When you realize their are people who literally can't watch horror films
When you realize their are people who literally can't watch horror films
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Why would I want to be scared?
>TFW when movie scares you more than you expected.
I would like to, but I just don't like the feeling of being scared. Last one I saw was the Witch and I liked it, but it had very few jump scares.
I also think that this genre as well as romantic comedies are the most prone to unimaginative and redundant stories.
That's the original. I want the shoop
go jews...
why should an entire movie, or any piece of art, be dedicated to a single, specific emotion rather than try to combine and contrast different emotions in interesting ways
Horror movies do not scare me because rarely are they good enough for me really care about the characters. A film with adequate character building will inspire the same feelings in viewers tike after time, most horror films today fail to do that due to overrealiance on shock value.