Would she make a good Bond girl?

Would she make a good Bond girl?

Yeah, as long as Bond is a shotacon.

Who's this laughable chestlet?

>watching james bond


there is no way this is her. is this fucking her?

No, but this is.

jesus fuck that ass is perfect

I thought we already established it's going to be this one

She’s grown into quite the beautiful young lady.

>finally of legal age
Now that's an ass I can get behind.

the bond girl should have the appropriate hip cleavage

Please don’t ruin the thread by posting that girl.




She does have a stunning figure.

which girl

Wow she really fills that bikini out

keep posting more

The extent to which I want her to sit on my face cannot be overstated


Baby ass disgusting pedos

are the new jannys jordynfags too? wtf

God damn Lexee is so hngnghgabunga.

shes 18 now

still 17



Mate that's old as fuck. Some slut from reddit if i recall

A thousand times more attractive than the other chick.

keep posting anons

She's 18 any day now, nearly a grandma...

>Hello, Mr. Bond.

I can see it.


she fucks niggers

any recent chloe?? all her instagram nowadays are food pics

Well the next Bond will be one, so, perfect

anorexic! don't encourage her!

man her instagram pics are getting lewder and lewder