How the fuck do they expect to get the same level of pay as men when they can't be arsed to put the same level of dedication?
How the fuck do they expect to get the same level of pay as men when they can't be arsed to put the same level of...
>ask a woman to do anything
looks like we found a sexist MRA MGTOW hitler trump voting virgin soyboy lives in a basement
Audiences don't want muscular women. Men don't find them attractive, so they don't appear in movies.
No one wants to see that shit.
This. There is no reason to cast unattractive men or women unless their character calls for it.
Soyboys everyome
ummm no sweetie
t. soyboys
time's changing.
>want to see attractive women on screen
Pick one, unless you're just pretending to be stupid because haha you got me.
not true you speak for yourself , see Emily Blunt in edge of tomorrow
They should get real payment. The real question here is, why aren't more dedicated women cast? Considering how many people want to make it onto the big screen, it can't be that hard to find an actress who's willing to hit the gym 4 times a week for her big break.
But ofc not - muh casting couch.
t. bob dylan
t. fag
Exception that proves the rule
>teehee i'm the exception
I fucking hate you stupid little shits so much, you're the faggots that hear "majority of x do this" and you feel the need to say well I'm x and I don't do that. He's talking about the majority and the majority of people aren't dick sucking faggots like you cocksucker.
she is such an ugly, fatfaced pig. could be scarlet johanson's sister
How low can you test
Are you telling me that is the most attractive woman in film?
muh nigga
>implying that woman is muscular
cry some more you little bitch, Lmao at your rustled jimmies, lift some weights you little sensitive sue.
It's not like muscular actors get paid more than out of shape actors in the same movie. If anything stunt people that put in the most work get paid the least.
>he thinks this is muscular
>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)
this user gets it, is there a bunch of fat chicks in this thread OR What, cause thats what it seems like.
inb4 this devolves into a men in bras aka disgusting muscle girls thread
how will the average casual movie-going normie understand captain marvel?
>"what? they named her after the company?"
>say something stupid
>haha I was only pretending to be stupid
Sure ;^)
lmao foh
They don't need to be muscular, just fit and in shape.
>tv in charge of knowing mathematics
If there's even a single exception to a rule then it constitutes a counterexample, not a proof.
>being a contrarian faggot
Might as well fuck a man at that point desu
For a woman? Yes. Sorry she isn't up to the same standard as the traps you jerk off to
>fit women aren't attractive
Please tell me you are.
> they think it isn't
women aren't going to get arnold/mr universe huge, but linda hamilton was def in shape as fuck for T2, especially as a woman.
this is partially due to cameron being super autistic on pre-production and preptime where the cast had a lot of lead time, as in an entire YEAR, to get in shape
very few movies have that much time for casting nowadays. women today like brie or stick gadot would need the full 12 months to get that kind of body and they'll never do it
but shoutout to jessica biel for already being a /fit/ girl and having it easier for blade 3
the difference between women getting fit for movies and men doing is that women dont have to eat 50 pounds of meat every fucking day to become "sufficiently fit"
>flat as a board
Nigga u gay
>parotting nonsensical expressions because you're too dumb to think about what you're actually saying
Speak for youself you fucking soyboy
>i prefer men in bras to actual women
This is a good sign that you're a faggot.
By men, you mean soyboys who don't want to feel emasculated and ashamed that a women looks bigger than them
>arguing semantics because you can't make an actual argument
That's fucking disgusting desu
this or fat roasties who are triggered that some women, arent lazy Fat cows who do nothing but skip cake and eat the whole bakery instead
nigga you blind and gay and have a frail masculinity if you find this offensive to the eyes.
You're gay as fuck desu
Low test much?
honestly I wouldn't be surprised
Literal fucking queer
Oh, excuse me for not being able to construct an argument as articulate as ">being a contrarian faggot" when I'm not even arguing at all. I'm telling you, objectively, that you are unintelligent. And might I add, kys.
you're probably insecure about your body then
you have shit taste user
ITT beta soyboys and roasties find attractive in-shape women ugly because it offends their own inadequate physiques.
see, thats slightly too much
>all these btfo nerds trying to backpedal with the soyboogie man
oh my...
Girls like this have good genes.
If you're not attractive to this, you're literally mentally retarded.
yeah now I think she's really hot but I can see how a lot of people might not
If that's what it means to be gay, then I don't want to be straight.
I'm not gay but I've started to notice that the average man looks better than most women in the face naturally. Myself included.
here you go, this might be more your speed
nah your just a faggot
I'd pay her to chase me down, pin me and fuck me "against" my will
>cannabis socks
Why must modern white women be so degenerate?
ignore him
this is the guy who always makes loli an gal gadot threads
>>all these btfo nerds trying to backpedal with the soyboogie man
huh, for me this is the utter peak of perfection.
Wonder Woman extras have more muscle than Gal Gadot.
So it was the socks that bothered you? Not the disgusting hand tattoo or oversaturated spray tan?
I wear cannabis underwear ironically, it annoys my gf
>qt russian muscle babe
56% detected
Muscular is not the same as being in shape and convincing as a super hero. She just looks like a frumpy receptionist
yeah who the hell would want to watch pic related?
>extras put in more work than the lead
Why are hollywood broads so lazy.
>hand tattoo
henna or whatever, I think that's temporary
My ex would half assedly pin me or tie my hands. She didn't get it, I could have still gotten out of whatever she did and I usually just ended up fucking her normally goddamn
worst of the Dr Who's tbqh
robin wright was absolutely the best part of that movie
Not even a robot, but that is unironically pathetic on Larsons behaf.
She's a beautiful woman who could easily get in the correct shape for the role. This is as bad, if not worse, than Clarke in Terminator. Just absolute fucking laziness.
It's not about being overly muscular. It's about being in shape. Having a good, firm ass and narrow waist etc.
Audiences don't want a frump bitch in her dad's motorcycle leathers, that's for sure.
We have like 5 Underworld movies built on the quality of Kate Beckinsale's ass in tight pants.
Evangeline Lilly is ripped and did weights before filming for Ant-Man (and she did more for Ant-Man and the Wasp) although the Wasp suit doesn't do her much favors.
Explain OP's pic then.
Also explain why the top instagrammers are attractive women who show off their bodies, and not frumpy women in baggy tracksuits.
I'll wait.
welp, looks like I'm watching the next antman
>Literally defending Marvel casting a fat chick in baggy clothes
lol wut?
I want to see her crush a watermelon with her thighs
She can go tiny and crush your dick.
>soyboys are the ones who don't want women to look feminine and submissive
We're beyond post-irony at this point
>calling samefag when wrong