
How would you make this into a movie?

Other urls found in this thread:


>The first three hours depict Cthulhu emerging from the deep water
>Tom Cruise appears "not so fast"


>ear shattering fart noise

why are you posting a terraria screenshot

I make him go "Rawr" and make a clawing motion with one appendage

pls take that back to Sup Forums this is a Tom Cruise vs Cthulhu thread

I'm pretty sure nobody read the story on that board but well, let me explains:
"The Call of Cthulhu" is an overrated story and meme pushed by August Derleth to use Cthulhu as a mascot of Lovecraft universe, Lovecraft wrote better things.

Cthulhu only appears because an earthquake on the pacific ocean make R'lyeh his underwater city reemerging to the surface and random people from some boat explored it before the monster came and start to make them mad, then the boat crush him and escape, and he reform himself but can't quit R'lyeh because he is cursed.
this is the only appareance of him on the story and it's very short, most of the story is about the mystery of his cult, consisting of niggers making human sacrifices and killing everyones talking too much about it.

so what do you want to adapt exactly? because the meme godzilla kaiju shit with him is nothing but a meme of retarded reddit tier nerds who never read the story.

Act One: Tom Cruise is tracking down a mysterious conspiracy between seemingly unrelated people around the world, and discovers they are a cthulhu worshiping cult.

Act Two: The cult initiates a terrorist attack that triggers widespread panic, while natural disasters around the world begin to escalate. Tom Cruise is flying around the world trying to find the source of this, believing it's some kind of super-weapon built by the cult. At this time Tom Cruise has also started have Cthulhu dreams, just like the cultists.

Act Three: Cthulhu rises out of the Pacific and begins walking towards Tom Cruise, who is currently in California. His dreams increase in frequency, and the weird psycho-killer True Detective type abilities of the cultists amplifies, allowing them to make things even worse.

Climax - Tom Cruise realizes Cthulhu hates this one cultist because they're fucking up his sleep, he was waking up to kill all of humanity in order to kill this person. He figures out who is truly at the center of the conspiracy and kills them. Then cthulhu goes back to sleep, and the cult begins worshiping him, making him basically the most powerful man on Earth. End credits.

10/10 would watch, perfect Hollywood take on it desu. Can't expect more than this.

Wait, you fight Cthulhu in Terraria?

this supposed to be funny? women truly can't into humor

And the character is Tom Cruise. He plays himself.

Post-credits - Welcome to Scientology

>broken ass english
yeah you definitely seem to know what you're talking about

I think he would just kill them immediately. I don't know what the hell it's doing on earth tho and the purpose of the natives worshiping it.

It's beatdown time, you big octopus!

>movie trailer
>ear shattering fart noise
>full frontal shot of Cthulu rising from the sea with water streaming off of its body
>black screen
>coming 2018

>opening shot is Cthulu rising out of the water
>movie is 2 hours and 45 minutes of Cthulu destroying a city
>ending is Cthulu standing over the leveled city roaring at the sky

>Eskimo Diabloists
>Irem, The City of Pillars, lost somewhere in sandsof Arabia
>Cultists in the Himalayas
>Voodoo cult village hidden in the swamps of Louisiana
>An arisen primodial city of the Old Ones located somewhere in the Pacific

Pretty easy I'd imagine

this sounds a little like the shit i posted months ago

If it is it's not on purpose, dog. I was just trying to think of how a hollywood cthulhu film would go.

This sounds fucking bland as fuck and exactly how I would expect it. You could have tried to be a little creative.

It's a film that could get made.

Weirder than that and you couldn't even get the money people into it.

If it were just ME with a quarter billion dollars I'd get del Toro to make Mountains of Madness however he likes. That one could be big budget and properly weird.

For Cthulhu it has to be cult story + monster story.

Pop quiz, hot shot - was Shin Godzilla a good film?

>Lovecraft creates a rich horror fantasy world that rivals Tolkien in worldbuilding with volumes upon volumes of source material
>all anyone remembers from his works is LE EPIC SQUID MONSTER XDD

kill me

>broken ass english
better than being a nigger user.

>reddit spacing

Is there any real, almost Lovecraft-tier cosmickino?

in the mouth of madness

>cthulu rises out of the water
>Tom Cruise sees it and puts his hands on his head screaming, "I'm going insane! I'm going insane! AHHHHHH!"

>Call of Cthulu: the movie
>movie opens with a savage and graphic doggystyle sex scene between Tom Cruise and Emma Stone that actually shows PIV penetration at one point
>a roar is heard
>Tom Cruise looks out the window and sees cthulu lumbering across the city
>He has a flashback to Russell Crowe saying, "If you gaze upon the cthulu you will be stricken instantly by complete insanity
>Cruise stops have sex and runs out into the city naked, screaming, his decent into the depths of insanity just beginning
>2 hours and 45 minutes of cthulu destroying a city with brief checkups on the status of Tom's character until madness utterly consumes him


That city should be in the Atlantic

I'd cast Kat Dennings as Cthulhu and she'd use her large lips and breasts to give paizuri to the boat, which is just my penis painted to look like a boat.

you might want to try losing your virginity first

Why? I'm gonna skeet either way.

Unironically True Detective

First season, right?
I heard that the second season was abysmal.

why don't you watch it and form your own opinion you disgusting little faggot

pissing me off will be your last mistake. because the reality of this situation is that in a combat scenario i would destroy you with or without preptime. if we encountered eachother at any given time i could put you out of commision effortlessly using my vast knowledge of martial techniques. however, if i do get preptime, i would stalk you like your own shadow. you would sense my precense but never would you ever see, hear or even realise that i am there.i would learn your every move. study your behavior. learn all your weaknesses. and when i'm finished, i would begin systematically destroying you. everyone you love, everything you care about, nothing would be safe. i would keep this up until you are completely broken. when your mind feels nothing but suffering, and every shred of hope inside you has long since faded. only then would you have my permission to die.
everyone has a dark side, don't fuck with me.

ill fuck with your mum you pasta postin' pussy

why are you so rude user, i just wanted to borrow some of your knowledge to evade watching a potential antikino

Just watch the first season you fartboy, it's amazing.

>evade watching
you need to be 18 to post here user

This and The Thing. Pretty much it.

I hope it makes you butthurt to know I never used 'reddit spacing' before december 2017. Dog.

Feel like I'm the only one who likes Season 2, even tho it's flawed.
Seriously the closest thing to Twin Peaks by a guy not named Lynch

Have some kino:

>it's a 90's born sneedfag tries to get a (you) episode.