The Wiseau curse lives on
The Wiseau curse lives on
____ until proven _____
>Guilty, Innocent
>98% of women fail this test
Holy shit Tommy. This has gone too far
James Franco band is called "Daddy" I shit you not. He really is into jailbait I guess.
aren't women the harrassers at this point? I mean if the genders are reversed.
Innocent until proven guilty ______
>in a court of law, in the Vanity Fair marketing department
Why is Franco getting Spacey'd, but T.J. Miller isn't?
Is it just too hard for them to do it on Deadpool 2?
>I have nothing BUT contempt for this court
SJWs aren't the demographic for Deadpool movies. Doubt the producers give two shits.
I bet this jew faggot wishes he lived in North Korea and was friends with rocketman.
bullshit. they fucking love deadpool man. He's the perfect brand of "edgy but not offensive" comedy for them.
I fucking hate him and his face.
why do you think he's so popular on reddit and tumblr
Rape, ABUSE! #metoo.
There are an alarming amount of young men committing suicide. We need to talk about mental health.
I don't buy it
Franco's a handsome guy and could get any bitches he wanted
t. Marshal Kim
it doesn't play with the Sup Forums narrative that only "ugly guys" get accused.
Unironically this.
I was sure T.J. Miller and Franco would get away with it. T.J. Miller might yet, but Franco legitimately got BTFO.
I also thought Aziz would get cleared because he's brown/Muslim and CNN etc went to stump for him, but fucking hell the roasties were having none of it.
They're on a fucking warpath.
>Franco's a handsome guy and could get any bitches he wanted
He's just as desperate and pathetic as any of us
>Franco's a handsome guy
>kike mutt
One of the accusations is basically "he forced me to give him a blowjob, but then we dated consensually for a couple of months."
Wait, what?
He's a beta, socially retarded nerd. He has looks and money but hasnt figured out how to translate it into endless free pussy like everyone else. He is beta to the max and has to hit up teenagers on the internet for sex
If they remove him from The Deuce, he's done.
If they don't, he'll live.
>still posting that palo alto publicity stunt
>Scottish friends
>16 is the legal age
Why is this an issue?
me neither
it seems to me most of the women who come out with such allegations only do it for the spotlight
>most of them,not all of them
They should burn all books that mention him, too. Get his problematic ass out of history!
They don't care about men an heroing. All the alarm is for womens' statistics rising, even though it's still massively disproportionate between the sexes. Actually I wouldn't even be surprised to hear that that figure is being boosted just by trannies being classed as females on death certs now
All men that get laid are horrifyingly desperate. Even the good looking ones. Most men, like us, don't realize this and believe any effort needed is a sign that she isn't interested, when in reality there's 12 other guys trying to fuck her at any given moment.
Still, I don't bother trying. I figure I can wait for sex robots to be a thing.
Now the communists are removing people from photos.
Guilty unless islam. Didn't the media attack the girl who said something about Aziz Ansari without question?
>All men that get laid are horrifyingly desperate
Deadpool talks just like the SJW in the wild. Douchecanoefuckbuttershitpants
lol deadpool is so funny
Franco did nothing wrong
>james franco is famous pedophile
nobody cares
>james franco is allegedly misbehaving
Probably fucked her in New York where legal age is 17
He has truly become the Disaster Artist.
I thought they were going to let go of Aziz because he was brown, and honestly, the story was very farfetched and not in the woman's favor but I guess I was wrong. Women just want to destroy men equally.
Thank god he got his talentless brother into acting so he can live off the sweet product of his nepotism for the rest of the his life since he'll never find work again due to these allegations.
this guy's a rapist
why did this start the day after he won a golden globe
all men in power must perish
next winners for male performances in the oscars, be afraid, be very afraid
it literally all started because of the ally sheedy tweet after the globes
also she named christian slater but for some reason the media ignored him....and he didn't won anything. pure coincidence!
It was his last straw.
>all a woman has to do to ruin your life forever is to make a claim about something you did or did not do
>it doesn't even have to do be investigated before the damage is done
This timeline just got kafka as fuck.
Pretty much.
It’s like a Greek tragedy. We like to watch the high and mighty fall.
Is one of the four allegations they’re taking about the one where a girl agreed to do nude scenes on two separate occasions, signed a contract, and later decided it wasn’t enough money and was an abuse of power?
What about the girl he dated who gave him a blowjob because ‘she wanted him to like her’?
Americans ALWAYS think that their lives are in a movie. The chick who called him out the instant he won thought that it was gonna start
a matriarchal revolution against men in power or some shit
>someone accused a man of """sexual assault"""
>we need to digitally write him out of existence now
Fox won't bother because Disney can just handle that shitstorm if people get triggered by seeing Miller in Deadpool 2
So now its not even "rape allegations", just "being accused of inappropriate and exploitative behavior"? Aka being accused of paying someone too little (not forcing them to take it) to appear naked on camera? Normally I'd be rustled, but he mic-blocked Tommy at the Golden Globes so he can rot in hell for all I care
>Franco stops Tommy from taking the mic
>Tommy lays a vampire curse on him
Big if true
>scams the rich ESL teacher out of so.e money to make his movie
>the guy he lived with in San Francisco and might have done lewd things with that's listed as a producer in his movie is dead
>he literally owns Greg
Don't ever cross this man Sup Forums
those are Julia Roberts feet aren't they?
The issue is that older women don't want men to fuck younger women
>Doki Doki literature club
>scams the rich ESL teacher
>lewd things with dead producer
Details my man
The teacher is where Greg says he likely got the money for the movie from. Her family eventually sued Tommy for something related to a loan.
After sometime living in San Francisco, Tommy starts to live with the guy, who probably helped him get into real estate, and becomes very close. The details on those two aren't clear, but the book hints that Tommy wouldn't have been a stranger to offers of lewd shit for money. Like, after being scared off by French police, some old guy takes him in and eventually offers Tommy money if he sucked him off. A similar offer was made in Louisiana for a gold chain.
>that last pic
Why did they even bother? They couldn't find a pic of stalin by himself in the early 20s?
You guys really don't get how scummy these Hollywood types are. They will hit on anything until someone is dumb enough to fuck them.
But they will try with everyone.
I think my dick could fit in her nose