The absolute state of (((Hollywood)))

The absolute state of (((Hollywood))).


Use your words, user. What the fuck is the point of your post.

>wrong colors
>wrong hair
>generic armor
fuck that

you gotta go back

Jesus fucking christ reddit, this is Sup Forums. It's an image board. If you can't infer his clear as day point from images, you need to fucking lurk for longer before trying to join in.

Fuck me, this is the worst post of the day.

Is she from the Power Rangers sequel?

>Reddit spacing

They could at least use proper colors.

Just look the difference between male and female superheroes.

seriously, do we really need another super hero movie? Hollywood is dead

They couldn't even make her look like the Pozzed redesign. Imagine if she still looked like this



There are a lot of women who look more like the comic character, like Abby Dowse, for example.

Jesus, Larson is flat like Gal Gadot


She's completely ruined by the lips.

there's something missing in this picture.
can someone tell me what it is?


It's even worse.

Yeah, how dare I expect some context. The woman? The outfit? What? Why should I bother with this post if OP won't? You are cum-guzzling gutter sluts.

Hey, and fuck you too buddy. Having a break between thoughts helps with readability.



Thank god for Instathots, because there hasn't been an attractive Hollywood Actress since 2006. Sometimes I see a movie from the 90s, and am floored that women could look so good.

>yes but can she act?

This is very important if she isn't a jew.

>muh feminism
>muh sexism
>muh objectification

Fucking women, why are they so hypocrital?

i can stand the meh face, the belly fat, and the lack of tits, but this is just a disgrace.

What the fuck are you doing?

Those look pretty much like roadracing leathers. They're not even trying with the capeshit any more.

>capeshit movie

The only important in this kind of movies is the charisma of its characters.

is that Fassbender?





Looks like the Ant-Man suit. Man, Marlel is out of ideas.


>someone asked for my phone number and I felt threatened

That's not reddit spacing you newfag idiot.

>Can't into reddit spacing
>Can't into image board

Twitter is your thing?

>Muh gender gap

if capeshit was like this i might actually watch it from time to time

first MCU to bomb like Hiroshimoot

>Yeah how dare I don't get a 50 page essay explaining something blazingly obvious to anyone who has used Sup Forums for more than six months or is over the age of 12 and familiar with visual communication

>Why should I bother with this post if OP won't?

No one is asking you to, you newfaggot idiot.

If you seriously can't understand what is being communicated by his image, then not only are you the perfect example of the migrant faggotry fucking up Sup Forums, you're also just a moron in general.


god what an awful face

I had no idea she was this insufferable.

It's not like the comic costume is any better, or "good" for that matter. The fact that they don't want to replicate it is actually a good thing. Be glad they're not going with the Carl Manvers full dyke cut.

Just follow her twitter.

Genuinely thought this was from Power Rangers 2 or something. The original, not this shop I am currently responding too, lmao

No thanks. Those three screencaps give enough information.

The problem isn't the costume, but the actress.

don't worry bros. they can just use CGI

>unironically saying "powerful strong woman"

The Mohawk costume is retarded especially the heels

Because they're worthless, stupid creatures

Jesus Christ there are cosplayers that could do a better job

I wish I could choke the living shit out of you

you guys know we can't win, right? the culture war is lost. liberalism is popular. popularity is all an idea needs to be in a democratic society. our government is just a giant irl version of reddit with all of it's upvoting, grandstanding, virtue signaling, and gilding. normies have us beat with shear numbers in a game that is determined by exactly that; numbers. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.

If you had told me this was a screen from a feminist Metroid live adaptation, I would've believed you.

Was captain marvel always a woman? I must be thinking of Shazam.

I guess theres not an actual captain marvel fan in here

left one probably isnt a suit built for her. its probably one she took/borrowed from them aliens.

This looks cheap as shit.

I don’t see tits on that character

Why is Marvel so ashamed of the source?

It's one of those marxists xeboots, like Captain America borrowed to a black guy, Thor to a woman, and Iron Man to a black woman dominating all over Doctor Doom's Latveria and feeding poor kids because literal yas slay.

True, but the design is obviously a homage to this og suit & also the kree

Everyone threw a bitch fit over black panthers suit when set photos of civil war came out & that suit ended up being one of coolest costumes yet

Smeone post the new Wasp outfit

I bet she hasn't toned up at all since that movie where you saw how flabby her ass was

ok tyler

According to whom?

The majority of fans I would say

>Majority of fans...
Again, according to whom?

Nice pasta

holy fucking shit this is fucking 9gag tier cringe

>Liberalism won
>Only frumpy cows will be sex symbols now

Well, at least that'll help with No Fap.

>working to make the world a better place.
Your job is to entertain people who are sitting on their ass while stuffing their face with popcorn.

You don’t belong here

The budget increased to US 340 million dollars


This green suit is the exact same thing as Iron Man's grey suit, or the gold panther suit. It's a prototype that will be used by the main villain of Captain Marvel, AKA Rogue. That's bright boys, Rogue is happening. Not a mutant though. She's a super skrull who thinks she's a human, and has the ability to absorb memories and abilities to hide better.

Also this is the ONLY good Carol costume. Don't pretend that the red blue and yellow ever looked good you stupid faggot

no way in hell that is natty

I’ve seen better fucking cosplays at cons

Dyke ms. marvel is one of the worst things to happen to marvel. Complete character change because a hack editor told a hack writer to use her. Fuck you for acting like that's how she should look. You don't read comics.

It is. Her ass is naturally that flat.

At least she doesn't have the dyke haircut

At least they didn’t change her skin pigmentation. Now old man Sup Forums can’t blame the Jews.

I see. That sucks.

Is she supposed to look like she's wearing hand-me-downs that are a size too big?

Darrel Manvers.

I unironically agree



oh yes we can faggot

I loved the suit in CW. They completely fucked it up for BP though. Sad.

She a qt potato

What's the problem here? Carol is a power hungry feminazi, Brie is a power hungry feminazi. Good casting.

here's the thing Mr Thorax

Her suit looks exactly like one of the antman/wasp suits

I'm going to hope for mankind's sake that the irony is intentional.