Why is Plastic Man so effortlessly good?

Why is Plastic Man so effortlessly good?

Nearly all of the writers for him have done him well, idk if he's easy to write or he's just lucky

also, where the fuck is Plastic Man Rebirth? We're a year in, let's get the funnier and werirder heroes in (Booster, Plas, Justice League Dark)

How will Batman ever recover from such a through stomping?

What is this from. I see it posted all the time but never any context.

Batman has him contained in some sort of Plastic Man egg thing.

Whaaat!? i am scared of asking why

it was a thing is some elseworlds

is he "our boy" Sup Forums?


No dark metal is a spin off event from rebirth iirc. Plas has been stuck in an egg deep in the bat cave next to one of the three jokers

seriously, I could have sworn I read that in the 90's.

Same reason why reddit thinks this is funny

Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

Leave kid

what fetish is this

Worth mentioning he was a villain before he got his powers. How many other DC villains would gain superpowers and go "you know what, fuck villainy I'm gonna be a superhero!"

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sAmE reasOn why ReDDit tHinkS it's FUNny

Isn't that a plot point from Dark Knight II?

Same thing happened in frank miller's dark knight strikes back

What happened to Plas anyways?
Why isn't he in modern continuity?

He's being held in some sort of containment inside the Batcave. They teased his origin during Forever Evil but I guess that's not canon anymore.


>next to one of the three jokers

Jesus Christ, are they finally getting around to picking up where that story left off??

I think Johns was going to use him but never got around to it. Though it's likely just that no one really cared to use him in general. He wasn't around much the last preFP years either iirc.