Explain the ending to this kino

Explain the ending to this kino

It's the only enigmatic part of the film so you have to view it differently

were Kubrick and Ashby more than just friends?


explain the credits sequence

a horrible mistake, I was actually shocked the first time saw it

Ashby fucked up so hard putting bloopers in the credits. Makes an otherwise great movie feel lowrent

He speaks in simple parables that people believe are profound.

"America ain't shit because the white man's got a God complex."

Woman's name is Eve.

Lots of symbols of three (trilogy) in many scenes.

Rand's tomb looks like the Eye of Providence.

Answer: He's Jesus Christ.

He was spiritually unburdened?

at first i thought it was just to fuck with audience and to show they were projecting and making false assumptions as much as the characters in the film. but this scene (and much of the rest of the film) has religious symbolism behind it which can't be ignored. i'm leaning towards thinking it could be a very subtle point about biblical literalism

you absolute retard
it's explain right there while that scene goes on
>"Life is a state of mind"

the ending it's basically the explanation of the entire movie

Those words are as vague as the accompanying shot

Fake it until you lake it

Jolly good show.

He was too stupid to realize that he couldn't walk on water, so he did.

Looks like a boring old shit, I never watched


He would have won an Oscar if it weren't for that.

This. It doesn't occur to him that he can't walk on water, so he just does.

Sam Harris recently referred to Trump as an evil Chauncey Gardener.
What did h mean by this?

They both watch a lot of TV