Why haven’t you joined yet?
Why haven’t you joined yet?
>Sup Forums Discord
Cause im not a faggot.
Official in what way? Provide documentation.
because the link has expired
why do people like Discord?
Just IRC with voices
what makes it official? who the fuck are you?
fuck off you faggot
Fuck off faggot
>making separate non-anonymous communication server for an anonymous imageboard
how about you make a facebook group while you're at it?
Fuck off faggot, reported
Because its better
i dont want to associate myself with pedophiles and white supremacists
the fbi is watching you
no thank you
I can imagine the calibre of person who'd populate that kind of environment and I choose to steer clear
literally dead
>an online place where I can shitpost about film and television
>an online place where I can shitpost about film and television... except this time it isn't anonymous and threads can't die
Gee I wonder why I haven't joined yet.
You're already on Sup Forums, buddy.
>requires log in to post
You don't want to socialize with Sup Forums outside their native environment. It's always memes and aids.