ITT : Surprisingly mature material

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This whole movie is amazing

Rourke did everything wrong

he literally did nothing wrong, those people have lived 1000s of years thanks to that technology and hid it from the rest of the world that is dying from all kinds of illnesses and only can live for ~70 years. They deserved to have it taken from them especially since that civilisation has passed it's prime and they can't maintain it anymore.

They don't owe the rest of the world shit

I watched this for the first time a while back and was really taken back by just how mature it got. I hate to be one of "those people", but I wish Disney would take risks like this again. Feels like they've been playing it too safe lately, even if their new films have still been enjoyable.

They were also retarded and somehow forgot the ability to read and write their own fucking language despite most of the population being old enough to remember when they still had it. If they didn't go with them living for eons the movie would have made a lot more sense but as it is the Atlanteans just somehow managed to be so retarded that they can't remember shit they lived through.

that's why the rest of the world should take their shit instead of asking the atlantians to give it to them.

Why does he look like a rapist father?

>this fucking episode

>THIS fucking episode

that episode was some weird shit

I need to watch it again

but he didnt want it for that, he wanted it for money, which he was allready gonna get since he DISCOVERED FUCKING ATLANTIS.
Taking the heart of it would have given him less money. He was such a retard

ooohhhh yeaaaahh
Thats real mature.
When was the last time Disney gave a girl butt dimples?

yeah and the doctors who try to cure cancer do it for money. what's your point?

And what good would that money do him if he was going to die of natural causes?

what's up with these dull colours?

oh, they did try to be risky, very, even.

I don't have the actual clip, but you get the point

2000s-era Disney

Isn't this a rip off a Gainax anime?

Not everything is anime or anime-related

what good would immortality do him if the heat death of the universe remains inevitable?

Who says it does?

He'd get to enjoy his money. Instead of giving it to some ungrateful little shit that didn't have to risk life and limb to secure their future financial security.

iirc, it was mostly a stargate ripoff
but then stargate ripped this off

He'd be able to pass on his holdings to his children, or invest in an artist to immortalize him in a story about how he discovered Atlantis. Hell, the story of Rourke the Greatest Adventurer would outlast the persona of Rourke the Immortal Person Who Committed Ludicrous Crimes Against Humanity.

its a shame they didnt went for that. That idea is super fucked up, and it would have made the racist theme way bigger.

how could it outlast rourke the immortal person if he's fucking immortal


why doesn't disney make good sci-fis anymore?

it would bring disney down, i'd love that.

Because everybody would forget about Rourke the Immortal Person, but a good story lasts forever.

because they never did?

They never sell.

We need to put these on christians.

>because they never did?
Uh what are you talking about, Wall-E, Atlantis and Treasure Planet were masterpieces.

Treasure Planet is fun but it's not a masterpiece. I'd maybe say it's good as a sci-fi, but as a treasure island story it gets rekt by the Muppets

and conservatives! these fascists needs to me tamed by any means neccessary!

Because Brad Bird killed their sci-fi focus with Tomorrowland

>implying there's a difference

I kind of wish they had kept this but I realise they had to make it work in the thematic context of the film.

That scene with the polar bear and his son receiving his collar is absolutely heartbreaking.

one of the last good pixar movies. eh. time flies.
yeah, depressing as shit.
it wasnt really about the polar bear though.

This show really wasn't afraid of going there.

i am so glad i didnt watch this show when Sup Forums was all over it. that plot twist was amazing.

I was gonna bring up starwars, but then I rememberd Rouge One

...which is why the world doesn't owe them protection when they refuse to share the secret to fucking immortality


>t. Imperialist scum

more like
>t. the winning side

>All these mental gymnastics to justify your absolute lack of empathy and morality

Why not just admit you have zero ethics and call it a day?


Through that gif he's referencing an episode of the show braceface where the main character buys an inflatable bra that goes haywire and keeps expanding

As for the gif itself, I don't know, probably some camwhore

I'm a rational thinker and an alpha male user, not a woman like you

that movie is SJW noble savage bullshit Rourke should have won so at least the movie was a little bit redpilled

does this counts?

Still the greatest monster design from an animated film.

>thinking the highest bidder will share this shit with the rest of the world and not keep it for themselves and a select few

this user is correct


Who else played Eat The Submarine every bath time?

I had the little watergun version of the sub

Zootopia handled racism in a pretty mature way. If it wasn't about animal people, it would have been the most racist family movie.

The visual design in general is 10/10. It pays to hire guys like Mignola to do it.

>Zootopia handled racism in a pretty mature way
i know they are a simple channel, but still

if someone has the cure to all disease and doesnt share it, where are the morals and ethics in that?

to be fair, pretty sure this happened during a world war
not the best time to reveal yourself

TFA was crap too, it's only considered passable because it's post-Prequels and wasn't a complete trainwreck

Because he was going to sell it to the fucking Kaiser at the start of WWI you shitposting faggot.

Yes, it's "racist" in that it normalizes racial humor (the way Nick and Judy mess with each other after the movie is over and they all learned a valuable lesson about racism) and how they use stereotypes to save the day. Judy even concedes at the end that everyone has their limitations and life is messy; no feel good message could fix the world beyond "please try your best".

Everything that has a beginning has an end user

Immortality itself spits in the face of that premise. As does conservation of matter.

Immortality is impossible if the universe does indeed have a start, see: The Big Bang Theory (not the show the actual theory) not many theories or current understanding of the expansion of the universe supports a universe that had no beginning.

Its literally impossible for something to have a beginning and then exist forever


>Walt Disney Animation Studios: We're gonna use the shock collars!
>WDAS: Oh by the way Pixar what do you think?
>Pixar: This is depressing and it makes me hate this world instead of loving this world. The world of Zootopia starts off bad, maybe try having it start off good and then break it later. Instead of using shock collars try replacing it with stereotypes instead maybe?

>WDAS: Well....shit...okay.

You didn't respond to the fact that your premise of "beginning with no ending is impossible" is incompatible with "all matter has existed since time immemorial and nothing new is being created or destroyed"

that's what the man in the video says

And it super worked better by being a real ass look at real ass racism instead of something as broad and exaggerated as literal shock collars.

The fact that were non-white savages automatically invalidated them from any consideration.

>He actually thinks he can put a collar of any kind of someone filling his greasy fat body with 7.62x39.

>we need to put these on humans

Right, the shock collars trivialized the issue to the point where the message wasn't just about racism, it was about being so fucking scared of a race that you put shock collars on them.


Dream on.

huh, on an unrelated note, does everything degrade eventually into anything in particular? if ENOUGH time passed would eventually everything ever just be one thing?

What is wrong with them?

Why would Rourke want to steal the Heart? He's gonna be rich anyway. He has proof that Atlantis. Why would he take a chunk by force?

I never realized how good this movie looked. I never gave it the time of day.
The animation is brilliant.

This thread's about maturity, anons.

you know that little thing, in the back of all their minds, telling them there was something wrong/off with the shock collar idea, but they kept doing it anyways because "we wanna control the 'predators' and this is perfect!"

while everyone hated it?

try this, how about instead of putting the collars on christians/conservatives/fascists we put them on niggers/kikes/progressives?

Still sound like an amazing idea?


>TFA wasn't a complete train-wreck

you and I watched very different movies then, user.

so, basically about racism as it was 100 years ago.

>put shock collars on muslims

I suppose the shock could set the bombs off early, but I don't think a shock collar is going to do all that much user.

I saw this movie in an old theater on my birthday. When they were like "Dive dive dive!" I remember my best friend leaned over to me and said "This is really cool"

Maturity is all but a myth.

Then what even is this thread?


For a show with a pretty silly premise(power rangers but with monkeys) this show got pretty dark

Yeah. Hey, that homeless guy is taking your car and that Wizard's gonna fuck your girlfriend.