Really activates the almonds
Really activates the almonds
every fucking day with this thread
god damnit
More like Luke Suckmaster because sucks copious amounts of cock, heh.
More like Luke Cuckmaster amirite
Who are these retards that keep calling anything they don't like words that end in ist, ism, and phobe?
Sounds based. When does it come out?
More like Luke Cockmaster, right?
>that hairline
The face of a 30 year old infant.
No, but the man who inspired the character of Crocodile Dundee was a crazy junkie murderer who got shot by a cop.
what type of affliction is this?
>was a crazy junkie murderer who got shot by a cop.
no, he refused to give up his guns and was chased down by the police.
and such a tryhard fake name too
The man he was based on was killed by the police for refusing to give up his guns
Very problematic
What tribe you from Gus?
Tribe? Man I ain't from no tribe.
Later he's rescued by Gus the Limo driver who used a limo antennae as a boomerang.
"Harlem Warlords"
"knew you was tribal"
>taking the opinions of a 30 year old man with the face a toddler seriously
my little nephew probably has more test in his pinky finger than this faggot does in his whole body; him calling anything "sexist" "racist" or whatever-ist is tiresome, meaningless, stereotypical babble from some hyper-emotional emasculated soyboy.
>period in the middle of the headline
>no period at the end of the headline
The mark of a bad journalist
What a faggot
A true hero