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I’d love to hang out with him and shit talk Jews and liberals.

I’d love to hang out with him and shit talk Jews and liberals.

>goes on joe rogan
>brings some quack doc to shill fucking stem cells while acting like a cokehead

dudes far less based than i thought

*bends over*
*points to anus*

I’d love to hang out with him and shit talk Jews and liberals

Dude is a moron. All neocucks are though. But he made 2 amazing movies and had his great moments as an actor. If he didn't bitch so much and blamed juice for his life issues he would have been goyish Spielberg now. But he has gotten better. Went from calling stem cell research work of the devil to being its spokesperson. Also gave up the dumb idea of being a priest. Unfortunately still makes garbage like hacksaw ridge Christian bs movies. I unironically think the Christian cinema evangelical middle American TV quality movies are fucking awesome and they do a better job with a 10th of his movie budgets. But that is because guy has serious anger issues.

Hopefully he improves further. Be a shame to end like this.

He’s literally a mega millionaire and you’re saying he’s dumb for not being a Hollywood kissass? Dumbass kike detected.

I’d love to hang out with him and shit talk Jews and liberals.

I'm actually curious about what he would say.


That's not what I said retard. Perhaps learn how to read. It isn't either or. It isn't either be a leftwing socialist cuck (what you call juice,) or an alcoholic dumb ass wife beater ranting at cops when stopped for driving under the influence.

His movies also take a turn to straight shit. Last great movie was apocalypto and ever since he can't even do a good one.


I know that much. I expect him to go into more detail.

One of the best film makers in modern day cinema.

I say that as a dyed in the wool unapologetic liberal.

the hero archetype

>stem cells are bad because muh FDA doesn't approve them

Holy shit just fucking kill yourself
I bet you watch John Oliver you worthless faggot


He's so fucking based

Remember when that piece of shit with the punchable face John Oliver gave him shit for defending nutritional supplements?

Now he gets his revenge on John Oliver and promotes science backed alternative treatments that the cucked FDA/AMA corporate fascist cartel(which John Oliver worships) does not approve.
This video has like 1.5 million views.

""""""""""Skeptics""""""""""" utterly BTFO
Kill them all

In his 60s, looks like a based beast. No need to shill, has millions. May just genuinely feel that people could benefit from non traditional medicine.

just watch E.Michael Jones videos on youtube

how else do you think cells will live forever? Of course they'd be on the stem cell train.

Non FDA approved medicine has saved countless lives.

Nigger, I want Marrtin Riggs/Max Rockatansky/Nick Marshall to give me their opinion on the Jews dammit.

Jesus fuck it isn't outlawed we know stem cells work but FDA also has to evaluate all treatment and drugs so we don't have horror accidents killing millions. There are many trials in America right now and tests done and with FDA blessing to do just that. Don't wanna wait then go and roll the dice in Mexico etc. Stop calling it pseudo shit and other stupid stuff. I mean side effects so far have included outbreak of tumors fatal. Chill. At least America researches it. My country doesn't even acknowledge it exists...

FDA is fucking cancer and the MOST they should be doing is testing whether drugs are safe, not effective
Effective is for the market to decide.
We need freedom for innovation to flourish.

FDA kills millions

Honestly people that support the fda are on par with mass murders and they deserve a bullet in the head.

>effective for market to decide
Fuck off snake oil shill

>anything not approved by the government is snake oil
Kill yourself bootlicking corporate statist shitstain

Haven't heard the podcast but isn't his old man being kept alive or in a better quality of life through the use of stem cells?

what actor has higher test levels than Mel? maybe prime Nick NOlte

Yes he is and liberals like John Oliver are mad as fuck lol

>putting words in your mouth
>haha I win against myself arguing
They have to first know sideffects and evaluate effectiveness. Otherwise you have another tragedy on your hands. This isn't complicated retard. I mean are you this dumb or just auditioning for a job at channel 4?!

>They have to first know sideffects and evaluate effectiveness. Otherwise you have another tragedy on your hands.
If we actually had competition in medical schools/associations and drug testing in this country then this wouldn't be an issue.
Why do you think that thalidomide thing happened?
In a free market, people would go to the most reputable doctors from medical associations that force them to prescribe safe and effective drugs.

Abolish the nhs

I liked Apocalypto but it has so many historical mistakes that I can't love it so much.

Funny most mistakes have been debunked by recent findings over last decade. Maybe don't read criticism on places like Verge.

Dude you are just being a dumb fuck. Trials and competition do exist between hospitals etc even now for stem cells lol. Like that has nothing to do with the FDA. Fact you don't understand how bad it would be to not test and do trials for years is scary. I mean it could result in anything from getting an injection and die a day later from cancer to take treatment for months, spend a ton and get zero results. And no I don't wanna rely on word of mouth to where I should get treated.

Anyway most trials are already gonna pass before 2020 and allow drugs to main market so once that happens you will have to find a new thing to sperg about. I recommend you do Chemtrails.


Explain to me how the conquistadors arrived in the 900s.

It wasn't the 900's

He's say, "I’d love to hang out with you and shit talk Jews and liberals."