ITT: Bad movie you like nonetheless

ITT: Bad movie you like nonetheless

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That's not a bad movie you stupid homo.

Absolute childhood kino. I remember how shocked we were when we saw Mr Bean flip the bird in a children's movie. Also I remember seeing pornstar tits on a Whistler's mother parody in the film. They got away with alot of shit in this kino



Dude Where's My Car


Willow. I don't have a picture so someone post one for me please.

Get this kino off the thread desu

I unironically liked Transformers 1 and 2. All the other movies are unwatchable though.

Granted, last time I watched was probably a decade ago.

Can’t get any comfier watching this in bed on a sunday morning

Not even a prequeldrone. I always have a good time watching this one.

That movies is so comfy. It almost made me start acting like a fedora lord but thankfully i realised how stupid i was pretty soon.

This was unironically my fav sw movie growing up, because I just loved all the scenes on the big city/metropolis planet


Sex Drive, the special version only though wit hthe dubbed over parts. Funny as fuck.
I must have seen it 10 times but then I did have a crush on Amanda Crew

pure kino, gtfo

Also, Ocean Waves since I think it's weaker than Tales from Earthsea even if it's still good.

I really liked the Prequel Trilogy.
Even if the Disney films are better, and nothing will beat the Original Trilogy.

Also, this.

One of the worst Ghibli movies.


Well the thread is called “bad movies you like nonetheless”

I probably watched this about 30 times as a kid, it was just one we'd always watch on VHS whenever our friends came over

>the Disney films are better

I cannot hate the prequels, must be childhood nostalgia, even though I saw OT first. TLJ the only SW I'm almost negative about

I remember watching this at a sleepover when I was like 11.
Great film.

the podracing is brilliant.

For me:
The Stupids
Rat Race

Whoa, that takes some courage to admit

Generations wasn't very good but Insurrection gets a lot of hate that it doesn't deserve.

the Jon Lovitz hitler sequence is kino

Death Wish 2-5

Out of all the Next Gen movies, Insurrection is probably my favorite tbqh.

Rat Race ain't bad, its a fucking gem.

>implying Bean is a bad movie


This is not a bad movie.


how is this a bad movie


that's fucking cool

It's very problematic.

I think it's a fantastic movie, critics just hate it because it's "cliche" and such. I guess I hadn't seen a lot of movies like it at the time, powerful stuff.

Battlefield Earth

The soundtrack during the painting scene was way better than it had any right to be.

>Bad movie
pic unrelated?

The bad one is where he goes to France.

You mean this scene?
Actual heist movies struggle to make a heist this engaging.

even that one was nice, for the sunny beach scenery

Reincarnation (Rinne), Society (1989), 30 Days of Night, the Cell, 300, Eden Log and I've got a big soft spot for DC's animated capshit movies as well.

>When he realises how to fix the painting after the boy mentions "posters"
>Wearing slippers to muffle his footsteps
>Pouring a whole bottle of laxative in the security guard's coffee to take him out of the picture
The ingenious use of household objects in order to replace the art. A pizza cutter to remove the painting, gum to secure the poster. Nail varnish remover, egg yolk, and a hair dryer to make the poster look more like a painting.

Absolute kino

Didn't do well in theaters, but it was fucking hilarious when I was 16.

>Rat Race
But that's quite possibly the funniest movie ever made.

You know the rules

I love buddy comedy movies

Victorian London at night time must be one of the COMFIEST settings for any movie to take place

This, and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen of the top of my head

Did they run out of money when making the poster?

Really don't think they had much of a budget to begin with, and a lot of that might well have been used on Kurt Russell

Rex was goat

>muslims portrayed as honorable people

Highly problematic

this is a good movie also had based MEW milf

>those lens flares
this reminds me of adobe photoshop 4

I need this without the jaypegg quality.

>Streisad the Rogen

beans holiday is the only bean you need

I watched this so much when I was a kid. I remember thinking Oliver Platt was the coolest guy ever.

Sky High is unironically great though


They should have stuck to one book or just made the whole series. Le Guin is the one who deserves the Harry Potter type cult fandom instead of that fat whore Rowling.

Talladega nights, a film only Americans can appreciate

Pick of Destiny is kino af. The soundtrack is Jack Black going as ham as he can, and it's beautiful.

can anyone recommend any comfy homely movies thats just about people having normal life like my idiot brother.

After Man in the Iron Mask no other Musketeer-related movie comes close to being as comfy. Everything went so right in that movie

bladerunner 2049 and bladerunner


I hear we are getting new cut by Ridley Scott.

i hope not

the resident evil movies

Wtf That Guy on the front looks like a young Michael Palin

I like them too.

mine is pic related.


not another teen movie