im so fucking glad China (of all people) are the one place that doesn't respond to Star Wars. Keeps Disney humble, and it's a constant reminder that their Star Wars shit isn't global.
I like how the Chinese don’t have to pretend to enjoy shitty Star Wars movies because of some weird, unhealthy attachment to their childhoods and they can see it for what it is. A shitty movie
wait til you see the...
Surprised they are even trying.
Chinks might have no souls but they have brains and the ones who go watch american movies also have internet, and they roast the everloving fuck out of Soy Wars over there.
you are also in the thread you fucking dimwit
Go back to cleaning toilets, Pole.
Why are so Chinks so fucking based?
This. If the Solo movie is as bad as everyone is expecting (even the people making it) then why release it in China? Even if you take the Star Wars title out the top suits screening it still know it’s a Star Wars film. And if it bombs like TLJ then China could decide to never screen Star Wars again. I swear it’s like Kathleen and Disney are trying their darnest to kill this franchise.
I love chinks now. First they ban nigger music and culture and now they will make soy wars flop one more time
they also banned gay movies and edited out the gay kiss in alien covenant.
>communists are smarter than white capitalists
what reality are we in?
...wings on my penis
If they want to ever release another Star Wars movie in China, the next Star Wars can't fail. This isn't just a tactic to trick audiences, they can't pull the movie from China without admitting failure, and they can't have the Star Wars brand further damaged. It's a calculated move.
They watch bottom of the barrel filth, lets not kid outselves
but the stuff they like such as fast and furious is fun schlock, the last jedi is miserable propaganda
>Only 30 foreign films allowed in chink cinemas per year
>Solo is one of them
you'll be delusional if you think this will flop in china
this movie will exactly not flop in china because it's the fist white (yeah, I know you wanna post it, but don't bother) male lead star wars movie since revenge of the sith.
>fist white
Um no sweetie. He was literally casted from a Bar Mitzsvah.
I see you don't read.
The truth must come out you kike
"jews are white - Mike Stoklasa
So are you, my little soytoy.