Since there isn't a meme category

Pls put Morty at full power, I will reply an example

Will Morty get what he deserves?

Le example

My anonymoo, this is a meme


I wish bans made it so you can't browse the site

those were better times

I'd just be content with bans that worked.

Memes please, use the effects put on the emoji in the example and—
Yknow what? Screw it! I will do this on my own!

So, when will Jerry snap and finally beat the shit out of Rick? He would deserve it.

this is a weird thread


You are correct, I'm the 666th dank memer, my name is Tordle, I sexually identify as an attack helicopter

>i wish people with different opinions get banned
>so i can enjoy my time completely alone on an image board

OP, you do realize that there is a counter at the bottom showing the number of different posters in this thread?

This whole thread hurts what is the point

The point is,
Dank memes

I love how the conversation is mostly R&M but the point is dank memes

*breathes in*


He said none of that...

Now, proof that god exists:
The TOMato