I'm coming for you, Tim

I'm coming for you, Tim.

Other urls found in this thread:


he's a big guy

How much is he paying you to do this.

>selling merch = jew
There's literally nothing wrong with making money

>kekworthy logo sleeves

fuck off. jesus christ he's literally the person he used to mock

Looks like that dirty bulk he was on is finally paying off.

Yeah I’m thinking he’s back

is this sam hyde

how did mde join with bones/"sesh"

>com98 in the background
i can't wait

>white people "dreads"
Is there anything more pathetic?

thats a black/mulatto guy edited white to look like sam hyde

>has a bunch of bitcoin
>still thinking this is serious

it's likely he's doing it because it offends a certain type people.

compare that "design" to the clown blouse.

>editing the pic to make him white
sam is italian

Ok I've got some fucking questions now

1. How fucking tall is he...for real?
2. Where is this picture from?
3. Is MDE dead yet?
4. Are those dreads real?
>inb4 unfunny meme answers
I'm genuinely curious does anything know?

He looks like his breath reeks fo stale Chinese food and he smells like sweat.

>Is there anything more pathetic?
Yeah, niggers with dreads pretending they came up with not washing your hair.

When it transforms into unwelcome solicitation and shitting up this place with shilling then it crosses the line.

The fact that he puts on a front of being homeless/without insurance to scam money out of his stupider paypigs just makes it all the worse.

It's going to be so ebin when he predictably dies from atherosclerosis a year from now.

Yeah. I'm thinking he's back.

It's a photoshop of some black dude that looks like him. Knowing Sam he'll pay his shills to spam it everywhere so he can sell a shirt of it later.

you are such a pathetic person. i've seen you in multiple threads over many months posting the exact same things about sam. what reason do you have for this? ive noticed you've stopped posting about the girl he slept with because you realized Sup Forums is mostly pedophiles

Sam Hydes shtick is to be gaudy and offensive, he's joking with them.

>implying his shills are paid

t. Sam

1. How fucking tall is he...for real?
Pretty tall like 6'4 or something
2. Where is this picture from?
Idk, it's not Sam though
3. Is MDE dead yet?
No he's working on big projects
4. Are those dreads real?
Yeah but they're not his lol he's never had dreads

Sam, more Moms type videos please. It’s a classic and some of the funniest shit you’ve ever done. Fuck, id take another Inconvenient Anime at this point.


>Me gwanna tell you to getcha health insurance ready!

Didn't bitcoin crash down "for good this time" or was that pink wojak leakage all for nothing?

Dude I've already told you that shirt is $25 without autograph. This is so retarded, you know that most YouTubers have merch right? What's wrong with selling stuff if people want it?


Imagine being as assblasted as Sam, eternally in the shadow of Tim, a beloved, well-known, well-respected comedian, who ushered in a new wave of surrealism and alternate comedy, whose had like five or six TV shows (that lasted more than one fucking season too)

One leg is thicker than a car tire. I instantly recognize this as a Man of Power

he has a personal problem with sam. he used to avidly post the screengrab about him and marky, which makes me think he was personally involved with marky and has become insatiably jealous of what happened

>Is MDE dead yet?
>No he's working on big projects
MDE is three people, user. There hasn't been any new MDE content since cancellation.

The Sam thread earlier on was so peaceful and optimistic, sadly the undesirables crawl out of their holes and destroy all good things.

Both Tim and Sam grew up on fyad irony, really Tim beat Sam to market, more than he is the originator of

>Tim and Eric fans: fat virgin soyboys in their 30s
>Sam Hyde fans: qt traps that Sam fucks in their boipussies
really makes one think, doesn't it?

Damn guess I missed it. It really is impossible to talk about MDE here without people talking crazy shit

Sam is a chad, soyboys hate and envy him, THOTs want to fuck him

Take it back to plebbit's r/mde buddy.


>fyad irony
how old do you think he is? 25?

pretty sure this is the tranny guy that really hates sam and does a 1 man internet campaign against him

I've noticed it as well, you'd figure he'd try to be less obvious and try to change the way he writes from time to time.

That's honestly what bothers me about nu-MDE
The unironic use of shitty alt right memes.
It turns it from "hey, this is kind of subversive" to full "oh, it's just another outspoken Sup Forums browsing asshole" territory

"kekworthy" was ironic in that context though.
fake MDE fans can't even spot basic bitch MDE humor, my sides.

he's had names of games scrawled on his wall forever, i'm waiting for his shittily captured "guys i'm doing this ironically" let's play series on the main mde account.

It's extremely obvious because his filenames are always the same

you can claim anything mde does as ironic but it's disingenuous to believe they won't walk on eggshells to avoid upsetting their new rabid fanbase straight from r/coontown

if it's anything like his shitty doom video it'd just be a recording of the screen

Fuck Sam Hyde

BG Kumbi is back


These threads are always 100% postulation

Jesus christ sam got fat

So is sam just gonna spiral out of control until he realizes that his life has no meaning and just offs himself

They don't walk on eggshells because MDE is dead, Nick owns a antique store, Charls does boring twitch streams, Sam basically does nothing except maybe a monthly HydeWars and a couple of instagram posts.

pretty much, it'll make early dsp vids look good
and sam won't bother being entertaining or interesting in the least because it's funnier to him to make fans watch shit like hydewars

its the tranny that hates sam ignore him

if you knew anything about mde or sam you'd know he genuinely wouldn't give a shit about the autistic redditard freak fans he has and would be happy to milk them of all the money they have. any sane person would think this

>doesn't know the difference between fat and RIPPED fat

He would snap you like a skinny twig.

Bones shouldn't degrade himself by collaborating with sam

didn't he fuck a kid or something

i'm waiting for him to stop leading them on, he won't though, he's desperate to keep his meager revenue stream going so he can make his indie games

and don't pretend he's not clutching his bitshekels as tight as he can until the apocalypse, whispering "it's gonna bounce back fuck fuck FUCK"

this is just regular old fat buddy.

Sure thing fatass

libertarians don't believe in statutory rape

The right can't comedy. Sadilay!

Who cares? Anyone who unironically uses the word 'kek' is a cancerous little retard. Maybe you care because you are one of them? And what are you talking about with that second sentence? You are so retarded

>mde fans unironically think this

Giving sam his own show was a mistake, they should've just kept to the internet. Mde fans are cancer.

I mean, if conservatives are funny then why are all the most famous comics liberals?

only fags argue in bad faith like that

>hey guys arent I super ironically wacky. Woaaahhh

Can mde just fuck off of Sup Forums already?

Hi cringeworthy kekistani retard. You and all your ilk deserve to have your parents money spent on clothing items that will identify you as a retard to the world

Read primetime propaganda by Ben Shapiro