How many people do you think he killed? Raped?
How many people do you think he killed? Raped?
Other urls found in this thread:
All of them.
essentially GTA irl so of course he spent weeks murdering indiscriminately
>can do anything without consequence
>doesn't rape Rita
just Ned
I would be too afraid to rape or kill someone. That would be the moment it doesn't reset.
>rape someone one day
>the cycle stops and time flows normally
Not all rapists get caught, just don't literally fuck the person in the street.
Goes on a mass killing spree and admits to it in jail
Wakes up in jail awaiting trial
Mite b cool
>That would be the moment it doesn't reset.
I see where you're coming from, but he supposedly spent thousands of years like that. After enough time he probably gave up on it ever resetting.
Yeah I actually thought about that right after my post. Eventually you wouldn't even care. If it didn't reset and you went to jail that would likely be better.
What about drugs, he does some meth or heroin, how does his mind or body react the next day. How about doing heroin for eternity with no consequence
What happens if he stays awake all night?
He didn't rape. What's wrong with you people?
his body would reset the next day. He ate all the crap in the diner without any consequences
He's a straight white male, that's all they do.
It doesnt matter , at six am he would find himself waking up. So really he could only stay up until 5:59
>but he supposedly spent thousands of years like that
It was a period of 30-40 years, according to Harold Ramis.
wouldn't he just commit suicide by cop afterward what reason would he have to get caught?
>according to Harold Ramis.
Ramis estimated a real-time duration of 10 years. Later, Ramis told a reporter, "I think the 10-year estimate is too short. It takes at least 10 years to get good at anything, and allotting for the down time and misguided years he spent, it had to be more like 30 or 40 years."
He honestly didn't have a time frame in mind, and didn't care because it was meaningless to the story after a certain point.
I actually liked how that movie with the thot that kept getting killed, had the character keeping her injuries after each time loop, found it a nice spin on the concept.
>and didn't care
And yet he cared enough to make the estimate
what if it was a gunshot to the head?
Ned Ryerson strangled tranny hookers weekly
Imagine getting trapped into that time loop nowadays, thanks to the internet you would be able to learn pretty much everything in the world.
Because it became a meme. Rubin accepted the meme status of it too.
>In 2005, Rubin said, "Ultimately it became this weird political issue because if you asked the studio, 'How long was the repetition?', they'd say, 'Two weeks'. But the point of the movie to me was that you had to feel you were enduring something that was going on for a long time ... For me it had to be—I don't know. A hundred years. A lifetime.
>tfw you have a perfect day of Sup Forums shitposting that topples world governments within hours
>log into Sup Forums
>every thread on every board is exactly the same
it'd take most of the autists a week or two before they realized something was wrong
moderate kek
Definately Ned had some demons
>implying i wouldn't spend years preparing a perfect reply for every single post on Sup Forums
Imagine getting trapped into that time loop nowadays, thanks to the internet you would be able to learn pretty much everything in the world.
Especially on Sup Forums
>how do we fix white women
>whoa powerful
>_______ yes!
>Syria General
>Syria General
>Syria General
>the exact same Sup Forums humour thread
>the exact same Sup Forums humour thread
>slide thread
>slide thread
>slide thread
>Spend a year preparing the perfect reply
>Get 5 (You)s
>Some dumb fuck in the thread comes up with an even better response and gets 50 (You)s
>Kill yourself in shame
>put your little hand in mine...
30-40 years??
He'd have to be certifiably insane by that time. Like, there had to be days when he would immediately get out of bed and start destroying the town.
>Bill Murray screaming in terror and ecstasy as he burns down buildings and runs down every person/animal with a truck.
How the fuck did he retain his sanity in that time?
But to save billions
pol is beyond repair
What's with this (you) shit anyway? How do I enable it? I don't get any (yous) at all when people quote me.
Could experience first Time highs daily
It's a 4chins gold feature
I liked the video game adaptation
>I see where you're coming from, but he supposedly spent thousands of years like that. After enough time he probably gave up on it ever resetting.
Be honest Sup Forums how many loops would it take for you to break down and begin the murders?
I wouldn't do either since I'd be scared of the loop ending the second I did something wrong
Did you get one?
you can use loops to prepare the perfect crime
2nd loop
constantly, if he felt like it. Acting out is the first thing humans usually do, meanwhile making things right is the last.
Ok Sup Forums let's play a game
Pick any city you would have this power in but it lasts for only a year and each day you do something new.
What would you do?
retain sanity? Reading at the local library, playing vidya or watching movies in a store. Solving mysteries, learning everyone's secrets/histories/fears. There is a lot to do, people just suffer from lack of imagination.
>is this the ground hog day thread where if you reply you post gets duplicated ?
>>log into Sup Forums
why don't you make your own threads?
no those start with this picture
I could keep my self entertained for months at least before I started risking my body in any serious way, but it would definitely be slow, eventually out of curiosity more than depression I would try to kill myself. Fuck, I'm already depressed, being trapped in a loop can't make it any worse.
>Phil tried to earn love one last time
>still woke up on G Day
>turned mad and cursed god
>what do you want me to do etc
>vowed to turn the town into hell and commit crimes and sins
>kill everyone in the most gruesome ways possible in the day on the town
>the day actually passed
>Phil realized that god wants him to be a badass
>went on to turn the whole east coast into living hell
34 years according to this
today in my house?
hard to say, I would have enough entertainment available to last me a several lifetimes, it'd probably take a couple of days before I even realized it was looping
out of town in a snowstorm in 1993?
There is no real thrill of the hunt in that situation anymore though. Whats the point?
Wait what the fuck
>Amist violent pounding and screaming and crying of Rita, Phil notices the day has passed and didn't reset
>Phil cries, gets on his knees and prays thanks to the Lord
>"So this is what you want me to do?! I know my purpose now!!"
>Rita looks at this, confused and scarred
>Phil goes on a raping rampage until his dick falls off