>Everyone is stupid but me!
Everyone is stupid but me!
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"Everyone is smart but me!"
pretty much. i can relate.
You can always tell someone is retarded if they don't like Andy Kaufman.
>haha he acted awkward and I laughed!
also bill hicks and george carlin
You can tell someone is a pseud if they hero-worship Andy Kaufman because they saw "Man on the Moon" (usually with no prior familiarity with his work)
>I'm going to be a dick to people Andy was friends with when alive because that's what he did once on tv
>didn't get it
except they're completely different in every way
not him but that sounds like a sad scenario
This is how you know people are retarded. They think there is something pseudo-intellectual about his work, when in fact, he was just a funny guy.
I like Andy Kaufman but hated Man on the Moon. Does this mean I'm alright?
No, you beg for the approval of others
He was the King of Anti-comedy, think Mitch Hedburg.
Don't listen to Jim Carrey, he wasn't some some comedic god. he was good though.
except Mitch Hedburg is actually funny
Not him, but I don't give a fuck if you think I'm cool or not. Still though how am I ranking?
If you don't think Andy wrestling a woman into submission is hilarious then you just have no sense of humor.
When he's talking about the real wrestler beating him and he's all like "well first off the guy was twice my size" that had me rolling
Come on, expecting a millennial to be familiar with a comedian who died in the 80s is absurd. Hero worshiping Kaufman soley because of man on the moon is silly, sure, but man on the moon is a fine introduction to him. Milos Forman is much more famous than Kaufman.
mitch hedburg wasn't anti-comedy, mitch hedburg told jokes
Yeah you cool
Kaufman was only funny on letterman and in the ring. He was utter trash at standup
hedburg did actual jokes
kaufman did stupid awkward shit trying to evoke laughter and uncomfortable/any reactions.
it's hardly stand up as much as performance art and most performance art is awful and this was not an exception.
Mitch Hedburg wasn't anti-comedy, he told jokes and one-liners
His whole fucking routine was one-liners
But have you SEEN his Elvis impersonation?
there a video of this?
speaking of pseud-bait
not live i'm not that old, but yes i have. it's a performance like i said, it's clever and comedic. but it's not stand up, it's more of a skit. he would probably work better in movies like early adam sandler mixed with jackass. i don't think he was in the right time with his style. he wanted the audience to react a certain way that they probably didn't want to.
>i don't think he was in the right time with his style
oh wow holy fuck what an astute observation
Man on the Moon is a fine movie, Milos Forman is a great director, there's nothing wrong with that. just don't go prattling on about "OMG ANDY KAUFMAN IS AN INFLUENTIAL GENIUS" when he's really not your guy
>Thinking Andy didn't fake his death and isn't living on a tropical island to this day
And also just saying, Andy Kaufman posts on Sup Forums. You guys "get it"
all comedians are garbage
Who cares if he was funny or not, he's dead so fuck him
No I'm not.
I think the point of Andy was to punish people for buying into the idea of "entertainment"; that it was something that could be mass-produced and marketed instead of something smaller and more human. I think he instinctively understood the same ideas McLuhan was publishing, and was trying to warn people away from buying into the growing impersonality of media culture by being deliberately inscrutable and frustrating. You tune in for a TV special that's sold to you as funny, it doesn't "work" like it's "supposed" to, and if you're thinking about it, hopefully you ask yourself questions about what role any programming plays in your life and your culture.
ill prove you wrong
knock motherfucking knock
whos there?
Nah it's more like
Appeals to snobs and pseudointellectuals
now this why i come to Sup Forums
this happens when i accidentally end up watching some of the Eric Andre Show
You are completely wrong. Andy was just funny. Watch this video and tell me it isn't just plain old funny.
>I don't give a fuck
Sounds like you have some problems.
>Mitch hedburg is anti comedy
I KNOW you are retarded
Andy kaufman was that kid that did retarded shit for attention from his peers and then kept doing it for another thirty years
I haven't seen Man on the Moon and love Kauffman AMA
>kys btw
That online bit they couldn't air where he crashes the alex jones rally, gets reee'd into oblivion, and then says coachella sucks this year was honestly solid. Not to mention we found real news about north korea on his show.
>they couldn't air
why not? Butthurt Jones wouldn't sign the release
alex jones knows literal shit when he sees it
Tom green did it better and originally
Eric’s show just rips off everything original about it
i was insulting the plebic plebdre show
Because they were also at the republican national convention with forged press passes and got arrested
He thought he was the guy from the daily show kek. There was this one spic who kept saying "You're not martin luther king" which felt really retarded.
influenced two god tier REM songs though