Why do the white boys of Sup Forums hate this kino so much?

Why do the white boys of Sup Forums hate this kino so much?

Does this movie have any other scenes?


its racist against white people to not allow them to exploit black people

Because it's not deserving of it's unanimous praise and I could list hundreds of english horror/thrillers from Silence of the Lambs wherein this makes no sense being the next big thing to throw up from the realm of that genre to win oscar gold. It's utter race pandering and it's utter virtue signalling. I don't understand how these people don't recognize they're being placated and take offence.

No, literally nothing happens in the movie except he kisses a white girl in front of a cop. Edgy.

ask yourself if the movie would've gotten the same attention if it was about old people wanting young bodies

same actors and everything obviously some scenes and dialog would have to change but basically the same movie

the answer is no
it's a competently made, albeit average horror comedy by a first time director

so the message of the movie is that white people want to become black people because they're faster, stronger and have bigger penises??

You figure it out, OP.

it discourages ir relationships and encourages blacks to hang with blacks in black places, what's to hate? Whitey sucking the juices out of the brown man is laughable, but whatever gets them through the night

Why are soynigs so obsessed with things that have been illegal in civilized western countries for over a century?

>white boys of Sup Forums
Nice try.

It's satirising how liberals basically fawn over and fetishise black people so much nowadays.

>he actually used his award acceptance speech to shill his latest mixtape
why are blacks so cringe

It would change the entire movie if it were old people wanting young bodies.

It is a much better film if you can find it with the alternate ending

That doesn't even happen in the movie. Seriously, it would have been so easy for you to make a guess and pretend you knew what happens in the movie yet somehow you fucked that up. We know you're pretending from the start.

That exact movie exists.

>if you can find it with the alternate ending
It's literally on the DVD.

For the record that's more or less what I expected was going to happen, especially when a cop car showed up. So the actual ending subverted my expectations.

Old people wanting young bodies actually makes sense though. Whites wanting to be black is just bizarre and completely unbelievable.

The massage is that libruls also treat niggers like shit which would mean niggers are right about something and Sup Forums cant swallow that fact

>not wanting a body that is naturally better at sports

He probably knows he has no acting chops and decided to use the virtue-signal awards to promote his real career.

Yes it does. You know it’s true because that was the scene where your gf decided to call on Tyrone and let you finish the movie by yourself.

found a new waifu though

At some sports.

"""sports""" like american football where you just get really fat and shove each other? Yea, some sport.

Why do you think. They're beta nerds that were bullied by blacks in high school who after making them roll over like dogs fucked their crushes

I was referring more to an edit with it in the movie rather than on the bonus features but yeah, I can understand people preferring it subvert expectations.

I don't like niggers

It's really only lefties that should hate this movie since it shits on their interracial utopia

Whilst still ultimately making fun of white people. This movie is the definition of low key racist. It doesn't bother me because I'm not rearing to fight tyrone or holla back at me monique but it is what it is.

And yet, we don't, and rightards are the ones getting mad at it.

How do you feel about that, scum?


Thanks! Too bad you won't get the same.

I honestly think a lot of it is just simply backlash. It was good but flawed, and nowhere near best movie of the year or anything. If it had received mixed or good reviews it would be accurately rated as a mixed to good movie by people here, but because it was hyped to fuck people overexaggerate the flaws and make out like it was awful.
Sup Forums just hate it because fuck black people though.

People are just dumb for letting themselves be so affected by "hype." Should be able to judge it on its own merits. There were, in my opinion, no real issues with the execution of the story. I'm sure at least some of the other nominated films must be better (I haven't seen any yet besides Dunkirk, which I suppose is better) but I can understand why it was nominated. It has been a fairly uneventful year for film.