Daily reminder the Prince of Egypt musical was delayed because people sent death threats to the cast over a lack of...

Daily reminder the Prince of Egypt musical was delayed because people sent death threats to the cast over a lack of black actors:

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The word "black" wasn't mentioned ONCE in the entire article you posted.

It was about having having all the actors be white for a bunch of ancient Egyptians, I mean shit at least just hire someone that's tanned like a Jersey Shore guido.

You wanna be accurate to the movie in the name of "authenticity" like the article itself mentions or what?


Check the article it links about the people stirring up a race controversy, they talk about how "Africa needs POC" and that "The only black actors are slaves."

>Another OP turns out to be Sup Forumsbaiting

When is this meme going to end?


If you bothered to read the article inside the article you'd know I wasn't.

Peoplea re complaining that "a story in Africa has no POC" not knowing that northern Africans were closer to the semetic peoples than the sub-saharan Africans, and semetic people aren't considered "POC."

Old testament was shit anyway.

At the end, only niggers are real POC. Everyone else is debatable

You're right, they're probably advocating for more asians.

Amusing since now genetic science is proving that the people in Egypt at this time were of Asian+European decent and not from black African origins.

I'd kind of suspected that all along.

But that discovery just came recently and this movie was made decades ago.

I'm being bombarded on twitter right now for saying Egypt wasn't black just because it's in Africa wtf, these people are crazy.




Maybe you're talking about some recent genetic evidence? The general concept isn't really new. Historians and anthropologists have known that for centuries.

North African people were more like South European people. They were all part of the same Mediterranean world. Conversely, the Sahara Desert was like a vast ocean, extremely difficult to cross, unlike sailing on the Mediterranean, which was faster than traveling by foot.

There were some people who modern people might think of as black though. People like Moses's wife's and her tribe. Also, Nubia, which wasn't Egyptian, but conquered Egypt and was conquered by Egypt every now and then. Nubia was South of Egypt, and its people looked more like sub-Saharan Africans than like North Africans.

to be fair, similar stories in the past weren't just about the lack of black people but the lack of non white people in general, where they had a bunch of Egyptians played by white people in brown face rather than hiring people with naturally tanned skin

Also depending the time period of Egypt certain royal lines were actually from Nubia, and the Nubian are black Africans, but I don't believe the pharaoh the Hebrews fled from was of that line, although there were pretty much always some Nubians in Egypt, but I don't think complaint is about the lack of black extras

Regardless of what people think now, or even DNA evidence. Ancient Egyptians certainly weren't white Europeans. There's more than 2 fucking races on this planet. They were made up of light brown African and Saudi tribes.

I think I know what genetic science you're talking about, but that finding was based off just one site in Egypt from between the New Kingdom and the Roman period. It doesn't represent the entire ancient population, such as Ancient Egyptians in the south.

>Maybe you're talking about some recent genetic evidence?
Yeah there was an article with a big click-baity title about "THIS SETTLES ALL THOSE RACIAL ARGUMENTS" but then the end of the article goes "this doesn't settle all those racial arguments since it's from one site and only encompasses a particular time period but imagine if it had".

>There's more than 2 fucking races on this planet

And CAUCASIAN is the race of egypt.

Brown isnt a race you dumbass.

>Also depending the time period of Egypt certain royal lines were actually from Nubia, and the Nubian are black Africans

Only one dinasty.
LITERALLY ONE, the 25th. less than 150 years in more than 7000 years of history. But sure, try to mislead.

>Regardless of what people think now, or even DNA evidence

Kek. No one has ever said they were whitem saying they were Caucasian is different than claiming they were nigs

You said they were not POC. and they were. They were not white. White is a phenotype, not a race, and egypteans were not part of that phenotype. Not all caucasians are white.

Let me guess, the ones who sent the death threats were white?

Egyptians were regarded as white by western racial laws, which are the inherently perceived divides that created the term POC.

>Yesterday go to a Sup Forums thread were people discuss what race Marina is
>Today it's this shit
With Marina I argued that she was clearly black but was of a different ethnicity, so having typically "African" features didn't matter.

Can't this same principle be applied here and if not, how brown do you have to be before you are considered black?

>western racial laws
yeah those are a good touch stone, they considered Irish, Italian and Polish as non-white for decades

[citation needed]

That was societal bias, not segregation legality.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums was a mistake and that Sup Forums posters should be locked out of all other boards.

And also that "Daily reminder" is 100% indicative of a shitpost and should be on everyone's filter list.

so your entire qualification for Egyptians being white was segregation law?

that's pretty weak, especially since all the most important and pervasive segregation wasn't based on law at all and was defacto segregation based purely on societal perception

Your pointing at the law as meaning something but ignoring the opinion of everyone alive, its like saying Americans thought black and white men were equal because the declaration of independence says "all men are created equal" your looking at meaningless words on a page and ignoring everyones actual opinion


>And CAUCASIAN is the race of egypt
That's pure nonsense. Egypt is an amalgamation of Mediterranean sailors, Saudis and Middle Africans on top of the people that already lived there. You can't just proclaim them as solely made up of European descendants.

Fuck yourself and die bitch