What do you hope for from the Fire and Fury TV show?

What do you hope for from the Fire and Fury TV show?


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Gallons and gallons of rightist tears

They'll need someone that looks disheveled and alcohol bloated to play Bannon. Could this be Brenden's role to UNJUST?

>book that gets basic facts wrong and has multiple spelling errors not only somehow gets past the publisher, but gets a TV series
Are left-wingers just stupid?

Even though it was a twitter joke I hope they make a bear channel episode

>no one has ever capitalized on current events and turned them into tv/film
fucking liberals...


Hopefully an impeachment so we can finally see Trump impeached

Cast him

actually the "lefties" are using a pretty ingenious tactic.

Think of GWB era. What kinds of books were made about him?
What kinds of tv shows?
Now think of obama
what kinds of movies and tv shows was he in.

It used to be the victor would be able to write history.
Now its those that control the airwaves.
Anything "great" Trump does will be completely overshadowed by this book and tv series.
People will remember this presidency through this book and tv series.

Alec Baldwin

Hold your breath until it happens


>be Wolff
>never been inside the WH
>not a single named source to back up the content of his book
>manages to spell "public" as "pubic" in publishing, so obviously nobody actually fact-checked this book
>book is figuratively ripped to shreds by reviewers while hailed as the gospel by millions of flipper-clapping seals
>get away with millions of dollars in never-to-be-paid college loans and Starbucks wages
>liberals make a TV series
>gets more money
>wait until you're on your deathbed to admit your book is fake as shit
The liberal is a fascinating creature

>Are left-wingers just stupid?
Is this rhetorical? If they weren't stupid they wouldn't be left-wing


I'd cast the person who is closest to his IQ. However, I don't think Steven Hawking has enough range.

Quite a few of them mistakenly bought a book about atrocities committed by Allied forces during WW2 because its title is also "Fire and Fury". So you tell me.

Does anybody else wish that this board had a place to talk politics but from a more right leaning angle. No snowflake shit, just a bunch of guys who are politically incorrect

Idris Elba

I hope it comes out soon. The Sup Forums threads will be fun

There isn't an actor with the screen presence or charisma of Trump


Wow we didn't already have 24 hours of anti-trump media, good contribution

He could play himself for a nice paycheck

It's not hard to have the charisma of an orange.

7 more years, keep crying

Not your safe space. Go back

Understandable, honestly. When there's "Fire & Fury" titles on both the fiction and non-fiction shelves, the liberals must have been confused about why the non-fiction book was about the Allies

They are starting the gorilla channel sounds great

>What kinds of books were made about him?
I cal't recall any books being made about him, probably thousands of books about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that mentions him but I don't recall any books him about.
>What kinds of tv shows?

this is why culture continually moves leftward overtime
progressives inhabit our most significant cultural institutions (media, entertainment, education, etc)

the important battle is not for political power, but for cultural dominance within these institutions
they effects long term changes in political attitudes, which in turn leads to political power

>Steven Hawking is le epic smart person to compare my yuppie child emperor to
Get a load of this Einstein.

In the style of The Office, with Trump being Michael Scott's equivalent

Just dub a regular orange

Johnny Depp did a good job

>hates Trump
>uses "le"
>names his files
mad that shareblue got banned from your shithole, leddit?

What's the matter, did I violate your safe space?

They are doing so well that people are getting sick of them. Even Generation Z is.

I don't see the problem with this. Studios have been racing for a long time for the next fantasy fiction show now that Game of Thrones is almost ending

I could literally write a whole book worth of bullshit about Trump and people would believe it because they're so desperate to discredit him.

they shouldve adapted art of deal with a non biased view


I don't see correlation. So it has spelling errors, how does that stop a TV deal? It was rushed to the printers. And the factual issues are due to the narrative being cobbled together from interviews and people telling Wolff conflicting stories and him going with what he perceives to be the most likely thing to have happened, which is blatantly stated in the book. The book wouldn't exist if Trump and co. hadn'y given Michael Wolff access and a lot of it is collaborated by other reporting.

It will be some shitty TV movie.

UNLESS they make it a comedy.

And then it will be some shitty SNL tier comedy.

Trying to make a movie "as it's happening" always goes shit. See W.

Just watch Batman Returns

I want Idris Elba to play Trump

>that entire chapter describing how trump was allowed to operate the controls of af1
I honestly thought it was meant to be a parody until liberals started preaching it like the New Testament

what why?

>unironically likes trump
>uses le leddit maymay whenever challenged
>doesn't know image.jpg is due to phoneposting
>weak b8
I feel like you're larping as a redditor because you check all boxes.

Hulk Hogan
Vince McMahon

other professional wrestlers like
mr perfect
sid justice
kevin nash
Ric Flair
Jerry Lawler
John Cena
Kurt Angle

The inability to get basic spelling and factual details right, is a microcosm of the book itself and its trustworthiness.
It makes one question the published content, if even easily correctable flaws are ubiquitous.

Regardless of whether or not it was ethical for Trump to ban the book's release, it shouldn't be given a TV series because it's politically inflammatory.

You have to love this man for the perpetual butthurt he causes soyboys.

GoT is the biggest show in the world. Quality doesn't matter anymore.

>never been inside the WH
>not a single named source to back up the content of his book
This isn't true

It literally is

He has tapes

even if you hate trump and you're on the left do you honestly think shit like this
makes for good entertainment? do you think it's good writing?

Before I click the link may I ask if it’s kino?

>The inability to get basic spelling and factual details right, is a microcosm of the book itself and its trustworthiness.
if only people felt the same way about the current president. And Trump banning a book? Sounds like a massive violating to the first amendment

There is literally nothing wrong with banning books. If our president (yes, all of ours) deems something not appropriate for this country, then by all means should it be banned

what is libel?

never heard of her. is she on cnn?

>tries to call Trump smart
>can't even spell Stephen Hawking's name correctly
Rightists, everyone.

>gets basic facts wrong
>too dumb to spell
Sounds linke Trump desu

Too bad, it's a book about him written by lefties who rather see the country burn than a rep president

What do you get out of being a bootlicking faggot?

Why don't you just grow up and vote for a new President when the times comes lefties :^)

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

TV shows take a while to make. It's not going to happen until 2019 at the earliest, after the midterms, which should be nice. Anger makes people come out and vote in midterms, and I can assure you the fury toward Trump is palpable and runs deep. And it’s growing more intense thanks to the unfairness of the GOP tax cuts. If all those who oppose Trump’s history of hate and his policies turn out to vote in November – just as we saw in the recent elections in Virginia and Alabama – Democrats will ride a beautiful, massive blue wave that will wash the Republicans from Congress. And from there, the hope is either via impeachment or another massive blue wave in 2020, we can then sweep Trump out of the White House and back into oblivion where he belongs.

>a rep president
Trump isn’t one

Just burn them like the SS did to the tranny research.

I know

Something hard to prove

He sure cries constantly about the Democrats like the average Republican does.

Sure he does leftie, the only one crying is media and you lefties

It's weirdly reassuring. There's nothing they're good at. No single point around which the Right can rally. There will be no addendum to the footnote of mockery that is the Trump presidency that will say "at least he was good at X".

That isn't to say that there won't be positive impacts because of the administration. There will be plenty of that - we're already seeing it now. Civic education and engagement are rising in a young, politically-minded generation who are overall progressive. That's going to have HUGE influence on the future, both near-term and far-term.

I'm talking more about the administration itself. Historians of the future will no doubt worry that they missed something, some nugget of good within the depths of all of the bad. But, if you're reading this through some chrono-dynamic tachyon sensor array dear future person, there really hasn't been.

Also, if I am living in a situation, could you float me a grand or two? It'd help with the medical bills.


Seems to me the only people crying are the niggers they parade out on cnn and reddit leftists

This thread full of crying righties proves you're wrong.

>Reddit spacing
>Progressive and lefty values

>say he was their best ever
Didn't someone say it was textbook average?

>book sells like hot cakes
>probably the first book some amerifats have read in years
TV is a business, it could be absolute nonsense and it'd still get greenlit because of sales

And I guarantee you those people who don't read books will still watch the show, just like GoT.

Drumpf BTFO

What a wonderful world we live in, where literal monsters with lefty values and disney decides on what the world should watch and think and hear

Your post implies that anyone in power has by virtue of their position the unquestionable moral and intellectual authority to ban anything that they don't like or, as in this case, that makes them look bad. My question was what do you get out of brown-nosing authority figures you have no intereactions with? It at least makes sense if you're like that with your boss, even if it is pathetic, but there is no need for it outside of that besides maybe a sexual fetish.

>calls people monsters for having different political opinions from him
>while praising Hitler
Yeah nah, cunt.

>spelling errors
Like Trump's?

Oh shit. You're right. Fuck.

I really want this.

You guys know that you are all being Duped. Like fucking hard. America is so blinded by pointlessly political dichotomy you cannot even see. Trump LET wolfe into White House, fucking Mitch McConnel and Paul Ryan let this book be written, published, and advertised. All so every body, right and left like, comment and share all their efforts on a benign trump. The man doesn't do anything, is mentally incapacitated, he doesn't come up with any ideas or strategies. He just wants to play golf and bath in admiration.

The men pushing bills through don't want you to think about net neutrality, about the failure to pay military servicemen, failure to fund education and the loosening of money they can take from their corporate sponsors. Openly doing nothing to tackle rising inequality, stagnating wages, and ballooning debt.

You have all been fucking duped and all you can do is what americans have always done best, sit their on their asses and watch TV. Brava.

You like Trump? :^)

>And the factual issues are due to the narrative being cobbled together from interviews and people telling Wolff conflicting stories and him going with what he perceives to be the most likely thing to have happened

That's my issue with the book. I expected it to be well researched expose on the election and first year, as it turns out a great deal of "artistic license" seems to have been taken. Wolff has seemingly taken a years worth of gossip and hearsay and converted it into a best seller. The book will undoubtedly become a source of misinformation cum fact for years. I guess I can't blame him for wanting to take advantage of a veritable bonfire of Trump hatred, he found a way to sell them gasoline.

why is the left so antisemitic?

Kind of sad how desperate trumpfags immediately jump onto every new meme that shows up on the radar. Are they that creatively bankrupt?

>banning ideas is alright as long as my lord wills it
And so the pendulum swings. To have any meaningful dialogue, ideas must be able to persist. How is one going to argue against a subject he has no knowledge of? I was hoping Americans knew the value of Free Speech first hand.

I am no polbaby virgin alt right retard, but even I have to say that this post is so reddit it hurts.

Why is your skin the color of shit?

It‘s Bravo, you retard.
Brava is the form you use when addressing females. There aren’t any here, doofus.