Villians that did nothing wrong


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>Batman goes full sjw

in the end he even adopt three homeless kids like a good beta cuck would do

Americans everybody. Sex is the most terrifying thing in the world to them, alongside women deciding what to do with their own bodies.

What is this? Reminds me of Gotham by gaslight

You do realize where Jack the Ripper shit took place right?

>Wives? They are the worst prostitutes of all.


fuck, was just about to watch it.
Is it good otherwise?

>Batman adopting children
fucking SJW


It's gotham by gaslight

It is. DC's been making a load of animated films in the background but they moved on to New 52 shit and sales dropped so they've been pushing the occasional safebet cashgrab. This adaptation is alright but nothing special. Check out the movies they made for Apocalypse and Dark Knight Returns if you haven't seen them, they're fantastic.

Yeah, what sort of KEK would take in kids that weren't his? The REAL Batman would NEVER do that!
before anyone brings up Damian being his actual son: doesn't count. He was raped to get that seed and therefore is under no obligation to raise him

Wait, i remember reading Gotham by Gaslight a long time ago but dont remember Gordon being the ripper. Was that who it was in the comic?

you just know

pretty mediocre desu, was watching it at 74fps (SVP) so animations especially at fights were much more fluid and easier to follow.
I'd rather play or watch on yt Telltale's Batman The Enemy Within than watch this,
Enemy Within has better plot, better characters who ain't dumb as fuck, have more brutal and interesting fights.

It was good, but holy hell, superman looked like shit

I was too busy looking at slave leia Supergirl to notice. Or was that a different one?

okay, hmm, guess I try watching it like you then.

yes, this was it.

They overdid it with the cheeks, yeah. Dat Diana tho

does gordon die?

>when she goes in full force

muh fuckin dikk

>I promised the people of Gotham to clean scum of the streets
So, what? He finds them a shower and gives them a scrub? I'm so confused. Does he just take a firehose and blast every unsavory motherfucker on the sidewalk?

Reminds me of this.

yes he refused to give up to bat and went into a flames where he died


>Gotham by Gaslight has literally no characters of color, a lapse in representation that was even more striking when the animation made its world premiere at DC in D.C., an event that otherwise did an impressive job drawing attention to some of the more underrepresented demographics and issues in the comic book world.

They seriously fucked up trying to make him the badguy here.

i don't know how marvel keeps letting red skull drop these redpills

>den of geek
It's jezebel for beta-nerds

I didn't know Raimi was doing animated movies now.

They want us to look into ourselves and think we're evil. But it's backfired hard because they're making some really valid points.

>the (((bankers)))

What did Marvel mean by this?

Orange Juice

>this is what liberal writers consider pure evil


Whoever wrote this most certainly is projecting. This is too raw to not be from the heart.

>Whoever wrote this most certainly is projecting
Maybe they had someone from Sup Forums write it.

They're just cribbing Spencer and other alt-right turds.

You guys gave them the ammo, and now they use it against you. Most of the people that read these comics (mental midgets) will assume all this stuff is bad, because a villain is propagandizing it.

Further proof there's no winning with them.

You now live in a world were Red Skull makes more sense than Captain America

Won't work until they come out of the closet and start making banker superheroes

Counting Dracula


There shouldn't just be one, there should be 8 knights.

I thought it was a good movie


NO does Ivy die right at the start? Fuck this movie

>killing off redheads


at least she did a sexy dance before the end



Good to see the comments having none of it.

You shouldn't really be trying to "win" with no name sites that exist to be outraged and use attention grabbing bait words for page views in the first place

True Christian.

adopting orphans isn't beta
taking care of a stepchild is, but thats not the case here, especially since Bruce will train them to be Robin

Oh I absolutely agree.

Doesn't stop virtually all entertainment media today from trying to do it.

Is Red Skull communist now?


some user just dumped doom did nothing wrong
and he is correct doom did nothing wrong