Who is the superior Fanning sister and why is it Dakota?
Did anyone catch The Alienist?
Who is the superior Fanning sister and why is it Dakota?
I find elle cuter desu
Does she show her tits later in the series?
The Alienist isn't good...
Details, why not?
Dakota is the patrician fanning
d-do you think they ever licked each others pusys?
Lack of atmosphere.
Massive use of CGI to make it look like the 19th century but it looks cartoonish
awkward stilted dialogue, delivered badly especially by the dude in love with a prostitute
She is classically beautiful.
>posting a pic from 2012
What does "fanning" even mean?
As a verb
Using one of these?
>got really drunk and did some dumb shit
>depressed as fuck about it so just lay in bed
>can't be fucked to shower or anything
>absolutely disgusting
>see pure as a literal angel Elle
>disgust with myself magnified by a thousand
>Did anyone catch The Alienist?
Any nipple?
I hope she inspires you to become a better person
No nipple
this is basically me everytime i get drunk. i dont even have to do any dumb shit
thanks, then i'm not watching
>Posts a pic where she looks amazing as an ageless Victorian immortal vampire granny
Even if you don't like that look (because you're a pleb) she looked like a goddess at the SAG awards and was great in the Alienist, she carried the film excellently.
d-did they.... you know??
Dakota is best Fanning by far.
How much soylent do you have to drink in order to unironically hold this opinion?
They are both greasy moonfaces but Elle has a nicer body
that looks like a comfy coat
dakota genuinely seems smarter and more interesting
i would pump and dump elle but dakota i would actually try to date
Oh shit is that the little girl from war of the worlds?
nude shoot?
mmmmmmmmmm do they touch each others necks
Do you think they are good friends?
Arrr rook shame
I prefer Dakota as an actress but that's just because Elle is too cute and too perfect to take seriously
>Elle has a nicer body
Can't imagine being this low-t desu...
>banged kristen stewart
hair parted in the middle looks terrible to me idk
very pretty girl though
The only oestrogen rich drink I would like to drink is Dakota's piss
I honestly didn't know there was two of them till just now
Dakota > fanning
Eww user!
This ain't right man I still remember her from war of the worlds she was so sweet and innocent..
This thread is giving me very strange feels considering the last thing I heard about Dakota Fanning is when she was a 6 year old child from my home town playing the daughter of a retard and now she's a fully grown woman.
Ellefags BTFO into the interstellar medium.