Why was the last BotW so shit?
Also, /rlm/ general
Why was the last BotW so shit?
Also, /rlm/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
Pre-TFA, Plinkett review era Mike (2008-2012) > Powergap > 2013 Mike > Chad Jay > Pre-2014 Rich > Beta Jay = GMP-Era Mike > GMP-Era Rich = GMP-Era Jay > Powergap > Gillian > 2014-2016 Mike > Rich as a punching bag > Current Year Mike > Jim > Colin > Len (2nd appearance) = Freddie Williams (1st appearance) = Drunk AIDSMoby > Jessie > Powergap > Len (1st appearance) > Freddie Williams (2nd appearance) > Powergap > cancer > Powergap > Karen > Current Year Rich > Gilchrist > Pre Rec Rich > Sober AIDSMoby > Beardfat > Max Landis
BotW rises and falls with the videos they watch. There was nothing redeeming about any of the tapes this time, leading to a disappointing episode.
>/rlm/ general
They have a subreddit you know.
I'm trying to like these guys, but the fattest one has such an obnoxious laugh. The second fattest one is fairly funny and he is what is keeping me around. The half bald one and the beard guy are okay. on episode 4
The movie selection wasn't as good as other episodes. It happens with the wheel or plinketto sometimes but I definitely wouldn't call it a shit episode
Glad to see you posting this again. I used it as a reference when I made the pic in OP. I didn't include Karen though since she's technically only in the video game thing. Nice trips btw.
I already forgot what they watched
Where'd all the women go?
An occasional Jessi or Gillian was a welcome change from rotating through the Beardfat-Aidsmoby lineups.
Thanks, man, glad to see it come in use.
this pic makes it seem like a whimsical little show with lots of fum characters when the upper people barely appear, skits with props like the fuckbot are not done anymore, and landis is a rapist
please never post it ever again
It felt really off for some reason t b h. Something about the editing the initial interactions felt like they were dragging a lot.
>Landis is a rapist
Landis is an annoying faggot who sucks at everything but the allegations were literally just "he was sort of rude to me once" so no, he's probably too much of a faggot to go after women anyway.
Its because you had the two vacuums of charisma called Beard and HIV on the table who can't be funny if their lives depended on it, of course it would suck.
Name one (1) episode which has both Beard and HIV on the discussion that doesn't suck ass.
Brainlets fuck off
because no Rich Evans, because Mike nowadays is so fake and because AIDS and jihadi beard.
>Not posting the real lineup.
>he doesn't know
>everyone accuses AIDSmoby of being a blatant SJW who gets butthurt at anything innapropiate
>don't know he was literally fuck-bot 5000
>white male fucking white males
>not SJW
Mike is the best and the de facto leader. Jay and Rich will grow on you as you watch more, specifically how Mike messes with Rich.
Yea I never got the whole "AIDSmoby is a sjw" thing, I can recall several times he says some racy and offensive shit. Like the episode where they are joking about how all women with short hair are lesbians, and he says something like short haired women aren't real women or something like that.
>Why was the last BotW so shit?
AIDSMoby is left wing but he was raised on a farm so he has a core of human decency. Fatbeard is a walking soygrin.
The cop lady (Lora Story) from the Troll 2 review was good. She should've been a regular.
why is tim heidecker in this pic?
>watch their reviews
>movie looks interesting
>they already spoiled it so there is no point
Wish I had friends to watch garbage with, even just a friend. It could even be a girl
Hi Beardfat. You have never said anything funny OR interesting, and in fact you're so obnoxious I simply skip videos with you in them now. Please, please, die.
this is what I would like to know
He's appeared on Half in The Bag, at least once i don't know if he's done so again.
hella gay
because he appeared in a Half in the Bag?
Hey now, it's not his fault. He was raised by a single mom in a broken home. He was a latchkey kid, don't cha know? He may have mentioned it once or twice.
why doesn't Mike dress like this anymore? much better than shitty geek shirt and hoodie
Yes, he is a victim of single motherhood. I don't care, he's an obnoxious boring unfunny faggot.
Well let's see, he's wearing a Lightning Fast VCR repair shirt and there are numerous HitB episodes where a character mentions that some mysterious Tim sold the business.
It could be that he was on an episode one time for about 20 seconds, which is about the same amount of time that Macauley Culkin was on.
"Where's Lora Story?" is my question.
That's ebin. gonna have to look this episode up later.
That's not how Mike ever dressed, that a Half in the Bag sketch.
>Chad Jay
lol u wish
He had a speaking role but it was only one episode. I had no idea until this very thread that he was someone, I figured he was some friend of theirs.
>AIDSMoby is left wing but he was raised on a farm
Do you think his parents are proud of him?
Tone never gets across very well on the internet. I'd say that there's about a 1-in-3 chance that Josh will mention his broken home childhood in a video, which just gets grating after a while. The guy has some serious daddy abandonment issues that he needs to address.
Yes, probably. He successfully married and has two sons, and is a modest success in his chosen career, too. They probably avoid discussing politics with him, tho.
Yes he's unbearable. Not only a moralizing bully but a crybaby too.
>that fatty being "raped" in the low cut top
I wish she would come back more often
how did i not know about this until now
Jack is basically worthless.
newfag rlm normie redit fucks get out. you probably defend the prequels.
What the fuck are you doing.
The Virgin Bateman vs The Chad Bauman
>tfw my name is collin
Feels good watching episodes with the canadians
Are you some kind of gay grandma man too?
gillian was a guest iirc
jessi got too creeped out by youtube comments about her and asked to not be included anymore
>doesn't know what a safety is
user I have bad news for you...
Reddit also discusses television and film. Better kill yourself because there's nothing you don't share with them.
because there was almost no rich
Watch PreRec for peak Jack cancer.
that's only because they look up to Sup Forums like a big brother and emulate them. it's disgusting
press S to spit on the grave
Bruh, look at this dood
Jesse no...
Whoever made that pic has a thing for Gina.
Jesse is the distraction from the real point of interest.
That's the power of the Badger State.
Reminder that Landis is being accused publicly because Bright was a racial allegory that made some (((people))) uncomfortable.
Who the fuck is Gina?
That’s not Jessie.
and yet no witnesses, sounds legit.
Are you better than Rich Evans?
no, but i'm also not as obnoxious and subject people to it
Every once in a while he can get Mike to crack with some MST3K style observations. Watch out for those
Would they make this joke today?
too much effort in rolling up sleeves
It's not Jessi but she actually somehow manages to look even worse than that these days.
how in the fuck does a guy not drop the act of pretending to care about womankind after he's rich and/or famous? A man can't honestly believe this complete absolute farce. For fucks sake you've had sex, you can marry a pretty and dumb girl, why do you give a shit about womankind? You're not going to get more viewers based on your beliefs, otherwise muslim movies would be box office hits for having the most followers
>not balding
>not morbidly obese
> not into videogames
> not virgin
yes I am
Where's the chick that played Nadine?
Which redditor painstakingly composed this picture in Photoshop?
Who's the milf?
Mike in the Plinkett Avatar review called out the film for its hackneyed and disingenuous attempt to white guilt the audience out of their money
Mike nowadays complains when a film doesn't include BLACKED propaganda for no reason
Reddit would scratch their heads at this image since they don't know Latza or classic Gilchrist.
>26yo virgin
>starting to lose hair in front
>wagecuck as a janitor
Pretty damn accurate. My exceptions:
personally, I would put "Rich as a punching bag" lower on the list. below Jessie. To me, it is easy pickings for humor and runs its course quickly. Yes, yes, rich is fat and has diabetes....
Current year rich doesn't deserve to be that low. I'm convinced he had some big life event and he changed a bit but even then, Freddie, Len and Jim have never been funny.