Holy toledo this is the worst film I have ever seen.
Holy toledo this is the worst film I have ever seen
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Nothing but boring pretentious trash with shocking images.
I didn't get it, so I must be a branlet.
oh did the baby hurt his head with his first surrealist film? sowwy
> look at me I'm so smart because I understand a shitty movie
liking this movie doesn't make you smart or seem smart. calling this movie shit, or hating people who like it, makes you a pretentious cunt though.
Read a book, moron.
I like this movie and I enjoy showing it to people to see what they think. I think whatever reality eraserhead is set in must be hell.
Holy toledo this is the worst thread I have ever seen
The worst part is that this movie started the "kafkaesque" critic buzzword that gets memed on here, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with kafka. It's like calling a movie 'lovecraftian', simply because its about the deep sea.
David Lynch offers no explanation as to what the tortured little cow baby is supposed to be, and every time a theory is brought up he just shrugs his shoulders and says "yeah that could be it" as if he gave it no prior thought. As a cinephile I sincerely urge anyone who is thinking about watching it to follow Lynch's direction-give it no prior thought.
desu my first thread was a call to a genuine discussion about the movie, that was in 2010, and the responses were pretty much identical. Not to give any credit to the retards who spout that Sup Forums was always shit, because it wasn't, but nobody liked eraserhead then and nobody has bothered to watch it now.
It's one of those movies that just throws a whole lot of weird shit on the screen and then pretends like it's being deep.
>interpreted everything in the movie literally
>wants lore explanations
Holy fuck you are stupid. Maybe stick to the super hero movies buddy
It's only the second worst I've seen, after Tetsuo.
This is surely bait
It was only ever known because of the poster
It's genuine trash. Anyone who thinks otherwise is nothing but pretentious
It's actually pretty blunt with it's meataphors and symbolism. Maybe youre just retarded?
Anyway, where the movie truly succeeds is style, atmosphere, and tone
I like it, and I think you're a pretentious faggot
Itt: >"I was too dumb to understand this film so everyone who likes it is pretentious"
its about fatherhood you morons
B-but user.. They didnt even explain how she got impregnated with the alien! How could a tint person live in a radiator? Why does he get his head chopped off and then is fine in the next scene? It makes literally no sense!
This board makes me want to blow my brains out? How long has this place been infested by tasteless brainlet normies?
ITT: People that need to watch everything on this list before they can understand Eraserhead
What in the fuck is that list
The movie is far from pretentious. You can call a Nolan flick pretentious, cause it actually comments in it's own themes and tries to sound profound. Eraserhead on the other hand is just a nightmare and doesn't try to tell you anything. I personally enjoyed as just that, a weird nightmare of a movie. You don't have to look into any of it's "deeper meaning".
I've got a worse one for you
A list that OP needs
it's not pretending to be deep at all. it's not even that deep. lynch just likes filming really fucked up shit, he doesn't give a shit about meaning (although it has a pretty clear and easy to interpret meaning anyway).
lynch started filming this shit on a shoestring budget in college and is arguably his best work. evidently you were unable to wrap your narrow brain around it and form an interpretation and take meaning away, and there's plenty there for the taking. it def demands multiple viewings like most lynch kino tho. i remember him saying he was reading the bible one night and it inspired him to create eraserhead as the movie is heavily based on sin.
you are literally the definition of pretentious
If it was that low budget, that explains why it sucks. The audio was absolutely awful, there was this roaring sound in my ear through the entire thing.
>The audio was absolutely awful, there was this roaring sound in my ear through the entire thing.
if that's not bait, then I'm truly triggered
The fact that this cheap, lazy and pretentious shit is considered Lynch's best work is really indicative of how much of a hack he is.
His only passable film is Lost Highway, and then again it's just a 3 hour long 'oh cool it was all in his head' waste of time.
complete idiot
are you telling me that bad sound is good just because its low budget and artsy? The humming roaring sound along with the baby crying gave me a bad headache. Any movie that gives me a headache is automatically bad.
Don't listen to this faggot. The movie is amazing, but you don't have to watch it multiple times to get it. it's an atmospheric mood piece first of all and can be enjoyed as such. If you want to, like with anything, you can look for deeper meaning. But please don't let faggots like this discourage you from not watching it.
This is the beauty of Lynch. His films are both weird nightmares of movies, but also are pretty interesting and fun to interpret. The guy definitely attaches meaning to his work, but he also has this weird fascination with electricity and bizarre visuals, and likes to put those into his movies for visual / auditory effect.
It was boring though. Hardly anyone talks through the entire thing it's just that annoying roaring noise. It's the cinematic version of a haunted house. All it contains is some weird disturbing imagery.
>whats a radiator
i don't think you're cut out for lynchkino kiddo
There is so much pleb shit on there this must be a joke.
Chances are you never were good at drawing as a kid and didn't have an imagination.
Now go and watch Manos the hand of fate.
The movie literally won awards for its sound design
Tell me about Tetsuo. I'm genuinely intrested in it since I heard that Reznor did a soundtrack for a more recent one. Between Natural Born Killers and THX 1138, the movies that I got into because of him never disappointed. Is it really shit? What installment should I watch to make my own opinion.
It don't remember much, but it's basically just a mess of disturbing images with hardly anything resembling a plot and characters. It was painful to watch and felt longer than Seven Samurai even though it was just over an hour.
David Lynch is truly an inspirational figure for autistic people. He proves that if you are a good enough bullshitter you can do anything no matter how far down the spectrum you are.
It's the only movie that I can't really stomach since it leaves me utterly disturbed. Childbirth and everything to do with it, as well as the responsibilities of growing up, and it all going wrong, scare me deeply and just become scarier the older I get. If that's the main fears I got out of Eraserhead with 16 and it got to me really badly, how hard must it hit now?
I perfectly understand people not enjoying it, but I think it's nonsense to call it a bad film. I mean, if you regard it "even just" as a horror film, this is one of the best at what the genre is supposed to do.
>not understanding something can somehow make you the smarter one
Not trying to insult you, but how old are you?
If this film scares you on a psychological level, then how do you take care of yourself as an adult?
>Lynch offers no explanation as to what the tortured little cow baby is supposed to be
It's the guy's punishment for fucking his gf and looking for happiness in life. This is the ultimate downer film.
Did you happen to notice the rather depressing tone of the movie? [spolier]If you look carefully, it's actually in black and white.[/spolier]
It's very experimental, but still a narrative film definitely. Tetsuo: The Iron Man is one of my favorite films and I'd really recommend it. It's about a sleazy japanese businessman who accidentally runs a crazy metal fetishist metahuman over with his car but instead of calling an ambulance or even performing a hit and run he decides to fuck his gf right then and there, with the dying guy right next to them. In turn, metalman basically curses businessguy into slowly transforming into a junk metal monstrosity (dick first). Metalguy hasn't really died but is pissed and wants to use businessguy in his metal monster form to start the Metalocalypse. It's got a fun, punk attitude, but don't make the mistake of taking it too seriously.
Reznor did the OST for Tetsuo 3: The Bullet Man. I've just seen the first, though, so far.
I was 16 when it scared me that much, as I've written.
I haven't seen the film in years, but remember it really well. Maybe that makes my overall opinion moot since it's been over 10 years, but you either assume that humans do not change after 16 or haven't got the best reading comprehension.
That or I've formulated it in a weird way, which is possible since english isn't my native language.
okay that makes sense :)
I don't understand how anyone could enjoy this shit. It's boring, pretentious, and edgy. I guess that makes it absolute KINO according to this place though.
The fact that red letter media loved it makes me question everything I've ever believed about them.
Pretentious is something pretending to have meaning when it doesn't. So Eraserhead isn't pretentious. This has nothing to say about it being either bad or good, though, but it clearly communicates meaning in the intended way of "feeling like a nightmare", as I recall Lynch saying. Feel free to think about it as boring and edgy, though.
t. brainlette
Every person who loves it saying that it has so much hidden meaning and symbolism in it. That is pretention.
Funny, because it's one of the best films I have seen. It's very rare to get something that totally catches your attention and changes your mood so much. I hate to use the word "experience", but it is quite otherworldly and sticks with you for a few days after you've finished it.
It's not hidden, though. There are essays about it that you could read if you can't find it yourself- which isn't a bad thing, since you aren't obliged to like or be invested enough into anything to search for it. It just exists, no matter whether you see it or not.
Look, as an example, I hate Requiem for a Dream, but it's still a good movie. I thought the anti-drug message failed spectacularly for me because of how unrealistic it was, but I wouldn't call it pretentious, because it wasn't pretending to be there, it clearly was, I just didn't like it.
I like Lynch, but his followers are annoying. I want to punch at least 90% of Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive fans.
Lynch fans are "artistic hipsters with blue sunglasses drinking starbucks"-tier people
You're right OP, I was disgusted with how bad it was.
buddy, I was jerking off to mia khalifa 15 minutes after it ended.
Samefagging this much surely is a sign of autism.
why are you guys so insecure?
the recent one is shit but the original is great, if you like Lynch and Cronenberg you will like it.
>being this Gen Z
I can't tell if half of this is bait
>The movie literally won awards
Literally not an argument
sorry you're a poor piece of shit that has to watch movies on a laptop with your earbuds that came free with the government welfare issued brick phone
OK how about this for an argument? The sound design is fucking orgasmic, and anyone who thinks otherwise is using laptop speakers.
If it's to get "pretentious" I prefer real movies like Andrei Rublev, The Turin Horse, Stroszek...
well argued my friends, excellent use of reason and evidence
I'm talking shit about this bad movie from my government issued smartphone. How does that make you feel?
Fuck you cunt.
Best reasoned explanation so far! Have this meme as my thanks
Here's the explanation
None of those are pretentious and neither is Eraserhead. I'm not 19 anymore, I don't have to pretend to hate popular things.
There is no need to argue because clearly you are retarded.
Pretentious is just a term NEETs and soyboys use, because all the processed sugar and fluoridated water has destroyed their ability to pay attention to anything besides capeshit and video games for more than a few seconds.
Anyone who hates eraserhead probably has not read a book in the past 5 years.
I didn't say they are pretentious but people like you are.
I mentioned a movie that has a length of 3 hours 25 minutes. Fuck off, Eraserhead is TRASH. That's just a fact.
I dont have a problem paying attention to things if they are interesting. I got bored as fuck watching eraserhead and wanted to start doing anything else during it. It's a really pointless movie.
This movie is not hard to get and you’re fucking stupid bro
It's about abortion. It's about how you shouldn't make your life miserable by having annoying snake child who cries constantly.
This is perhaps the most sour grapes thread I've ever seen.
If this is the new normal Sup Forums is fucking dead.
Yeah we've lost Sup Forums to morals, soy and idiocy. Seems like it's been degrading daily but I can't leave.
>hidden meaning and symbolism
You have to be braindead to think anything about the Lynchian symbolism is "hidden". He's constantly criticized by filmfags for being too on the nose.
You're part of the problem you memeing faggot.
I still don't know how Lynch managed to restrain himself to make Elephant Man.
lynch fans is basically a fucking cult
Lynch has a fucking cult
Raped his daughter
Killed jack nance and his wife
Responsible for the deaths of many twin peaks actors that died recently because they knew too much
Raped Amber Tamblyn (which is why she's such a psycho nowadays)
And that's not even the beginning. I bet he started this whole weinstein thing. He's friends with Ashley Judd who was one of the first who started this whole thing....Laura Dern, another one of his cult member and a bitch, his biggest plant in the industry now (was in the fucking biggest movie of the year) Charlyne Yi...the list goes fucking on. Lynch is a fucking devil.
His movies includes the evil people as well...Jeremy R Lindholm fucking murderer his girlfriend, robert knepper was recently accused of rape and shit, probably because he dared to criticize lynch in one his orgies. Jim Belushi, who fucking killed his brother and is a vocal supporter of Roman Polanski.
Lynch is the greatest conman and the devil of hollywood. All his movies are fucking biopics of his own events.
>he doesn't know about the straight story
Best movie by Lynch
>someone remade Rear Window
>biggest movie of the year
stale pasta