ITT: Newgrounds animators you'd like to see with their own TV show


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Egoraptor, OneyNg

I would watch the shit out of a show featuring Gremblo run by Michael Cusack and psychicpebbles

Fuck yeah, I also forgot to add Pyschicpebbles to my list.

Nah dudes, that's pleb as fuck.
You want to give an animation to someone you want Vinnie veritas, Emily youcis, sick death fiend and/or chluaid.
Any one o them would make a great show.

chluaid does Bob's Burgers at the moment, so hopefully he gets the chance to pitch something for a show.

A David Firth sketch show would be something.

are you high? youcis is an outright nazi. no network would let her within 50 feet of a show.

has this already been picked up?

Aw man, salad fingers the animated series, imagine.

Not Newgrounds but I'd love to see mike inel get his own show.

The guy who did Brackenwood. I want to finally see a full series.


Egoraptor and Oney are two sides of the same coin, just loud noises and "funny" faces.

They're incapable of structuring a simple story and would miss every deadline.

Fuck the show, he should get his own hentai studio.


also too.

>youcis is an outright nazi.
If anything it should make her more popular.

any answer except Adam Phillips/chluaid is a wrong answer

>not wanting our godking stamper to team up with Marc M and make the best show of all time.
Get on my level

Rob Moran from Unforgotten Realms.

Take Unforgotten Realms give it some supporting writters and a plot that somewhat has an idea where its heading it would be great.

im pretty sure firth has already had something akin to a sketch show on tv, it was just brief and only aired on british tv.

his shit is so fucking uncomfortably surreal it would end up in a 1am time slot on wednesdays on as or something

Look, I just wanna see SMBZ get finished. Not the reboot, the original, I liked the feel and direction of that version of the series more.

Seriously, can't Alvin just get a bunch of talented flash artists that are fans of the series and tell them exactly what to do?

I want the Dad cartoons to be a full series.



Harry Partridge, str8 up
Starbarians has potential for a full series

None of them. None of them can actually make something with regularity enough that would have them make a successful cartoon series.

Holy shit what the actual fuck happened to Sakupen? The Mechadeath boss in Dadgame was the most badass thing ever and Dad hilarious.

I dont have the exact link but He said some years ago that he had many offers from some pro studios some time ago but turn it down and so he made a patreon so He could draw/animate what *He* wanted to do, also doubt he would get that amount of money in a studio that he is getting on patreon now

This fucker right here.

Too bad it takes him months at a time to make a single-page update to his webcomic anymore.

Oh I remember him, one of the first Mexican animators I found in there

Motherfucking Marc M

Vinnie Veritas need more attention to his stuff


thank god I'm not the only one who remembers this.

Felix Colgrave

Not a whole show, but something from a miniseries to a web comic would be perfect, this guy made an amazing game and has the means to tell a decent story
God fucking damnit im still mad about that one

Who is this? Reverse image search gives me nothing and I grew up without a computer so I don't know anything about classic Newgrounds artists


Marc M + Stamper + Psychicpebbles + Spazkid

Egoraptor as he is now would just scream "MY PUSSY" for half an hour and call it the height of comedy

sauce is possibly as old as the internet

I know theres no point on saying this but EddsWorld, specifically the ones made by Edd himself were mile above writing wise any other newgrounds project it was actually TV quality already, because it didn't rely on profanity like all the other popular animators and still was entertaining.

newgrounds animation were trash

>TFW there will never be a Burnt Face Man cartoon show

Orgasm Girl
and this

>grew up without a computer
You poor child.
Don't worry it's all better now, We're all friends here.

Wow, no mentions of a Harry Partridge sketchshow?

All you had to do was read the damn thread, CJ


Could Spazkid make a good show?

His entire deal is saturday morning style cartoons about random stuff.

It's not newsgrounds, but eh.

>no mention of zekeyspaceylizard
dude was based, best art style of anyone I remember seeing on newgrounds

>youcis is an outright nazi
Is she? I thought it was just an edgy shtick she was doing to get views during the election.

Who was that ugly jewess and her meatball head husband she called out?

anyone else feel like they REALLY missed something special by not grouping together?
I'm talking about something like what Miyazaki & Takahata did with Ghibli where they'd work on each other's work

they could have had a few of their main artists act as directors/writers, others produce, & have a pseudo staff of animators that work for exposure, experience, or even some monetary gain

given the userbase that it had in the early 00s, they could've had made great animations

Literally a case of someone becoming their own internet personality.

I guess the lot of them had different plans. They've collaborated plenty times but it never went further than the flash collabs or Castle Crashers.

Hell, Egoraptor came out and said he stopped enjoying doing animations and only wanted to voice act.

Currently following the making of his new game. Hope its good. Spent many hours in lanhouses beating his games

All I want for christmas is Tarboy 2

that's because Arin's a lazy, dumb faggot

take EVERY example of him getting professional work
>MTV hires him to make animations
>quits because they want him to stick to an older style

>FOX hires him to make animations
>quits b/c they changed up his animations after he made them

the man can't work well with others or in a professional environment

>Hope its good.

*Hope it's good.

>Hope it's good.

*hope its good

What's this poster from?

Regardless of whether she's serious or not, or whether or not you're a dumb Sup Forumstard who sympathizes with nazis, she's just an immature, edgy, and vulgar bitch. I can't imagine someone like her having a good work ethic.

Anyone remember the Bitey Cartoons?

Harry Partridge

Hello my good man, I'm the Pube Muppet. I would like to request a show about me.

You guys are all wrong. If anybody deserves a show, it has to be Speedosausage. His best animations are unfucking real:
Emily actually worked on an animation in South Korea, so it's obvious she's got the drive to animate. In a better world the best of the best NG animators would all work together in a studio. Some have their flaws, but also their pros, Max G for example is really good with 3D special effects, Arin doesn't animate, but at least he has a great voice

The one that gives you a virus.

Welp, you have a point.

Nuff said.

Tankmen tv show or no go.

I love stamper but the guy's a faggot when it comes to doing something regularly, thats why he bailed from sleepycast.

Adam Phillips would be my choice as well.

The best animator deserves his own show

I wanted to say Marc M but the corporate high-budget world would only taint his genius

>the corporate high-budget world would only taint his genius
No, no, user! That isn't how you say it! You say it like this.
>the man can't work well with others or in a professional environment

is nial even an animator? I thought he was just one of chris's buds

He does some work for D&D still, I know he did the old 4e animations but he recently did the second season intro for Dice, Camera, Action.

The man deserves more work.

no one has mentioned this is the best one


Vinnie was a cool motherfucker, least with his animation. He tried making a webcomic for a while, but it sorta floundered. Kinda a shame, would've loved him to continue it with a sorta Durarara angle.

I though he was the SleepyCabin sound guy

harry partidge

I don't think so. Not on his own. But he could animate it.


Just kidding, i have no fucking idea how to do an original show. Give me any existing series and i can whip out a parody story no problem, but holy fuck how do you original content.

Is he still alive?



Eskimo Bob...? Anyone...?

studio yotta is what you're describing to some degree. it consists of a lot of members from thebackalleys, which imo, was the most promising group of flash animators, anyways. that's why a lot of og newgrounds animators refer to them and have them assist on their projects. shoutout to anigen and rtil.


Emily Youcis...

>The only person who gives me a full on fear boner.
>saw her work when I was about 15 or so
>that dog shows up every once in a while in my dreams

>Fear boner
H-How does that work user?

The ones that are actually good at it. I loved Oney, Ego, Pebbles, Hotdiggitydemon and all on their time, but I don't believe they have maintained the quality to put out anything actually good.
The rest of good old ones are now trapped into forever ironic homo-erotic animations that are boring.

Adam Philips - Chluaid
A Brackenwood series would be great, but the short and the game will also do, please may this time work.
Has worked for Disney and in several other shows like Bob's Burguers.

Felix Colgrave - MasterAardvark
Incredibly talented australian animator boy, very young but everything he does is great. Has worked on a few shows like Trip Tank and his latest short Double King is perfect.

Alek Wasilewski - Sarkasm
Hasn't actually done a lot, first work I've seen was "Smile!" from 2004, but his short movie Lucky Day Forever is to this day one of the best animations ever featured on Newgrounds.

David Firth - Doki
Very good at what he does, obviously famous for his series Salad Fingers, Burnt Face Man and Sock, but his best works in my opinion are standalone shorts like Dog of Man and the new Cream. Has ventured into music and some voice work, even doing a voice gig on GTA V.

Honorable mentions:
Joshua Palmer - Zeurel
Don't know what's been up to but he occasionally tweets frames of works.

Matt Jolly - Krinkles
Can't draw for shit but his Madness series did a fucking huge impact at the time and I still like it. Is now working on a Madness game.

It's a constant flux of anticipation and dread.

>so the blood is rushing to your dick but your terrified so you can't say a word and as you stroke it and any outside stimulation could set you off; not because your aroused but due a inner "FUUUUUUUUUCK".

Less pleasure more of a fear response but with cum.

What no love for Jason Steele aka Film Cow.

The Brits seem to know how to make quality animated shorts.

Krinkles and Felix Colgrave.

Mah nigga

i am genuinely fucking shocked someone else remembers this

I guarantee you a company could not make something as good as Marc could make himself. I could write an essay on a 30 second Sick Animation cartoon

It sure is hard pleasuring yourself when you've got HOOKS FOR HANDS

Man, I remember him back in the day selling the DVD's.
Does he still make new episodes?

>when zone crashes a thread in 2017

you don't, you hire me