Our Sup Forums girl is on Movie Fights


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Literally who on literally what?

>BvS hater on some meme show

Fuck off

Our Sup Forums kike on KikeTV





Absolutely based Jenny

she's doing great

New Movie Fights is fucking garbage. Andy Signore may have been a shit judge and a sex offender but his concept worked much better than the shit they're doing now

mmmmmmmmmmm ask her to show her neck live on stream for me

>likes TLJ
fuck off

buy an ad, ugly bitch

haha fuck that guy

>arguing for Justice League
>fighting for little guys working on VFX
Can she be any more perfect?

Jesus Hal Rudnick is just a bad time

You may be on to something here.

Guy is annoying as fuck. Wish he would Andy Signore already.

Everyone (except Jenny!) was incredibly annoying. Watching that was truly suffering.

I'd totally watch her "Don't Wake Daddy" movie that she pitched

of course she is she always has been associated with the cancer that is screen junkies absolutely reddit tier trash

fuck you op

yeah, that your a new here



Don't you dare. Jenny is my reviewfu.

Literally looks just like Jenny

Andy Signore really didnt even do anything wrong

Consumerist Whore

After re-watching the first part (that I missed live) Jenny looks she's wearing a duck costume or has a giant ass behind that podium.

>she hasn't seen seinfeld

How many dumb opinions does she spew?

It was formerly called The Andy Signore Rape Show.

Why do women always get a pity vote?

The guy clearly had better arguments towards the end.

If she doesn't win there might be more rape allegations.

They hired a hideous, fat black woman to make up for protecting and enabling Andy Signore for so long. Screenjunkies is a vehicle created by Andy Signore so he could meet and rape young, hot tail, but forcing diversity among the employees makes it all okay.

thats because its been shopped to look like her

Actually jenny, no it hasn't. Blame your mother.

are you implying Jenny will go on a raping spree out of anger? like a crazy feminist Hulk?


It was really distracting... I couldn't unsee it.


It’s one autist spamming his autistic love for an autistic cavewoman. He does it all the time.

Jesus can they get rid of that hairy dude already?hes really fucking annoying


Scroll down to the fetal alcohol syndrome section. It's real

someone needs to photoshop a dick on her mouth

lel, user you god damn genius

Thats the podium you dipshit

Based FASposter

>every Jedi we’ve seen has struggled with the dark side

We’ve see probably a hundred Jedi, and what, like 3 (Anakin, Luke, Dooku) have struggled with it. And if we’re couniting more important characters, Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Yoda, and maybe Mace haven’t shown that; so at least half of the main jedi haven’t struggled with the dark side

No longer /ourgirl/

I know I'm asking for a lot... but learn to read, faggot.

based Fetal Alcohol Syndrome poster

You don't have to be male to be a soyboy

What the fuck is wrong with her face? She looks like a gnome.

yea keep telling yourself that

I can't do it. Everyone but Jenny is annoying as fuck.

>you will never be Jenny’s foot slave
Literally why live?

jenny is just weird looking. aren't people with FAS like intellectually impaired and shit? she hates the DCEU so obviously she's not impaired. besides only retards and alkies actually drank regularly while they were pregnant since like the 1970s.

She was being sarcastic, she picks stupid/funny topics for humor and probably a challenge to herself to see if she can pull it off. One the last one she had a Christmas theme Jurassic Park movie.

She's got a great body and solid chest but a very generic old school flat white girl ass.

Oh fuck off, that looks nothing like me at all.

Have you tried asking? She could be looking for a foot slave right now.

Love you totally real and 100% verified Jenny!

>white girl ass

me gusta

Why is this 60+ year old man talking like a teenager? Is this the fabled soy diet at work?

He's only 36! He just consumed so much soy that he's aging like a woman.

She's so ugly, bros! Why did god punish her so?

This retarded meme again.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is mostly a neurodevelopmental disorder, the facial changes are secondary and rare, if they show up at all. The main symptomps are early developmental problems, short height and weight, poor eyesight and hearing, awful coordination.

Problem with heavy facial changes is that for them to show up the central nervous system damage must be high enough to affect basic brain functions.
She sure as hell wouldnt make for a good reviewer and could argument her opinions well with heavy case of FAS.

un goblina americana....

Hi Jenny. You like TLJ, that's concrete proof your mother drank heavily during her pregnancy.

>he sure as hell wouldnt make for a good reviewer and could argument her opinions well with heavy case of FAS.
Wait, whose case are you trying to make? She's not a good reviewer at all.

By this criteria half the moviegoers mothers did.
And if you ask me TFA is just as bad, yer here even more people love it.

Yet you cant spend a week here without seeing a thread about her.
Im all fine with calling her a pleb wit shit taste, but the incoherent insults from people who have no clue what FAS even is annoy me.

So you think waifuism means she's a good reviewer? The fuck is wrong with you?

I've watched the original review from her. She is incredible, because I've never seen someone get every single little detail of a review wrong. I'm not sure, I may have to check again, but even the greetings were wrong.

Who am i to judge what makes a good reviewer, people like it, so it means she does something right.

Yes, she does well the being a next door girl waifu. Why do you think Sup Forums likes ugly pugs like Maisie Williams or that drag tomgirl from Stranger Things? It's the normalization of ugly.

What a ridiculous post.

This guy must have everything; only dates gorgeous models, which means he must also be handsome, connected and rich... PLUS, he posts on Sup Forums!

Truly a shining beacon to look up to.

ITT: Pathetic faggots putting in a pedestal a literally 4/10
The fact that you guys call "our girl" to such an ugly person makes me think how ugly YOU are