Kill six billion demons ksbd k6bd


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This is probably a fake out, and the first of many no doubt. If it somehow isn't, then I fucking called it last thread.

It's full of mimics.


>a dungeon where all the loot chests are mimics

Ah yes, the classic adventurers blunder. Remember kids, if you're ever exploring a dungeon, everything you encounter is a Mimic until proven otherwise.

Yes, this includes the dungeon itself. And if your friends ever vanish for a few seconds then reappear after claiming they were just taking a dump in a corner or something, they're probably a doppleganger and you should start trying to kill them.

goddamn mimics.

Always suspect mimics.

like it so far.

Alright, so what's Throne's timeline? How long ago was the Universal War? How old is Maya? If there are unused parts of Mannon's fortress that are hundreds of years abandoned, then he must have been a demiurge for at least that long.

pretty sure the Universal War was thousands of years ago. All of the seven have been demiurges since then.

There are just some weird discrepancies, most notably Maya's age. If she was around during the universal war and one of the original seven, she would have to been ousted pretty quickly for people not to recognize her. So how has she barely aged in thousands of years if she's just a human?

This is why you always do a room check before walking into said room

Aren't the servant races almost inmortal?

Special breathing techniques or something like yoga.

Smugbeard uses the same method for his immortality.


She wasn't one of the Seven, there were millions of demiurges when the war started.

She was, or was about to be. Incubus took her key, her throne, and her army.

Or perhaps she gave them all up. We don't know yet.

Storytime user?

Loved this answer.

Cool, treasure bugs!

I fucking love Dungeon Meshi.

The way I figure it, she has the power of a demiurge, she just hasn't become a demiurge with it. Instead, she just wanders around eating noodles and being a mercenary and fighting.

At least Cio still occasionally throws some insults at Allison after two books

I always thought Incubus dethroned her using a bomb or something dishonorable early in the war, it would explain the disrespect since he showed he was too weak to fight and they've never dropped it and the scars on Maya's head.

>Abby actually used the /tg/ coin mimic greentext in his comic
The absolute fucking madman

I seriously doubt that's a thing between MOST of the demiurges. Besides, YISUN would probably approve of a "dishonorable" method of attaining power. He loved Aesma, remember?

Mimics in a treasure vault dungeon. Of course.

A face/appearances thing then; he showed his hand to the rest of the table like a rookie an they're rubbing it in.

More likely he got it as leftovers or sloppy seconds. Mammon isn't too disrespected and he literally bought his key. Though, having the money to buy it is evidence enough of his worth to bear it.

Mm. You don't need a key to be a demiurge, and just because you're a demiurge, that doesn't automatically mean you're immortal. Just look at Mottom, who's had to rely on external methods to keep herself youthful.

Again, the original demiurges didn't even need their keys to achieve what they did when they first came into Throne. Achieving immortality, I'm sure, wouldn't need the most enlightened to use a key. That said, Maya does have a leystone on her.

As for the issue about Maya. Perhaps that it's because Incubus DIDN'T manage to get the key by guile, but simply because Maya refused it? Decided to follow after her teacher and live in squalor as a hobo instead. Even Mottom got her key by killing her husband in her sleep. Not a noble, admirable method nor a very well thought-out one, but at the very least, she got her key from the force of her will.

The opportunity to get the key didn't just fall into his lap but was passed on over to him. Maybe that's why he feels so indignant about anyone questioning his claim to his throne.

>Mottom got her key by killing her husband in her sleep
Forgot about that, makes sense then that the forfeit win looks super wussy to them. On a somewhat related note, what were the power levels again?

Of the Seven? Probably Jagganoth at the top follow by Solomon and Jadis. We haven't really seen enough about what all of them can do.

From memory, so it may not be entirely accurateL
Jadis (Prime) > Jagganoth > Solomon David > Gog Agog > Jadis > Incubus > Mottom > Mammon

With Gog Agog actually being the strongest if she could get her shit together.

>Mottom got her key by killing her husband in her sleep
Shit, should have said in HIS sleep.

I recall Mammon is the weakest power-wise but also very difficult to kill.

Jadis is currently only stronger than Mammon.

>but also very difficult to kill.
In what way?

Abbadon said that due to his sheer size and toughness he's difficult to kill.

Something to do with him being a 'monster,' which was stated in a fashion that made it seem like his greatest advantage and disadvantage simultaneously.

Ah, I found the related tumblr question.
>Q: All all the demiurges (our great Red God excluded now and the Master key, of course) as powerful as each other? Is it all down to the keys in their foreheads, or does the individual its in determine the power they can wield?
>A: Some are definitely more powerful than others (in personal abilities). Probably the rankings I’d have to go with are Jagganoth > Jadis (pre-entombing) > Solomon >Gog-Agog > Incubus > Mottom > Jadis (post-entombing) > Mammon.
>Mammon only for reasons that will become apparent in the next book. He’s a monster - he’s called the Grand Dragon for a reason.
>No angel is more powerful than a demiurge by the way save Metatron - I’ve seen people mention that and not sure where they are getting that from.
Made a mistake with where Jadis pre- and post- entombment states would rank among the others.

>>No angel is more powerful than a demiurge by the way save Metatron - I’ve seen people mention that and not sure where they are getting that from.
I assume it's when the Thorns beheaded Zoss, not realizing he's beyond causality or shit like that

Quick, tell me about your KSBD characters. Either ones you submitted to one of the contests, one you would have liked to submit to a contest, or one you came up with for a Broken World game.

I'm in need of ideas for the latter.

Ah, found a related question to that Maya Question.
>Q: How long is an average human lifespan through the multiverses? They're not immortal like all the other races, but it seems here on our earth a human can live a little bit past 100 and we're not sure of the upper limit. Is there variance between the different types of humans? Is there technology to extend well past 100? I'm asking because I'm wondering how long the original demiurges lived, since they're probably the peak a human can reach.
>A: I imagine there’s some biblical/qigong shit involved and a few cases where humans can live to 900+ years in some cases for sure. Maya is human and she’s super, duper old (and so are many of the demiurges), I think they’re alive mostly through martial arts bullshit, which probably puts into perspective for you how terrible Mottom’s method of keeping herself alive is.

I love mimics.

The very first thing I thought of. Knowing Throne, there's someone who eats these things too.

>It's a mimic episode

I asked a good question that day

Post it

>Populate your endless vault with a self sufficient population of mimics
Always think ahead.

It would be FUN if all of Mammon's treasure turned out to be mimics.

Also, can someone post the Reach Heaven through violence picture? Been looking por it, but to no avail.

Wasn't about mimics but it's pretty close.
And Abby has been known to post on /tg/

That's a pretty cool idea.

So inmortality / millenary age is easier to attain that it looked like?

Cio is being rude

Oh no, it's still butt fucking hard. Either a lifetime of dedication to a martial art(violence), or through real icky means like Mama Om involving virgin blood(violence).

Not immortality at all. But you may be able to figure out to live pretty long. This seems like a setting where intense dedication to something can have you live as long as you need to complete your task.

Some humans just naturally have longer lifespans, apparently, but if you want to live REALLY long, then you're going to have to get serious about attaining immortality.

I mean, even in wuxia stuff where people can extend their lifespans through studying martial arts, only the rare talents are able to reach the highest levels (and, thus, the greatest longevities). So perhaps finding ways to extend your lifespan are more accessible than you think, it's just harder to extend it beyond a certain point without enough talent and skill.

Not really. It implies mastering certain techniques and/or powers that, probably, imply certain death to most of those who take their practice. It will also take centuries to master, so maybe the reason their adepts live for so long is because they're not willing to die until they're done with it.

Maybe that's what "Reach Heaven through violence" means; Heaven being the status of perfect mastery over one's life path.

Maybe not easier, but well, it's kinda like this.

The guys who do the martial arts route of immortality are going through grueling training, decades of effort, and more often than not probably risking their lives in constant battle to reach the point where they can tell their bodies "shut the fuck up, we're not aging any more".

Mottom on the other hand was, well, not martially inclined. Now don't get me wrong, she was ready and willing to slaughter countless people to get her way, but when it came to dealing with problems (like say mortality) she took the easy way out. Hell Alison said it best she was a coward looking to throw her problems away instead of solve them. Killing the tree, she could have done that, cleaning out her court of sychophants in an orgy of blood and violence, could have done that, achieving immortality the hard way, she could have done that too, instead she chose to languish in her castle, surround herself with opulence and luxury, and then claim she's the wronged party even though every one of her problems was of her own design.

The bitch was lazy.

>the entire fortress is a mimic
>it's not infinite, it's just alive and shifts around

"Hey Incubus, take care of this key while I go to get cigarettes from the store down the street"

Reach heaven through violence is actually a slight misquote of Vivec to Nerevar in Sermon 16. Nerevar tells Vivec that he's worried about becoming slipshod in his thinking (trying to follow Vivec's advice) so Vivec tells him "Reach heaven by violence then." Violence in this case means Love, which is a bit complicated. The short version is that Love is the clash of the two mutually opposed forces of inevitable mortality and timeless divinity that makes up a mortal, allowing them to express an unrivaled creative potential and incredible free will to let them transcend their existence into something greater. Heaven isn't immortality, but more of a mix of Buddhist enlightenment and a juvenile power fantasy. Basically what Zoss is presently working on.

Honor Lives

Awesome. Thanks,user.

Mammon isn't the one that's hard to kill, that's Gog. Gog is basically a sentient hive. Mottom straight up exploded their head and Gog was just slightly annoyed at the lost progress. Even Jagg and Solomon would find fighting Gog difficult just because of how odd their body is.
Mammon is weakest for plot reasons. Most likely he didn't get back that piece of power Cio stole from him, so he has less than the other demiurges. But that's speculation.

get outta here, kaladin

>Mammon is weakest for plot reasons. Most likely he didn't get back that piece of power Cio stole from him, so he has less than the other demiurges. But that's speculation.
Nah. The piece of power Cio stole from him was very, very small (in her own words, a tiny little sliver). But that doesn't take away from the fact that she was able to do so at all, or that that very small fragment was already extremely powerful.

And he GOT that sliver back, user. Don't you remember how Cio got absolutely trashed? She regretted ever having gone up against Mammon. He's not missing any of his power at all. It's just that he's a Servant and Servants are naturally a bit weaker in terms of the strength of their flames. Mammon is sure to be exceptional among Servants, but guess what: The other Demiurges are exceptional people as well.

>The piece of power Cio stole from him was very, very small (in her own words, a tiny little sliver)
Even if it was small, it's still something. The demiurges all had an even amount of keys - 111,111 each. Every key spent or traded away is weakness. For Mammon it was worse because he didn't even get a loyal servant or trade for it. It was just lost power.

>And he GOT that sliver back, user. Don't you remember how Cio got absolutely trashed?
She got trashed when she was raided by a fuckton of angels. Why would the angels give the key to Mammon. If anything people should be worried that it's possible 2 Michael has it stashed away.

Here's a thorn knight I drew up, if there's ever a future contest for it.

Needs more spikes

I mean, I'm going to refine his define if there ever is an actual contest. As for why there's no spikes, I actually wrote up a prompt for that:

>“24 Might Obstructs Ruin, Decay, Evanescent, and Neglect, also known as Morden, the Smooth-Shelled, is a little-known angel that once served under Throne, who has since joined the fraternity of Thorn. Despite his new allegiance, however, he has refused a change of regalia, and thus retains his old coat of arms from his days as a protector. It is said that he has never once retreated from his armor since his conception as an angel; supposedly as a way of upholding an oath to one he could not protect in days’ past.” (in reality it’s because his true form is a mess of plasma and organs, and due to his super-OCD he hates being in it, as evidenced by his symmetrical armor and namesake.)

Hey, these guy's are a bit like prince Kardassian's wives.

>Even if it was small, it's still something. The demiurges all had an even amount of keys - 111,111 each. Every key spent or traded away is weakness. For Mammon it was worse because he didn't even get a loyal servant or trade for it. It was just lost power.
user. You're in a weak position to argue from. It's still only a tiny bit of power and you're acting as if having that "tiny little sliver" missing was what bumped him down below Mottom. Don't hold onto your position so hard that you start making hard to believe arguments instead of just accepting it's a lost point.
>She got trashed when she was raided by a fuckton of angels. Why would the angels give the key to Mammon. If anything people should be worried that it's possible 2 Michael has it stashed away.
That's silly, user. Mammon is thorough and keeping the key away from him would be a direct act of aggression. And if it's so dangerous for 2 Michael to have it, why would you think any Demiurge would let him keep it? Or that Mammon is incapable of taking it back by force? No angel is stronger than a Demiurge save for Metatron himself and Mammon has the deepest pockets.

Which begs the question why 2 Michael would ever think he could get away with snatching the key from Cio's forehead and expect no one would suspect him and why he'd even bother with such a direct act of aggression against the Demiurges instead of patiently waiting for a chance to act (like, say, the current time in the comic).

Don't get so attached to your arguments that you willingly blind yourself to the obvious.

They gave the key back to Mammom because the demiurges are order as shitty and tenuous as it may be and that is what the angels serve. They serve the laws the demiurges set in place because they are the only laws that exist. Making Mammom weaker than the other demiurges is not conducive to peace.

Michael probably wouldn't be able to do much with a key. Abbadon said once that if an angel got a key they would do PROBABLY nothing. An angel is too orderly to use it. There are exceptions though probably like 6 Juggernaut who is somehow able to use the art against his nature.

So, which demon is going to kill the most mimics?

My boy cat master

Cats would have a field day with all those little coin bugs.

>Mottom on the other hand was, well, not martially inclined.
Actually it was confirmed that she can fight pretty well. I just doubt she has the commitment to actually achieve immortality through it.

If the seven demiurges are parallels to the seven deadly sins, why does it seem both Mottom and Mammom both represent greed?

Mottom's gluttony, actually. Though to be fair, some would argue that most of the deadly sins are all variations of the same thing.


Is Mottom gluttonous, or just her court? It's weird how Mottom is actually portrayed as envious of others having another "normal" lifestyle, rather than herself being decadent.

What said, but also because they're complex characters not personifications of an idea simplified to be presented for little kids and dumb people. Which is pretty much what happens when you want to impose your ideas on others rather than tell a story. Since this is a comic that is about story, that happens to incorporate elements from various religions, and it's pretty well written you won't see many characters like that.

>they're complex characters not personifications of an idea

Then why does the author make the allusion at all? If make the connection, but the connection is tenious, it leaves me to question the writer's ability and or intent.

Because it was cool I would assume. Not everything is completely thought out, and things change, which he said himself. If you need everything to be straightforward and obvious then why are you reading a comic about people defying rules of the universe where it's hard to tell who's lying and who thinks they're telling the truth?

That's what user said.

Gluttony is often represented as addiction. It's the unrelenting need for more that can never be satiated and put aside. You can be aware of your addiction and if you have a strong will, you can put an end to it. If you don't, you're likely to try and cheat your way out of it, or try all sorts of fads to escape it.

In this case, Allison was Mottom's intended cheat to escape her addiction to power. She wanted to be able to enjoy more and more power entering her court without having to carry the responsibility of managing it, which was becoming a crushing burden she was terrified of. If she made Allison a figurehead that had to manage her empire for her, then in her eyes, she would be free to enjoy the spoils of power without having to live with the detrimental side-effects.

Mottom's story is that of an addict that's totally out of control, forever wanting more of what she already has without wanting to suffer the downsides. She wants to drink more without ruining her liver, she wants to smoke more without ruining her lungs, she wants to eat more without getting fat, she wants more power without the responsibility.

She ravenously devoured that youth fruit.

And yes, her courts have also grown fat with decadence.

I don't think the 7 exactly line up with the seven sins, aren't they taking after something else that's very similar to that from some other culture/religion?

fucking mimics.

also, that was mean Cio.

I think the implication is that Meti was the demiurge, and Maya was her chosen successor. Incubus got/took the crown though.

Monkey is cute! CUTE!

>Everything is mimics

Nah, it's pretty clear that it's Maya who Incubus got his key from. Meti was (is?) powerful and definitely on demiurge level, but I'm fairly sure she was never one of the Seven.

Abaddon has said Meti would shit on any of the seven and even Zoss might not win against her.

>and even Zoss might not win against her.

>>citation needed

>If anything people should be worried that it's possible 2 Michael has it stashed away.

I don't think angels can possess the keys, that's why they need a puppet to rule through instead of just taking it themselves.

>Meti could probably stand up to and absolutely destroy anyone in the comic, the point is that she doesn’t. I’m hoping to explore this a lot more in the little backstory segments with Maya, because Meti herself is not comfortable with this, and part of her training with Maya is exploring that conundrum of exercising force (even for good intent) simply breeding more violence.

I got a squad of four angels who work as private eyes around Throne. They aren't Harmonies, but they aren't Thorn Knights either, they just do their own thing.
55 Prismatic Mill of Blades Shreds the Unrepentant into Slurry ("Slurry" for short) is a Vapor Angel and the one doing most of the fighting and who knows a lot about corpses and causes of death. They're almost a pitch perfect Harmony save for a weird fascination with violence and blood knight tendencies. They also don't say the "forgive me for this violence" prayer before battle. They wield blades and use a martial art called the Glantrakastr Cutting Stances.
32 Eternal Bloodhound of the Red City's Watch ("Bloodhound") is a Vapor Angel and the one who examines the crime scene and is very good at tracking. They are blind but their sense of smell is supernatural. Considered oddly emotional for an angel, jolly and overly friendly, with an animalistic dash. Fights barehanded and uses a martial art called the Sov-Yan Systematics which methodically disables the opponent.


12 Doubting Plum Tree In a Fortress Courtyard Still Sprouts Fruits ("Plum Tree") is a Metamorphic Angel and the thinker of the group. A sour old man essentially, they're an old angel and know old and weird lore and mythology. They try to guess at the culprit's motivation. They fight barehanded and use the Patram Sword Hand just like White Chain.
47 Black Heart Curdled In Spirits Beats a Battle Hymn ("Heart", or "Black Heart" if you want to insult her) is a Liquid Angel and the crew's connections guy who knows all sorts of criminal elements amd information sources. She's considered a total lost cause by the Harmonies: she's gendered, she cavorts with devils (a source of her connections) and consumes alcohol. Her name is derogatory and "Black Heart" implies she's more like a devil than an angel. Generally cheery and laid-back unless you bring up how far she strayed from the path of angels, which is a big berserk button for her. Paints her shell for funsies. Wields bombs and uses an explosive-based martial art, "Incendiary Arts - Way of the Shrapnel".


> (OP)
>Cio is being rude

Cio is deeply, horribly, conflicted right now.

She just confessed her little blue heart out, and all her lovely Godking seems to want her to do is turn back into the heartless fiend she used to be.

"Why does she want me to go back to... that? I'm right here, right now!"

Poor Cio. No wonder she's snappish.