Is there anyone more badass?

Is there anyone more badass?

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That is pretty intense. He's in the running.

I will give you more, so that you will udnerstand that he is the embodiment of willpower.

I've never actually heard of hotspur so he's new to me






As a Doomfag, I applaud your effort.

It's ultimately fruitless, but I applaud it nonetheless. Thanks for the storytime.








Kang, he's basically Doom but successful and conquered the Milky Way in four decades.


>This is how I willpower

He and all the F4 are lost, canceled, abandoned, lost. Yet Doom triumphs.


^This. Not even Ike Da Kike can stop DOOOOOOM.

Black Manta of course.

didn't he take a serum that cured his autism? Or did Wikipedia lie to me?


Could I read Zenith by itself or do I need to read anything else to understand the universe? I'm going with High Evolutionary, he's also a scientist who is just as badass as Doom.

If the two ever went to war together who do you think would win?

>Doom's ego is usually what makes him fail
>this time it was his humility
poor guy can't catch a break.

Simple answer, NO!

No. It's all very self-contained.

>not capitalizing DOOM
you had one job

Don't you know that Kang is the lamest supervillain, forever going back in time to fight himself?


Try to be more badass then Lobo.

(protipp: you cant)

Dis now a lobo thread

I'll believe you when Doom and Doom alone is announced for MvCI

