What if you took both?

what if you took both?

you would trancend the pill no pill dichotomy

Nihilism my dude

those pills don't do anything, they are symbolic

one puts you to sleep, the other gives your brain an overload or some shit that wakes up your body irl

I guess the system would reject him and he would be flushed out into the sewers and drown, because he's unconscious

the redpill tracks your location in the real world and the bluepill resets you to your bed, so you'd reset to your bed while also giving off your location in the real world, which the rebels wouldn't be able to do anything with because you didn't do the t-1000 logging out procedure, but maybe the machines would detect it too and flush you just to be careful

I know what I’d take

yeah, makes sense

What do the machines in the Matrix universe exist for? Why even centuries after the war they didn't bother to clean the Earth atmosphere? Why they didn't expand into space, build dyson sphere and/or computronium planetoids?

both is purple, the spiritual androgyny

This is not a new world or otherwise, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned the ripping imprint on the pages of history since the beginning of time. . .

if you're talking about the world we live in, we're still in the birth pains of the new world's becoming

No, one is DayQuil and one is NyQuil.

You'd be a moderate centrist


>Jews control to government (but here's why that's a good thing)

this is actually accurate

You know that symbolic means when something does something, whatever it is that is doing it. So it is rather the contrary, if they don't do anything, they must not be symbolic.

Did I create this meme? I posted a thread like this once 2 years ago and I've seen it re-posted a few times. I'm a legend! Be sure to put me in the knowyourmeme description

Machines without humans wouldn't have much ambition I would imagine

ah yes because this is such an original question

The correct answer.

It's really interesting image. Where's it from? It's like inevitable. To morph as the environment changes

I just want credit, user. I was first

You need a dictionary.

It's from Lucifer. The context is that there is a female Maker now and the pure cherub finally manifests in flesh and he chooses to look female.

fucking lmao

>everybody turns into John Malkovich

I’d manifest as female too, desu.

You start hating both jews and white men

Maybe we'll live long enough to where gaming simulations let you play as women and inside the sim it feels real

you would probably die

>he doesn't know what the red pill does

>the redpill tracks your location
>the other gives your brain an overload or some shit that wakes up your body irl
the red pill tells the matrix you died. after neo takes it they run a trace program to find his physical body so they can go pick it up

Morpheus literally says the redpill is a tracker, it’s never implied it will kill him, in fact, just the logging off of the matrix is probably what gave the machines the impression neo was dead and automatically flushed away.

The blue pill is probably some zolpidem to put him to sleep and they planned on transporting him back to his appartment when he’s alseep

>they are symbolic
Not in the matrix, retard.

>Morpheus literally says the redpill is a tracker, it’s never implied it will kill him, in fact, just the logging off of the matrix is probably what gave the machines the impression neo was dead and automatically flushed away.
That's what I said? It's part of the trace program, part of which sends out "This guy's dead" signals to the Matrix, which triggers the flush. Meanwhile, they're looking for those specific patterns to find his physical body.

Then pic related happens.

give me your full name and phone number so i can credit you

What if you took the pill rectally?

Oh good gracious me.