What are some amerikinos?

what are some amerikinos?

Damn Jessi really let herself go after Mike broke up with her

Jesse looks like that now?

holy fuck

She’s cuter than Mrs. Evans

That is hotter than his actual girlfriend. Poor rich.

That’s literally who I thought it was. Who is she?

post full pic next time

Rich Evans' sister

Who's the dude on the left?

his "buddy"

His wife apparently

user saw Mike and Jesse leave a jewelry store in a mall in Milwaukee. Seeing as Jesse is basically unemployed (a directors credit is not actual work) then it stands to reason Mike bought it, most likely with Patreon cash.

Bought what?

Rich's gf

which one is Rich?

Ok that's a better pic but she still looks like she should be speerunning video games if you catch my drift.

The ugly one.

Some $5,000 wedding ring

Soon as he bought it for her about a month later she called off the engagement, broke up with Mike and made a quick couple of thousand bucks just for putting up with Mike's drinking and constant bullshit

Rich Evans married high high school sweetheart after failing to get any other women in twenty years. He has to use subtitles on the tv because she complains if it's too loud. She also looks like a dude. I feel really bad for him and it's kinda making his content less entertaining since his life has gone nowhere and he still is broke and living in a shit hole apartment wearing clothes that Goodwill would throw in the trash.

atleast she was skinnier back in the day, still looks like Dave Grohl though

his special """""lady""""" friend

>it's an RLM fanfic episode

>he still is broke and living in a shit hole apartment wearing clothes that Goodwill would throw in the trash