What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

She allowed evil to corrupt her soul, once one murder was done she wasn’t going to let another keep her from success

The banality of evil

She didnt give pusy

lived in a country where you were forced to give your private thoughts to third party contractors by law

It was implied she didn’t have to but the woman lied to make it seem like she did. The only thing she mentioned was having to tell the police if a witness refused to be questioned

>have to scan memories for a living
>often traveling to remote locations with no help for miles
>not bringing any muscle

Allah promised to protect her.

she just loves killin

Why not just have hamster balls everywhere instead of CCTVs?

You'd go crazy too if you lived in dystopian british colonized Iceland

She deserved it

Murder is like potato chips and masturbation apparently

She didn't have anything else to do, so why not kill faggots like OP for posting "wat wuz her problem" with a pic from any tv show or movie ever, about 4000x a day.

I hate you OP.
I hate you in the face.

She let the hamster live.

This bitch fucked everything up bc she just had to be a big nosy pushy cunt.

what was the message in this episode? The better the tech, the harder criminals will work to hide their tracks?

unironically close to the best episode of the seasons

>half of the episodes is about muh digital conciousness clonong
>one episode wasted on boring robot chase
>first episode manages to be dumber than "that silly show from 70s" it's referencing
And somehow it's still better than s3

There wasn't a message. It was a detective story with some speculative technology mixed in.

>better than s3
Shut Up and Dance, San Junipero, and Hated in the Nation are unironically the three best episodes of the series.

You got trolled xD


>San Junipero is a good episode

>the most popular episode and only one that won an Emmy was not a good episode
tongue my anus

t. Faggot apoligist

Wear a mask when you’re killing people in their homes just for the off chance that a neighbor or anyone at all will see u esp in a society where memories can be viewed by police let alone in our own. Bitch was dumb.

She did wear a mask. She took it off after she killed the poo dad though. She's fucking retarded.

I thought the episode was pretty clear in it's message: covering up one thing just causes worse things to happen down the road. I think it's also a warning on how ambition and drive can lead you to dark places. She was a feminist career woman ideal, and that's what lead to all this.

Guinea pig eyesight is not good enough to identify a person

>Everyone misinterpreting this episode.

When she went through the trauma of hiding the body her mutant power activated making her super creative.

Creative enough to lift herself out of a life of drug addiction into the life of a successful architect

When the driver came back and told her about the letter the stress caused her second latent mutant power to manifest, giving her the super-strength she needed to overpower a man 3 times her weight.

Her super creativity allowed her to think of the porn-plan to hide her tracks while she got rid of the body.

Later on in more stressful situations she manifests the ability to stop cars from starting and to move silently

The last shot of the episode isn't supposed to give the viewers the idea that she is going to be arrested by the policemen surrounding the school

We're supposed to be terrified of what new power she will have to publicly manifest to get her out of this situation

I watched this with some bros. Said she was a suicide bomber, and every time she pulled out her memory thing I screamed aaaaaahh shes gonna blow. And they get mad at me for making fun of autistic people, hello, I'm fucking autistic.

Seriously this. As soon as that muslim bitch said that you could be arrested for refusing to use a corroborator just to verify a fucking auto claim, I knew this could only happen in Europe.

It was a guinea pig and it was stupid because guinea pigs don't have eyesight good enough to identify a specific person

>don't do your job haha just stay in your basement xD

No, it was an x-men crossover obviously

The message is, if we have a series of incredibly unlikely things happen and act like they're normal, then we can fulfil 1/6th of our contractual obligation to netflix

You are a monster

>that fagg episode was good
Fuck off from here degenerate, your kind is not welcome.

You are just mad you won't ever be a qt in a relationship with another qt in Nu-Heaven while the two of you are secretly neckbeards in RL.

Watched every episode of this show over the holidays.
Only episode I didn't absolutely hate was the one where the white guy and nigress are in the dating app.
And I thought season 4 was the best of them all.
Am I a fag?

>Only episode I didn't absolutely hate was the one where the white guy and nigress are in the dating app.
its the best episode since season 1-2

>am I a fag?
Yes, now kys

Ok but why was it called Crocodile?

>What was her fucking problem?
She played too much hitman. "There are no witnesses if no one is left alive to witness".

That episode was my least favorite

She wanted to keep the comfy life she worked hard for, but some resentful loser who didn't do anything with his own life wanted to take that away out of envy.

Crocodile Tears

lol, your waifu is doing 25 to laifu

Literally a better plot than this episode

This. Guinea pigs are so fucking blind, they can barely see the apple pieces I feed them

Literally the dumbest ending I can think of.

>live on remote place
>a muzzie with a huge gorilla bangs on my door

Now how that would look

>Also, did you know I have schyzophrenia? I see and hear things that have never happened at all.

>Invation of privacy is okay
You have to go back.

what was its fucking problem?

I actually didnt mind that one. It was a simple story without all the

Was originally meant to be controlled remotely like a person.

No one is allowed to touch its toys.

would have been awful


I agree

Seems like you should have been easier to defeat

I heard you have been a badboi

>the woman lied


It is clearly a military grade weapon, so why didn't they make it out of carbonfiber or something that can remain intact, in the event that it gets stuck in a car that got pushed off a cliff?

muh limbic system
plus it's a cool word


That episode felt like Charlie Brooker spitting on me and then kicking me in the balls.

It had an interesting leadup, then they make the twist super fucking obvious halfway through (because a character literally says the twist). Then after that the episode was just half an hour of bullshit until the thing we already know is finally revealed.

Also the twist is the same fucking twist as every other black mirror episode. "We are in a computer the whole time".


Too many questions about the backstory in this one.

There's no way these things could have taken over the world.

She thought she could escape fate but just like Oedipus, all of her actions just brought her closer to what she was running from.

>just to verify a fucking auto claim
except it wasn't a simple auto claim. It was a bodily injure claim which is taken more seriously

This episode was dumb. There's no way a British street wouldn't have had multiple CCTVs around to capture the accident.

tada tada
indian qt
tada tada
solving crimes
tada tada
cracking mysteries and catching bad guys
tada tada
nothings stops her
she's really good at this
tada tada

this is an intro for the imaginary show I made up while watching this episode

what's wrong with you?

Why did I find her so hot? I want her to put a choke hold on me.

Wasn't Hated in the Nation the one with the bees? It was extremely annoying, desu senpai. Twist after twist after twist after twist.