So how did he look without the armor?

So how did he look without the armor?


well i just read up on it and apparently he was a shapeshifter, so whatever he wanted really.


So, could he go the Shelob route and be a hot girl?


Realistically he probably did look something like this when not morphing into giant spiders or some other bullshit, so it's the closest to a Sauron "without the armor" you'll ever get. After a certain point he lost the ability to "take a pleasant form", which essentially means he lost the ability to look even passably human. His face is probably horribly scarred/burned underneath the helm.

I always imagined him to look similar to Lestat considering he was literally a hot vampire



underneath the helmet it was just one giant burning eye, duh

In the books he probably didn't have giant WoW plate armor. Tolkien's sketch depicts him more like the Witch-King, basically a shadowy wraith. He might have worn armor during the War of the Last Alliance, but after that Tolkien probably intended him to look something like a more tangible Ringwraith minus the robes.

he only shapeshifted into a giant bat or a werewolf along with his human looking form, which after the sundering was apparently ugly. Still even ugly he was able to talk to the eregion elves and give all the kings their rings, so he can't have been hideous. The ring bearers must have all been beyond retarded, here's a guy whose a known bad guy and they take his rings like it's candy.

Who could pass up the chance to get a hold of a magic ring? Not me.

This is him in his prettyguy form, Annatar.


Is this fucking real life





lol, dude, like you wouldn't even believe

By sundering do you mean sinking of Numenor? Because that happened after Eregion and the nine rings to human kings. After the sinking of Numenor he couldn't assume a fair form, Annatar was creepy to some elves but apparently he was something like an angel when he talked to them.

>Time stamp

>His face is probably horribly scarred/burned underneath the helm

If someone had pulled it off would he have died?

Not only does the most random image ever get posted, but it's a different file and posted at the exact time in the exact same thread.

I need to rest my brain now.




No, but it MAY have been painful. Extremely painful, even.


He basically infiltrated elven society over the period of a thousand years whilst undercover as an elf himself.


t. wiki scholar

He transformed into many different forms during his fight with Huan.


even still, the man is obviously a big guy

I really liked the design of him in the game

but for who?

From your perspective.

Fucking well done

He could chose anything really.

>After NĂºmenor was destroyed
>"but Sauron was not of mortal flesh, and though he was robbed now of that shape in which he had wrought so great an evil, so that he could never again appear fair to the eyes of men, yet his spirit arose out of the deep and passed as a shadow and a black wind over the sea, and came back to middle earth and to Mordor that was his home."

"fair to to the eyes of men" makes me believe he chose Man to be his form. He despised men and elves but he probably chose this form to gain their trust so he could forsake them.

>tfw no qt sadomasochistic twink Sauron bf

There's literally a deleted scene where he's shown without his armor but you fucks are too lazy to google. Smfhfamalam.

he was a Mayar eg a fucking demigod elf
demigod elves had white hair

He looked really pretty and vulnerable without the armor but he could turn into ass blaster mode. I just think it looked cool how the armor formed around him.

This idea was stupid as fuck, but I would give anything to see a properly filmed version of it.

>i am not evil
>trust me, fellow Numenoreans

that looks like me

>Lets make a ring that turns everyone invisible but me

Is this the worst villain of all time?


>Lets make a ring that, if lost, warps the wearer into a shadowy parallel realm where there is only them and me



>So how did he look without the armor?
Before or after he had Numenor dropped on his head?
In the early ages of middle earth he took on a very fair bishonen as fuck image, but he was an accomplished shapeshifter who often took the form of a giant badass wolf and gets BTFO by best dog when he misunderstands the fine print of a prophecy.
After numenor he was unable to assume other forms, and his physical manifestation was tied to the power in the one ring, which was pure corruption, so now he has a shriveled burnt black appearance, and he's missing his ring finger.

I would just jerk off all the time.

Imagine being Sauron. Some guy puts on your ring, and now you can see him across the length and breadth of Middle Earth. And he's just masturbating while staring directly at you.

>sauron challenges best dog to a fight
>gets his ass handed to him
>freaks the fuck out and turns into everything he can think of to get free
>huan still has him by the throat
>he literally has to beg like a little bitch before he finally has to say criss cross applesauce 10 times
I love literally everything about the lore.

then the ringwraiths would find you and kill you stupid

Why god?

>masturbate at sauron
>he laughs as the ring wraiths take you apart from the limbs as you scream in agony and he regains the One Ring, making him the most powerful being in Middle Earth

>making him the most powerful being in Middle Earth
>gets blown the fuck out by a faggot with a broken sword

Is Sauron the most pathetic villain in fantasy? I wonder.

>Sauron just looks you in the eyes and mindrapes you from across the continent
>your dick spontaneously combusts
>ding dong ring wraith
>sauron lets you keep the ring just to extend your life in his eternal torture chamber under barad dur
Come at me bro.

Subtle joke.

In the book it takes an Elf lord and Elendil, who is 7'10" and is the peak of humanity, to kill him, and they get axed in the process. Movie made it look dumb because it tells the story better. At the end of the Third Age, there were no Elf lord/god king combinations that could have taken him on.

I don't even care. I'd still do it just for the pleasure of knowing that I got to sexually harass one of the most powerful beings in Middle Earth.

Show me your boipussy, fag.


Don't say we didn't warn you when that Haradrim is 9 inches deep in your ass with another 5 to go before he's balls deep.

Sauron is a PoC, stop whitewashing history

Does Sauron not have a dick? Is that why he's so offended at the sight of other peoples dicks? That would make sense.

he's like a minor god of some sorts, so he doesn't a dick for fucking or peeing.

He's a demigod. Your lack of reverence alone is all the reason he needs to smite you.

like Idris Elba


Guys, does using the ring to masturbate at Sauron count as cucking Morgoth?

but how?

So that's a yes on the no dick? Is Sauron just a forever alone virgin neet?

>implying he didn't whore himself out to Ar-Pharazon
Also didn't he rape some elf bitch to death? It's been many years since I last read The History of Middle-earth but I swear Christopher put something like that in there.

>Is Sauron just a forever alone virgin neet?
Yes, why do you think he was so angry and filled with hate. He made the one ring as compensation for his lack of dick. He may not have had a big orc cock, but he had the best magic ring.

this site is fucking falling apart

Not really seeing Sauron cucks him everyday by not sticking to Morgoths original plan

Something like this, I suppose.

He did turn into a woman at one point.
Sauron was basically the most evil trap in western literature.


Glitch in the Matrix


When did that happen? I can't remember shit about The Silmarillion.

The flashbacks in both games were god-tier

He's a spirit... so he doesn't have any form outside of the armor.

so he's jude law

The Maiar could take physical form.

because it didnt happen

mein gott in himmel

Well I guess it's confirmed then

Maia != elves of any sort. They are incorporeal beings/spirits who can take corporeal form.

Pic related

Tom Bombadil could have taken him if he could be arsed.
Gandalf possibly could have as well, but Gandalf's role was to guide the mortal races. Manwe refused to take out Morgoth for millennia. He sent Gandalf to ME after the sundering. Presumably he wanted the mortal races to overcome Sauron themselves.
Neither Morgoth nor Sauron could penetrate Melian's (another Maia) magical barrier.


