Do you own any TV apparel?

Do you own any TV apparel?

that is a shit load of dead soldiers, seems impossible to keep that as a sustainable system of flags flying.

This is powerful.

>soldiers still fight for freedom

rick would never say that

Do you see a speech bubble connecting it to Rick???

Every now and then the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

I have a "Satriale's" t-shirt, that pork store from the sopranos. rarely wear it, want to keep it in shape for life

>wearing graphic tees

I have this hat

Go cry on pol, skinhead.

Last Jedi rocks and we won the fucking culture war.

Step your ass up to my crystal ball and let's take a nice long look:

This movie WILL get rave reviews.

Alabama WILL go blue next week.

Democrats WILL storm Congress next year.

President Fuckface WILL be impeached, handcuffed by Mueller, and then thrown in Guantanamo by President Pelosi.

Many more Nazis WILL be punched. So many Nazis.

Deal with it, motherfucker.

Or better yet, just fucking kill yourself. No, really! I'm really really REALLY serious.

It just gets worse for anxiety crippled heteronormative white boys from here.

Your future is female, socialist, Muslim, and very fucking brown. Adapt or die. #nofuckingfilter

seems bizarre it's connected to r&m at all. Though I guess dan harmon is all for violence against people he doesn't like


Entirely too many horror movie tshirts.

Based burgers fighting for us Jews here in Israel.


i want this, where can i buy?

>baiting this hard


>tfw no bootleg swap meet Sneed shirt

una vela

This, but ironically

>muh troops
>is liberal

You know if you weren't insufferable I'd almost enjoy this twist