice places viable or no?


I make anti-gay posts on Sup Forums all the time and I can't stopping watching gay porn. I can't stop fantasising about what it would be like to suck a cock, I think about it all the time.

Anyway, that's my anonymous confession, I'll go back to calling people dirty faggots now.

No, I think you are pretending to be multiple different people on an anonymous message board. Unfortunate for you.

Poo will simply fall out of your gaping sphincter once you're old and you will probably get prostate cancer

I've made half the anti-gay posts ITT and also watch gay porn. kek

Fuck,you beat me.

Okay bigot, no shame in homosexuality anymore.

that headline went in a wildly different direction than I expected.

Do you think it makes it hotter too? I watch a man getting fucked in the ass by another man and I imagine calling him faggot, slapping him around a little, then fucking his ass too. Shits so hot for some reason.


that's only if you get ass slammed multiple times a day for years

Exactly this, which is why it seems most homophobes are in the closet.

not a virgin, I just dont engage in cuck shit
if she's gonna get anything inside of her, it's gonna be me
i bet you let tyrone fuck your girl too, faggot

>Dumb fag. Please lie to average people so sacred gays will remain protected. Fuck you
Has nothing to do with him being gay. It's just common decency.

>Look mom, I'm falseflagging!

Doesn't make any sense- nothing i said implies being a cuck. If you had sex, your girl must've hated it. You gotta make her orgasm hard. Don't be so shy next time.



Me here: I also made this post:

I'm from Sup Forums and love sucking dong. Don't know what you're on about!

Get help

Is being gay a mental illness?

As a Sup Forumsack, I can say that traps are a miracle of the universe.

No it's literally not. A mental illness means that a person is unable to function is society

I would say a lot of business men are high functioning sociopaths which would still make them mentally ill but able to function or even benefit society.

storm chaser

more like

dick chaser


>A mental illness means that a person is unable to function is society


A mental illness is someone who saves the thumbnail rather than the full image.

Sociopaths and antisocial disorder have some characteristics that make them unable to function normally in society. One of them being the inability to maintain relationships.

Sup does jacking of make you gay? I mean there's a dick in your hand

Inability to maintain relationships doesn't mean you can't function in society.

> But a mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function.


Did you say no homo

Yes, you should only masturbate by fucking a pillow. You are literally giving a man a handjob otherwise


>caring about a woman's pleasure
grade A cuck